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Mod Estuary Plus Skin - easier to read throughout
  • No, it's for RC5.
  • No, the change was for that special version only, you need to copy the two files MyPVRChannels.xml and DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml into any new version to transfer the modification. 
Could you put link of special version of MyPVRChannels.xml and DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml on first post. I wanna try it too, thx Smile
(2019-01-14, 14:52)linknet Wrote: @popy
  • No, it's for RC5.
  • No, the change was for that special version only, you need to copy the two files MyPVRChannels.xml and DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml into any new version to transfer the modification. 
Thx for the info.

Why not include it in the main branch?
(2019-01-26, 11:54)skupi Wrote: Could you put link of special version of MyPVRChannels.xml and DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml on first post. I wanna try it too, thx Smile

Sorry, I deleted it since it was only created as a trial.
(2019-01-26, 12:20)popy Wrote: Why not include it in the main branch? 
It was only created as a trial and I can read the current version without any problems so no reason to include it in any further versions.
I think i have the modded version.
Can you please include it?

Because when you can read it now you also can read it after [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
(2019-01-26, 17:48)popy Wrote: I think i have the modded version.
Can you please include it?

Because when you can read it now you also can read it after [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I'm quite happy with it as it is and therefore I don't think that is necessary to include it and that's my final answer on this topic  Smile
can i ask for private message with that two files Smile
(2019-01-26, 18:58)skupi Wrote: can i ask for private message with that two files

Sorry but I don't have them, I deleted them a while ago.  Sad
Estuary Plus Skin Updated for Kodi 18.0 Leia  Smile
thx for the update
thx for v18.1 support!
(2019-01-26, 18:58)skupi Wrote: can i ask for private message with that two files Smile
 Here is the actual (kodi v18.1 estuary plus skin with modified MyPVRChannels.xml and DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XngJS-...wWIDIyHOH8

Have fun
Estuary Plus Skin Updated for Kodi 18.2 Leia  Smile
Hi I’ve just installed kodi 18.2 but some repositories fail to install can someone please help me why this is happening i no the repo’s are right but still no look?
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