Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Idea Discussion For GSco Project
Sir I want to do the Add python 3 support project . Could you please let me know more info about this project and repository.Specifically the requirements of the project. I know this is a little late to apply but i will try my best. Also, could you please tell me how to start to get involved and contribute?
Thank you
Think that you must make a much larger effort if you are really interesting to work a project for Kodi during the summer.

no offence but I don't believe that Kodi devlopers are looking to spoonfeed students on how to begin proposing an idea.

Suggest that you start by reading all the other threads and posts in this subforum and the post a better idea/proposal.

If you do not get a reply here then that means you have not posted enough information for someone to post a reply.

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