(2017-05-26, 04:53)balnafasae Wrote: (2017-05-25, 19:10)primaeval Wrote: (2017-05-25, 16:02)balnafasae Wrote: Hi primaeval. sorry for a noob question can i make the streams from addons to be linked to the iptv simple client ?
Yes. That is the purpose of this addon.
thanks for the quick response. but i couldnt find a way how to add the channels to be displayed under the TV tab. when i open the pvr plugin addon, I shows the list of addons and my strm streams under PVR folder. when i click them it runs just like the videos. and in Channels folder nothing shows up and i coudlnt find any menu that might help me to link the streams to iptv client. can you please tell me how to do that? im a total noob in this regard and new to kodi. thanks in advance
Don't try to add the PVR Folder or you will create a recursive loop and probably destroy the fabric of the universe.
How far did you get with the Quick Start?
Here is a concrete example:
Install PVR Plugin Player.
PVR Plugin Player \ Channels \ (right click) \ Add Channel \ bbc one
PVR Plugin Player \ Channels \ (right click) \ Export m3u
PVR Plugin Player \ Folders \ iPlayer WWW \ iPlayer : watch live \ (right click) \ Add Folder
Kodi \ System \ Addons \ My addons \ pvr clients \ PVR Iptv Simple Client \ (right click) \ Configure \ Location \ Local Path \
(find this file on your device) "userdata\addon_data\plugin.video.pvr.plugin.player\channels.m3u"
Kodi \ System \ TV \ General \ Enabled = on
Restart Kodi
Kodi \ TV \ Channels \ bbc one \ (list of bbc one channels) \ [plugin.video.iplayerwww] BBC One
If you want it to cache the search results then enable the Timer in the PVR Plugin Player settings.
Add your xmltv file to PVR IPTV Simple Client.