WideList Left Panel?
can someone please tell me where the code is for the elements circled in green below, i.e. the cover art and the plot text, in which file? seemed like it would be fairly easy to find but for the life of me i can't locate it.... i did have luck locating and editing the left panel dark background (includes.xml) which i wanted to lighten a bit so more of the fanart filtered through, and thought for sure the elements circled in green would be nearby but that wasn't the case...

mods, you can delete this if you want, figured it out....
If you figure something out, please let us all know so it can help others in the future Smile
Hey guys,

I am trying to mod the Skin to my preferences, but I am stuck as well with this problem, that I can't find how to mod the widelist-viewtype left panel, because the code isn't in the XML file. Since the OP figured out but hasn't say how, I would be happy if someone could point me into the right direction.

  <control type="image">
   <width>1520</width> this one but it look like othe things may need changing
   <texture border="0,0,52,0">lists/panel-mediamenu.png</texture>
Thank u Smile

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