Wiki confusion
The decription for buffermode 1 vs 2 on the Wiki here makes no sense whatsoever logic would say that 2 buffers more stuff than 1 but one of the descriptions states the opposite. Does anyone know for sure what is going on? Additionally on the same page memorysize or cachemembuffersize implies that it defaults to 0 as default values are usually shown

It says one thing on top "will only cache videos that use internet file paths/sources" then another in the shaded box for 0 "like "2" but additionally also ftp, webdav, etc"

Edit: same problems on advancedsettings page here
as far as i can tell, the info on the wiki is correct... i fail to spot any inconsistencies there.

but perhaps the point you're trying to make is only about the numbers we use, ie. 2 is greater than 1, so it should buffer more?
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Check the screenshot, these 2 statements conflict
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the setting levels basically mean this:
  • 0 - buffer all internet streams
  • 1 - buffer everything
  • 2 - buffer some internet streams
  • 3 - buffer nothing

personally i don't see a conflict in those two statements, they both say the default is to 'buffer internet streams'.
but it's a wiki... if you see room for improvement (or better clarification) please feel free to update the page.
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