Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Okay i did it again sorry nickr i see now why my post is rubbish i had it in notepad++ to correct spelling errors and make sure my text was readable but well i not sure what went wrong but several lines were not copied over.

So sorry nickr, you were right rubbish post, i thought i was being clever making my post in notepad++ but was not clever enough to check my post after i hit send.
English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
Grampa Simpson: Unfortunately, like all true stories, this one has a crappy ending. You have a story with an ending.
Grampa, are you sure you're okay to drive at night? Grampa: It's night?
Banned add-ons
(2017-04-07, 20:28)kimkl Wrote: Okay i did it again sorry nickr i see now why my post is rubbish i had it in notepad++ to correct spelling errors and make sure my text was readable but well i not sure what went wrong but several lines were not copied over.

So sorry nickr, you were right rubbish post, i thought i was being clever making my post in notepad++ but was not clever enough to check my post after i hit send.

Unless Notepad++ as been ported to *nix, there's nothing clever about it... Joking, its actually a very nice software. Only problem is that it needs Windows...

Do not stop reporting problems you found. Just stop posting walls of text that nobody reads. Please?
f**k..... started editing without sudo | M.K.

Always read the online manual (wiki), FAQ (wiki) and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail Team Kodi members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
Please read the pages on troubleshooting (wiki) and bug reporting (wiki) before reporting issues.
@h.udo point taken and fully understood Big Grin
I will do my very best not to go into a monologue, where the only audience is me, i do that i know ill try to be clear in my post, and make sure everything gets copied over, when i check for spelling buffs, and prob a good idea to check what i posted when i press reply.

But nickr was correct, and in fact very kind the post could have gone straight to the bin, but he choose to notify me about my rubbish post, Big Grin
Thank you both Big Grin
The end Big Grin
English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
Grampa Simpson: Unfortunately, like all true stories, this one has a crappy ending. You have a story with an ending.
Grampa, are you sure you're okay to drive at night? Grampa: It's night?
Banned add-ons
I noticed that the "contact" email has been removed from all pages, so has the "interest" email, except from 1 page.
Would it be possible to make it a bit more "clear" how to contact you using email, and what email address to use, or does the removing of the "contact" email mean you rather have people use the forum for contacting you?

I hope my post is clear and make sense, or else please ask me to clarify.
Thank you
English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
Grampa Simpson: Unfortunately, like all true stories, this one has a crappy ending. You have a story with an ending.
Grampa, are you sure you're okay to drive at night? Grampa: It's night?
Banned add-ons
We infinitely prefer that people contact us using the forum.
(2017-04-10, 09:22)natethomas Wrote: We infinitely prefer that people contact us using the forum.

Understood Chief, i was also surprised about the email contact addresses
i found during my hunt for "DOA" links, on different pages of your new great UI, they have been removed now, and only found 1 email address, on one of the sub-pages, it will prob be removed, if it has not been so all ready.
So was just making sure its business as usual. "Meaning use the Forum"

"Rem text looked like rubbish"
Big Grin
English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
Grampa Simpson: Unfortunately, like all true stories, this one has a crappy ending. You have a story with an ending.
Grampa, are you sure you're okay to drive at night? Grampa: It's night?
Banned add-ons
(2017-04-05, 13:06)jjd-uk Wrote:
(2017-04-04, 21:07)jonesmz Wrote: 5. Where's the menu? There's no menu? Why not...?
6. Click and drag scroll bar to the top of page
7. Ok, there's one of those stupid hamburger icons at the top left of the page. Maybe that's a menu icon. Why does it take up so much space on the screen? Meh I'll click it.
8. Woah, the menu takes up half the screen

You say "This is written from a Desktop's perspective, with keyboard and mouse" so I don't get the above comments at all, as it's a responsive design that changes layout dependant on the device you are viewing on, you should only get the hamburger menu on a mobile device wheres on a desktop you should get:


As you see on a desktop the menu options are all plainly visible along the top.

What device and browser are you using?

OS: Gentoo x86_64
Browser: Chromium Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)
Style of Device: Desktop
27 inch monitor
Regular old keyboard and mouse

The previous website had text that was too small for me to read comfortable, so I had zoomed in
Chromium remembered my zoom level, so when I visited the new website, I got the hamburger menu version of the page, as I clarified later in my post.

Even so, while the website certainly does "look" nicer on my android phone (Firefox browser), my personal perspective is that it's still very difficult to navigate to meaningful information even with that form factor. I don't think that this website redesign is an improvement. *shrug*. That being said, it's not like my opinion matters much, as you'll clearly see I've got less than 10 posts on the *shrug*.

Edit: I did realize very quickly that I was zoomed in. The majority of my post was for a "default" desktop experience. My bullet pointed story was intended to be a re-telling of what *I* personally experienced when I first visited the page. Anyone else who'd already been zoomed in on the original website would have seen roughly what I saw, and may or may not have zoomed out right away, I wouldn't be able to speak for them obviously.
(2017-04-01, 22:57)DoubleT Wrote: It's likely they've moved hosting provider and at least had to shift dns if not the repo content or provision it behind a new cdn. They wouldn't have taken everything down lightly.

They use Cloudflare for everything (they could even use it to fake making this forum and the wiki secure).
Cloudflare's DNS has a TTL of 5 minutes so DNS propagation should be a total non-issue.
Even traditional DNS providers typically use a TTL of as little as 15 minutes.
(2017-04-01, 22:21)Kib Wrote: Read more about it here:

Good day. I really liked the redesign of the site. It looks cool. The colors are unobtrusive, but personally I would try to apply a color palette *URL REMOVED BY MODERATOR* for the site, I think it could add a bit of freshness Smile
(2022-06-23, 01:46)Derearthe Wrote: Good day. I really liked the redesign of the site. It looks cool.

That website redesign is already 5 years old, as is this forum thread. You must have had one heck of a time in hibernation.

This forum is also not a platform for advertising websites unrelated to its main function, which is technical support for the Kodi media center application.
And since we are not in the hair dressing business, your linked website doesn't do anything for us. I'm sure there are other, more suited websites and forums that will gladly discuss hair colors with you.

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