Mod DialogMusicInfo for MQ7 Krypton
(2017-03-21, 16:17)JohnyBee Wrote: New version in first post. Full update.Wink

Woooow... Thank You JohnyBee, This is getting near perfect. just few suggestions:

1. Add the song # before the song name like on Angelinas screenshot.

2. Changing the album rating effects the rating at the bottom but not in the yellow star on the upper-right corner (see blue boxes in screenshot).

3. In my opinion the word "type" in the yellow box needs to be changed with "Type/Year".

4. Angelinas mode has an option for Playable list in down panel . you can scroll up and down through the list and play any song you pick from the album.

5. I think the menu flipped (left to right is now right to left) "resume" was on the left side on all previous ver. now it's on the left.


Thank you again for all your hard work.
Thank you for the great work for we music lovers!
I have one question and I tried to figure this out before asking.
If I play a song the cdart comes up and spins and is normal, but when I go into your addition by pressing "i" the disk below the album cover and the smaller one off to the right side are not circular they are slightly oval shaped, just enough to notice...............
What would cause this?
I assume it has something to do with my setup because I see images of others setups and the cd's appear circular.

@melons2 I think it has to do with the desktop size and position. It has to be a perfect 16:9 size unless the disk won't look as a perfect circle.
Quote:2. Changing the album rating effects the rating at the bottom but not in the yellow star........

The rating in star is from the Internet.
At the bottom of the screen is the user rating (local).
These are two different ratings.
Quote:5. I think the menu flipped (left to right is now right to left) "resume" was on the left side on all previous ver. now it's on the left.
I wonder about the optimal menu order.
(2017-03-22, 08:56)JohnyBee Wrote: @Dave.B
Quote:2. Changing the album rating effects the rating at the bottom but not in the yellow star........

The rating in star is from the Internet.
At the bottom of the screen is the user rating (local).
These are two different ratings.

@JohnyBee, Now it makes sense, Thank You.
Quote:3. In my opinion the word "type" in the yellow box needs to be changed with "Type/Year".
Ok, thanks
Quote:1. Add the song # before the song name like on Angelinas screenshot.
4. Angelinas mode has an option for Playable list in down panel . you can scroll up and down through the list and play any song you pick from the album.
DialogMusicInfo window is the only information window about music.
I'm not entirely convinced to expand the DialogMusicInfo window.
But I'll check how it looks.
JB Smile
(2017-03-22, 09:17)JohnyBee Wrote: @Dave.B
Quote:1. Add the song # before the song name like on Angelinas screenshot.
4. Angelinas mode has an option for Playable list in down panel . you can scroll up and down through the list and play any song you pick from the album.
DialogMusicInfo window is the only information window about music.
I'm not entirely convinced to expand the DialogMusicInfo window.
But I'll check how it looks.
JB Smile

@JohnyBee, I didn't realized that this will involved that match of a change. Thought it was something simple - just change the "." befor the song title with the song # from the album. The outcome should look like this: song # - song title - song duration.
If it is such a pain in the a#$ don't worry about it. It looks great as is.
(2017-03-21, 19:59)melons2 Wrote: Thank you for the great work for we music lovers!
I have one question and I tried to figure this out before asking.
If I play a song the cdart comes up and spins and is normal, but when I go into your addition by pressing "i" the disk below the album cover and the smaller one off to the right side are not circular they are slightly oval shaped, just enough to notice...............
What would cause this?
I assume it has something to do with my setup because I see images of others setups and the cd's appear circular.


Sorry, my mistake. Fixed in next update.
(2017-03-22, 09:25)Dave.B Wrote:
(2017-03-22, 09:17)JohnyBee Wrote: @Dave.B
Quote:1. Add the song # before the song name like on Angelinas screenshot.
4. Angelinas mode has an option for Playable list in down panel . you can scroll up and down through the list and play any song you pick from the album.
DialogMusicInfo window is the only information window about music.
I'm not entirely convinced to expand the DialogMusicInfo window.
But I'll check how it looks.
JB Smile

@JohnyBee, I didn't realized that this will involved that match of a change. Thought it was something simple - just change the "." befor the song title with the song # from the album. The outcome should look like this: song # - song title - song duration.
If it is such a pain in the a#$ don't worry about it. It looks great as is.

Thanks Smile

I use SkinHelper to display a list of songs
SkinHelper does not display the track number.
I'm looking for another solution.
(2017-03-22, 09:46)JohnyBee Wrote:
(2017-03-22, 09:25)Dave.B Wrote:
(2017-03-22, 09:17)JohnyBee Wrote: @Dave.B
DialogMusicInfo window is the only information window about music.
I'm not entirely convinced to expand the DialogMusicInfo window.
But I'll check how it looks.
JB Smile

@JohnyBee, I didn't realized that this will involved that match of a change. Thought it was something simple - just change the "." befor the song title with the song # from the album. The outcome should look like this: song # - song title - song duration.
If it is such a pain in the a#$ don't worry about it. It looks great as is.

Thanks Smile

I use SkinHelper to display a list of songs
SkinHelper does not display the track number.
I'm looking for another solution.

Good Luck! If it's any help, the xml code I sent you 2 days ago in a private message contained track #.
(2017-03-22, 09:55)Dave.B Wrote:
(2017-03-22, 09:46)JohnyBee Wrote:
(2017-03-22, 09:25)Dave.B Wrote: @JohnyBee, I didn't realized that this will involved that match of a change. Thought it was something simple - just change the "." befor the song title with the song # from the album. The outcome should look like this: song # - song title - song duration.
If it is such a pain in the a#$ don't worry about it. It looks great as is.

Thanks Smile

I use SkinHelper to display a list of songs
SkinHelper does not display the track number.
I'm looking for another solution.

Good Luck! If it's any help, the xml code I sent you 2 days ago in a private message contained track #.

File was not whole Sad
New version in first post JB_DialogMusicInfo 005 beta 2 Smile
(2017-03-22, 13:24)JohnyBee Wrote: New version in first post JB_DialogMusicInfo 005 beta 2 Smile

Love It !!!

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