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Beta PVR Plugin Player - Play Addon Streams in the PVR
(2018-02-24, 23:10)Nachtfalke45 Wrote: I have cleared out the addon_data folder but i get the same error.
 I need some more data to work with.
What happens when you clear out everything and add a folder with no special unicode characters like the bullet character?
I usually use iplayerWWW for my testing but even YouTube should work.
I need to know if it is a unicode, datetime, Kodi version or Linux problem.
 PVR Plugin Player won't recursively hunt through a whole addon.
You need to specify each Folder you want to search in.
I don't get an exception at the datetime line either. I wonder if Linux is using a different python library.
The only thing that could be a problem is the throwaway line. LibreELEC might need it. I tested it on Ubuntu and that was ok.
I've added it to in version 0.0.14. See if that fixes it.
The new version works now.

Thamk you!
(2017-11-17, 11:54)primaeval Wrote: version 0.0.12
- leia fix (thanks dh4rry)

Thanks for the fix. It's in the repo now.

@primaeval  sorry, I've been bothering on your fullscreen tv guide addon too, haha. Are you still supporting this addon? I'm testing to see if going with this or your fullscreen addon, so I'm split because I like the pvr interface. 

Do you know of a better workaround for leia than the dummy video? It sees it cause all the EPG info to not carry when playing the stream. So when pressing info, its blank, title null, and causes the player to show up with the regular player buttons, not the pvr player buttons (if that makes sense). If you give a bad link, it seems to play the dummy video while kodi is waiting to resolve the link, the epg info and correct player for the channel is displayed.
(2018-04-06, 00:50)coremailrx8 Wrote:
(2017-11-17, 11:54)primaeval Wrote: version 0.0.12
- leia fix (thanks dh4rry)

Thanks for the fix. It's in the repo now.

@primaeval  sorry, I've been bothering on your fullscreen tv guide addon too, haha. Are you still supporting this addon? I'm testing to see if going with this or your fullscreen addon, so I'm split because I like the pvr interface. 

Do you know of a better workaround for leia than the dummy video? It sees it cause all the EPG info to not carry when playing the stream. So when pressing info, its blank, title null, and causes the player to show up with the regular player buttons, not the pvr player buttons (if that makes sense). If you give a bad link, it seems to play the dummy video while kodi is waiting to resolve the link, the epg info and correct player for the channel is displayed. 
 When PVR Plugin Player plays a stream from an addon it just resolves the link to the addon stream with the plugin://  protocol address.
It is just like playing a stream through the Kodi\Video Addons menu.
If they resolve to an http url they should play as a normal pvr channel.
However, some directly play the stream with the xbmc.Player().play function and don't resolve the url. Those won't show the pvr osd menus.

If you want to add a few channels that have pretty stable urls you could either look in the kodi.log for their urls or add some print statements in their addon code to detect them.
The tricky part is when they exchange unique tokens every time a url is played.

Did the & fix work? I'll release it if it did.
(2018-04-06, 09:35)primaeval Wrote: Did the & fix work? I'll release it if it did.

I haven't had a chance to test it, I've been all over the place, plus I am using Kodi 18 so I guess I have to try it on Krypton first before I know if it does or doesn't work, right? I'll play around with it this weekend. Thanks for all the info!!!
(2018-04-06, 18:15)coremailrx8 Wrote:
(2018-04-06, 09:35)primaeval Wrote: Did the & fix work? I'll release it if it did.

I haven't had a chance to test it, I've been all over the place, plus I am using Kodi 18 so I guess I have to try it on Krypton first before I know if it does or doesn't work, right? I'll play around with it this weekend. Thanks for all the info!!! 
 It should work on Leia but not Jarvis, so you should be ok.
In Kodi 18 they have added a new feature - being able to use plugin links inside an M3U file for the use of Kodi PVR/TV.
In Kodi 17.6 - this feature is missing, so I am trying now to use your plugin for that. The reason is, that I we have here this IPTV plugin:

Which a few of it's links are dynamic (using cookies), and static links do not work for more then a day...  This is one: (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36&Cookie=hdntl%3Dexp%3D1526383245%7Eacl%3D%252f%2A%7Edata%3Dhdntl%7Ehmac%3D80602448a98244e682aaf4967d8816b7ea31d5f675efc2a08f4be8144407fb6b;removed_hdnts%3Dst%3D1526296725%7Eexp%3D1526297625%7Eacl%3D/%2A%7Ehmac%3D3654a356e5543452248b29b104ffb1bfe30e100d93b3320166d4270001d98e23;_alid_%3DuhrHjNjdCT6IoIn2PMdYZg%3D%3D&Referer=

So in the M3U file for Kodi 17 PVR; I am trying to  use:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="12" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="" group-title="עידן++", For Testing 12

The problem with this is that KOdi issue an eror in the log, but DOES activate your plugin. So we can see the plugin player UI, and not the PVR player UI (including EPG recording etc).
This is the log form Kodi: 

I was trying to read about M3U format here:   but I am no expert, so no help...

Can you think of a way to format the player link using your addon so the result will be the same for Kosi 17 as with Kodi 18 - a "native" PVR player UI for that dynamic link the player generates?


It looks like there are a few issues in PVR Plugin Player with unicode.
I fixed one in 0.0.15 for the always search route.
I'll see if I can fix the rest later.
Try version 0.0.16.
I've fixed a couple of unicode bugs and the Browse function in Choose Stream...hopefully.

As an example I've make two channels 12 and 13.
I let 13 just do the default search and with 12 I chose the blahblah12 channel from "Choose Stream\Browse".

When I do the "Make m3u" it ends up with this:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="12keshet" tvg-name="12keshet" group-title="English" tvg-logo="12keshet.png",12keshet
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="13" tvg-name="13" group-title="English" tvg-logo="13.png",13

which matches the xmltv I generated from my "xmltv Meld" addon with the channels renamed as:
<channel id="12keshet">
    <display-name lang="he">12keshet</display-name>

<channel id="13">
    <display-name lang="he">13</display-name>

The channels were from the\Israel section.

See if you can follow that.
Setting the PVR client with these two inputs (m3u and this minimal guide-xml) work. Also using the guide from the site works (just that the programs info seems not so accurate, or out of sync...). 
I am not sure what should be different here from the previous version - 0.14?  

Let me see if we are in sync. I was using your addon successfully, buy was trying to point to an issue of not being able to view the stream that was played with your plugin in the usual format PVR is using (special buttons and small/big dispolays) - so: 
1) not able to play in a small window at all 
2) not having the PVR/TV buttons. 

See bellow:
On Kodi 17 without your plugin:

With your plugin the idanplus plugin format is being used, not the PVR format/buttons Sad

On Kodi 18 (w/o your plugin but with support to plugin://... in m3u  format included) :

Do you thing I/we are using the wrong format for the links in the M3U list?


PVR Plugin Player is a hack to get IPTV Simple Client to play streams from addons.
It doesn't actually redirect the video stream back into IPTV Simple Client.
It just launches the addon stream as if you clicked on it within the addon.

That could theoretically be done by playing the stream, capturing the url and redirecting back into IPTV Simple Client.
I had a look at it at one point but something prevented it working that I couldn't figure out.
I see.  I guess you can have a look at what they did in Kodi 18, where it is working... 

BTW, I got the links of the addon (idanplus) by just looking at the Kodi log....


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