2018-01-03, 16:07
first of all a big thank-you for this great addon - As a Squeezebox user and Kodi User I have always been looking for such an addon.
I have been successful installing it on a raspberry Pi with OSMC (Rasbmc successor), however I encountered following issues:
- Squeezelite starts-up only after having modified the commandline in the source code, already mentioned by another user to remove the -C 1 parameter. Also I had to change the -a from -80 to -160, to prevent stuttering (recommended setting for Bossanova's plugin)
- A more difficult issue: The plugin does not recognize the start of PVR TV Channels with AC-3 sound which is directly passed through to my Receiver via HDMI, consequently the TV channels do not play (no output path for audio...). The plugin recognizes the start of TV channels with MPEG-2 Sound and stops (Entry in Kodi log: NOTICE: plugin.audio.squeezebox --> Kodi started playing video - disabled the LMS player) thus these channels play fine. Using a PVR-Client which can switch seamlessly to AC-3 Channels allows to see these channels also subsequently (however IPTV is too slow thus this trick works not). Disabling AC-3 Passthrough also works to view AC-3 TV channels, however on my setup the sound does not work when not passed-through.
Thus in summary a problem of detecting AC-3 TV Channels and disabling the player (for both IPTV and TVHeadend clients)