HELP PLEASE ... posters being replaced by thumbnails
Forgive my english.
I am having this problem with kodi recently, when i try to update my local library it brings me thumbnails instead of posters like shown in this picture
i want posters showing like our friend Aladdin is doing in pic. shown above
here is what i have done to fix it but never succeed,
- changing the scrapper
- reinstall kodi
- install Jarvis
- install krypton
- updated artwork downloader.
- i was planning on reformatting my computer anyway, so i installed both Jarvis and Krypton after reformatting my laptop, and still have the same problem.
am i missing something??

thanks in advance.
be sure all you movies are in there own folder label with the movie name and year.... then set your scraper to md and let it scrape online if it still show up refresh the item.
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HELP PLEASE ... posters being replaced by thumbnails0
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