In Kodi 18 they have added a new feature - being able to use plugin links inside an M3U file for the use of Kodi PVR/TV.
In Kodi 17.6 - this feature is missing, so I am trying now to use your plugin for that. The reason is, that I we have here this IPTV plugin:
Which a few of it's links are dynamic (using cookies), and static links do not work for more then a day... This is one:
http://keshethlslive-i.akamaihd.net/hls/...ozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36&Cookie=hdntl%3Dexp%3D1526383245%7Eacl%3D%252f%2A%7Edata%3Dhdntl%7Ehmac%3D80602448a98244e682aaf4967d8816b7ea31d5f675efc2a08f4be8144407fb6b;removed_hdnts%3Dst%3D1526296725%7Eexp%3D1526297625%7Eacl%3D/%2A%7Ehmac%3D3654a356e5543452248b29b104ffb1bfe30e100d93b3320166d4270001d98e23;_alid_%3DuhrHjNjdCT6IoIn2PMdYZg%3D%3D&Referer=http://keshethlslive-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live
So in the M3U file for Kodi 17 PVR; I am trying to use:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="12" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://thumbs2.imagebam.com/de/fd/ae/384417784878073.jpg" group-title="עידן++", For Testing 12
The problem with this is that KOdi issue an eror in the log, but DOES activate your plugin. So we can see the plugin player UI, and not the PVR player UI (including EPG recording etc).
This is the log form Kodi:
I was trying to read about M3U format here:
http://xmtvplayer.com/build-m3u-file but I am no expert, so no help...
Can you think of a way to format the player link using your addon so the result will be the same for Kosi 17 as with Kodi 18 - a "native" PVR player UI for that dynamic link the player generates?