WIP Weather Unlocked

My first attempt at a weather add-on for Kodi. This is basically just a hack of an older version of @ronie's Yahoo! weather add-on (thanks for laying the groundwork @ronie!). I'm still trying to get a better understanding of some of the code behind this, but what I have now seems to be working smoothly on all my systems, so I figured maybe some other people might find this useful, and perhaps provide some feedback.

Please download from the link below:

Weather Unlocked - v 0.0.7

This is also available in my repo.

The add-on requires a free API key and APP ID from WeatherUnlocked, and will provide current conditions and 5 day forecast info.

Users can enter their location in a variety of formats:

City (Rome)
City and 2 digit state (Rome NY)
City and country (Rome Italy)

It also seems to work with US, UK, and Canadian postal codes, though the above mentioned methods seem to work best.

Tested on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 & Lubuntu 14.04), Mac OS (Lion), and Android (Lollipop), running Gotham, Isengard and Jarvis.

*** As the thread title indicates, this is a work in progress! ***

If you have any issues with the add-on, please post a debug log (wiki) to pastebin.com or similar site.
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: Roku Channel | LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked
I've pushed out a minor update since I had apparently missed a couple of weather conditions (partcloudrainthunderday and partcloudrainthundernight) in the utilities.py file. Also tinkered with the code as I found it can actually provide 6 days of forecast info instead of just 5.

Download from the first post, or if you have my repo installed and auto updates enabled you should probably already have the version 0.0.7 update.
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: Roku Channel | LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked

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