Sound issue on Galaxy S6 upgraded to Nougat
I have Samsung galaxy s6. It just upgraded to Nougat. After the upgrade, every time i start Kodi, there is a loud static noise coming from the headphones. Internal speaker works fine. I have disabled "send low noise" option in the audio settings. The loud noise stops being when Kodi starts up, but it appears every time i switch screen or during playback. Any suggestions? Is this a known issue and new versions will address this?
I have a Samsung galaxy tab s2. Since l upgraded to Nougat this morning same sound problem.
I think help is on the way...

See this thread:
So, reading some other posts relating to this. The issue is with Samsung Nugat update, disabling FLOAT in HW driver. I am sure future Kodi builds will address that. At this point, the options are either downgrade to Kodi 16 (that is what I did), or use Blutooth headphones.
This issue doesn't only occur in Kodi. It also happens with Spotify and YouTube.
(2017-05-24, 20:42)Edze123 Wrote: This issue doesn't only occur in Kodi. It also happens with Spotify and YouTube.

Yeah - that's why we don't silently workaround it. We are not Samsung's QA department.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2017-05-24, 22:36)fritsch Wrote:
(2017-05-24, 20:42)Edze123 Wrote: This issue doesn't only occur in Kodi. It also happens with Spotify and YouTube.

Yeah - that's why we don't silently workaround it. We are not Samsung's QA department.

Fixed by Samsung in new firmware T813XXU2BQG4 (Galaxy Tab S2) with build date Fri, 07 Jul 2017 12:03:50 +0000

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