v17 Amber skin not remembering settings
I have tried this multiple times, and it always resets.

I disable menu items in Krypton with the latest available Amber skin. Fresh install because the update hosed my SD card on my Raspberry Pi.

Upon coming back 10 minutes later, I find menu items re-enabled. How do I fix this? This doesnt happen on the RPi that successfully updated to Krypton and the newest skin.
After changing the menu items, Reload the skin which should save all the settings. At least this was a bug in Jarvis. Don't know if it got fixed in subsequent updates.
LibreELEC v8.2.1 + Rpi 3
Android s912 (kodi v17.6)
Can also try adjusting your settings, quit Kodi, and re-launch. That's seemed to have fixed it for me.
Kodi Matrix on Raspberry Pi4 4GB Libreelec - Gigabit Ethernet - Served from unRaid shares
Estuary skin - Netflix plug-in (CastagnalT) - Amazon Video Plug-in

Kodi Matrix on Pi4 in the car with USB storage and Mausberry 4A Power supply w/safe shutdown - HiFiBerry Digi+ optical out to Alpine PXA-800
(2017-03-03, 15:58)Ainuke Wrote: Can also try adjusting your settings, quit Kodi, and re-launch. That's seemed to have fixed it for me.

Initially, the last Kodi update seemed to have fixed. Now its back again. If if i use the abve method eventually the revert back to default. Sometimes its 3 days sometimes its only 1. I can't go a week with the settings saved though. Things like backgrounds and home screen active/deactivate menus...

Im not sure if its Kodi or Amber...
Unfortunately this is a core Kodi issue not something that can be fixed by Amber or any other skin. You could try positing it into a more general forum section to highlight the problem. Hopefully, the more incidents there are the quicker it may get looked at.

Have you searched on trac top see if a bug\issue has been raised?

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Amber skin not remembering settings0