2019-08-25, 13:26
I got this but not sure if its right
(2019-08-25, 13:26)Mince Wrote: I got this but not sure if its rightFirst you need to install MAME in LibreELEC. Once MAME is installed you need to point to the MAME executable. Please ask in the LibreELEC forum about how to install MAME.
(2019-11-08, 05:57)Dax9 Wrote: Due to a change in its format, History.dat 2.15 causes an error in AML. Softlists containing the same games are now listed on separate lines; details are here:
For now, the previous History.dat 2.14 can be used with AML so it will build its databases successfully.
FEATURE [CORE] For Software Lists, instead of showing the number of ROMs show the number
of Items in Flat display mode or Parents in Parent/Clone display mode.
FEATURE [CORE] Support for MASH's Alltime.ini.
FEATURE [CORE] Improvements in the JSON index of DAT files. Use dictionaries and not list
to reduce JSON file size and speed up data access.
FEATURE [CORE] Improved main statistics.
FEATURE [CORE] Improve some Software List long names until they are fixed in MAME repository.
FIX Fixed conversion to int of addon version str in fs_AML_version_str_to_int()
FIX New history.dat makes AML to crash because one entry could be for more than one
machine. In addition, the same description can be used over several SLs.
The section of History.dat 2.17 causing the error is:python:2020-01-04 11:49:56.338 T:772 NOTICE: AML INFO : mame_load_History_DAT() Parsing "C:\EMU\MAME\ini\history.dat"
2020-01-04 11:49:56.707 T:772 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: Wrong header "$megadriv=" (line 86,415)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.AML\addon.py", line 36, in <module>
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.AML\resources\main.py", line 405, in run_plugin
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.AML\resources\main.py", line 6088, in command_context_setup_plugin
data_dic = mame_build_MAME_main_database(g_PATHS, g_settings, control_dic, __addon_version__)
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.AML\resources\mame.py", line 3872, in mame_build_MAME_main_database
(history_idx_dic, history_dic, history_version) = mame_load_History_DAT(HISTORY_FN.getPath())
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.AML\resources\mame.py", line 788, in mame_load_History_DAT
raise TypeError('Wrong header "{}" (line {:,})'.format(line_str, line_number))
TypeError: Wrong header "$megadriv=" (line 86,415)
-->End of Python script error report<--
AML 0.9.11 loads History.dat 2.16 OK and seems to be working fine with MAME 0.217python:$megadriv=
is possible. However, it could affect AML performance because the history database in JSON format is quite big. With the current implementation the DAT files are read only when requested by the user from the context menu. Another possibility is to add an option so the plot can have the information as it is now OR the contents of History.dat. When I had time I will do some changes to the code so we can work out what works best.
Quote:MAME Catalog database needs to be built. Use the context menu "Setup plugin" in root window.Where is the "root window" and how to setup the database?
(2020-01-16, 14:20)Milan0 Wrote: Im unsing libreELEC on a Raspberry PI 4 (4GB)
I get an error message at launch of AML.
Quote:MAME Catalog database needs to be built. Use the context menu "Setup plugin" in root window.Where is the "root window" and how to setup the database?
i try`d to set up on the AML in the settings, but what is the path?
I don`t have the /home/... directory, just have the / (root) directory.
I also install the emulator Add-on´s, but what is the path to the emulator?
. You can then create the following directories to setup AML/storage/AML-ROMs/
infolabel. This code just loads the files AML_DATA_DIR/DAT_History_DB.json
MAME render cache
and MAME asset cache enabled
settings are both enabled to increase loading speed to maximum. I'm using a powerful computer so most users will have a much less powerful computer as their HTPC box, in other words, the times reported here are very optimistic. In all the tests I load the Main filter Machines with coin slot (Normal) which I think is the worst case in AML (biggest filer most user will use regularly).Render History.DAT infolabel
enabled OFF I get (this is equivalent to current AML operation):NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading catalog 0.0200 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading render db 0.1760 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading assets db 0.1680 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading pclone dic 0.0280 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading MAME favs 0.0000 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading History.DAT 0.0000 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading time 0.3920 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Processing time 0.1450 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Rendering time 0.5730 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Total time 1.1100 s
Render History.DAT infolabel
ON I get.NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading catalog 0.0210 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading render db 0.1790 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading assets db 0.1780 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading pclone dic 0.0280 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading MAME favs 0.0010 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading History.DAT 0.6710 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Loading time 1.0780 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Processing time 0.1470 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Rendering time 0.5560 s
NOTICE: AML DEBUG: Total time 1.7810 s