(2017-08-13, 23:23)Angelinas Wrote: @Guilouz
Extended info button from dialogvideo doesent work for me......
From context menu open extended info.
This is fix for that button:
But have one strange situation (Kodi isue)
movie - open movie info
tvshow -open tvshow info
season - open tvshow info
episode - open season info
<include content="InfoDialogButton">
<param name="id" value="101" />
<param name="icon" value="icons/infodialogs/info.png" />
<param name="label" value="$LOCALIZE[31034]" />
<param name="onclick_1" value="RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=extendedinfo,name=$INFO[ListItem.Title])" />
<param name="visible" value="System.hasAddon(script.extendedinfo) + String.IsEqual(ListItem.DbType,movie)" />
<include content="InfoDialogButton">
<param name="id" value="105" />
<param name="icon" value="icons/infodialogs/info.png" />
<param name="label" value="$LOCALIZE[31034]" />
<param name="onclick_1" value="RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=extendedtvinfo,name=$INFO[ListItem.Title])" />
<param name="visible" value="System.hasAddon(script.extendedinfo) + [String.IsEqual(ListItem.DbType,tvshow) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.DbType,season)]" />
<include content="InfoDialogButton">
<param name="id" value="106" />
<param name="icon" value="icons/infodialogs/info.png" />
<param name="label" value="$LOCALIZE[31034]" />
<param name="onclick_1" value="RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=seasoninfo,tvshow=$INFO[ListItem.TVShowTitle],season=$INFO[ListItem.Season])" />
<param name="visible" value="System.hasAddon(script.extendedinfo) + String.IsEqual(ListItem.DbType,episode)" />
Just try, for me I have this :
movie - open movie info
tvshow -open tvshow info
season - open tvshow info
episode - open episode info
I use latest Extended Info Script and latest Kodi build.
EDIT : Just see via context menu, on season it open season.
movie - open movie info
tvshow -open tvshow info
season - open season info
episode - open episode info
Your code "RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=extendedinfo,name=$INFO[ListItem.Title])" is not correct for some movies it returns wrong movie (example for Beauty and the beast 2017, it return same movie but for 2014) because it use only $INFO[ListItem.Title]. Same for episodes.
With RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=openinfodialog), it retun the good movie because it use DBID.
Impossible to have Season info via Dialog video info, I have try many thing.
For context menu I use :
if db_type == "movie":
xbmc.executebuiltin("%sextendedinfo,dbid=%s,id=%s,name=%s)" % (BASE, dbid, remote_id, info.getTitle()))
elif db_type == "tvshow":
xbmc.executebuiltin("%sextendedtvinfo,dbid=%s,id=%s)" % (BASE, dbid, remote_id))
elif db_type == "season":
xbmc.executebuiltin("%sseasoninfo,tvshow=%s,season=%s)" % (BASE, info.getTVShowTitle(), info.getSeason()))
elif db_type in ["actor", "director"]:
xbmc.executebuiltin("%sextendedactorinfo,name=%s)" % (BASE, sys.listitem.getLabel()))
But for season it's not working on dialog video info.