CU LRC Lyrics is terrible give me MiniLyrics
Well, I've been using the CU LRC Lyrics Kodi add-on for many years now and my experience is that if the LRC lyrics files are correctly named and formatted, then lyrics will be displayed 100% correctly and reliably by CU LRC Lyrics. Again in my experience when local LRC lyrics are not displayed at all it is always because their file names do not match the music tracks with which they should be associated and when there is a problem with the display of correctly named lyric files it has always been because there was a mistake in the lyric file itself and once this is corrected CU LRC Lyrics will display them correctly.

So if your LRC lyric files are named correctly and you then have a problem with the lyrics not being displayed correctly check the LRC lyric file(s) for errors.
I make all my LRC lyric files myself so am well aware that sometimes mistakes creep in but a quick check of the troublesome file always leads to the problem being found and corrected.
The configuration I find works perfectly and 100% reliably for me for music playback is Kodi with the Metropolis skin and the CU LRC Lyrics add-on.

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CU LRC Lyrics is terrible give me MiniLyrics1
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