Android Build Kodi 17 for Android as Release

I have followed the guide at this thread
and successfully build my own version with a little tweak for my Philips TV. (a setting to force AC3 Transcoding without enabling sync playback to display)

this becomes a debug build where I cant disable the debug log.
So I want to build a release version.

I found in /tools/depends/
that I Changes to

Building a new version went well, and got an apk file.
But installing this on the TV failed direclty when I opened the apk file. With an Error during the Analysing phase of the file.

Did I changed the correct setting to build a release version?
Or Do I miss a release key in the Keystore on my ubuntu setup?

I only created a debug key as told in the guide I followed.
in tools/depends: ./configure --disable-debug ......
Thank you!
It worked great Smile
Please stop posting useless links that aren´t even related to the topic.
(2017-09-07, 03:09)kjngwjtch Wrote:
(2017-04-22, 15:59)Nednil Wrote: Hi,

I have followed the guide at this thread
and successfully build my own version with a little tweak for my Philips TV. (a setting to force AC3 Transcoding without enabling sync playback to display)

this becomes a debug build where I cant disable the debug log.
So I want to build a release version.

I found in /tools/depends/
that I Changes to

Building a new version went well, and got an apk file.
But installing this on the TV failed direclty when I opened the apk file. With an Error during the Analysing phase of the file.

Did I changed the correct setting to build a release version?
Or Do I miss a release key in the Keystore on my ubuntu setup?

I only created a debug key as told in the guide I followed.

Can you explain it to me better?

I dont understand what I should explain better, I got an answer from wsnipex that worked?

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Build Kodi 17 for Android as Release1