v17 Wrong Dutch word
Hi guys,

I'm looking in several strings.po, but I'm not able to find it.

I'm using Kodi 17 on Windows 10, with DVBLink PVR Add On, with the Dutch language pack and in my Live TV section I have:

'Eindigd om' (Ends at) and that is incorrect.

But I'm not able to find it.

It is not in the addon for Dutch language. It is not in the language file of my Titan skin. It is not in the language file of the DVBLink addon.

Where it is?

Help Smile
Hey, I know you from the Groene Knop forum, right?

Sorry, don't have an actual answer... I am using DVBLink in the default skin and that seems ok.

Are you using an Acamd softcam as well?
Correct @Plantje Wink

I'm using a Octopus Net V2 Tuner with Alhacrypt CI's works like a charm. PM me.
Was the issue ever fixed?

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