Chroma + CD Art
I have a stupid question but how is Chroma to work with CD Art?
I activated the option in the skins menu but nothing changes in the display of my music.
In CD Art I updated my database, some images where downloaded in the given ArtWork folder so from that point it should be ok, I think...

May be you can explain me a little bit more as I can't find any info in you wiki about that.

Many thanks in advance
Cd art for music works automatically.

Your music library needs to be scanned and updated with Kodi scrapers.
It also needs the addon installed and working.

I use the normal scrappers from Kodi and this addon is also active
When I scan my music with the cd art manager he finds many interprets and albums and than I can download images.
They are stored in a specific folder but even copying the images in the folder where also the music is doesn't work...
Maybe I miss something in the cdart manager. I wait on any news from them too if you say it works automaticaly so at least I don't miss anything with your skin Smile
You don't need any other addon apart from the addon.
This addon gets music disc art on the fly from the internet.

It won't work in file mode and you need an active working internet connection.

To see music cd art I click on music->artists-> choose your artist. Now the addon should start working, displaying cd art. It takes a while as it has to download the pictures on the fly.

Ah now i understand
So this cd art manager is totaly useless...
an the normal helper just has 2-3 artist where I see an image...

So there is also no cache of the images if I understand correctly.

So folder.jpg and co in the artist folders aren't also read Sad

Thanks for this informations
Cd art is cached once downloaded. You need to scrape your music library with Kodi. Do not use file view.
Is the universal scraper enough or do I need to use another like theaudiodb one?
Use the default. It works
Thank you very much.
I think there is an issue with the default universal scrapper at least on my system.
As mentioned nearly no artist has artworks etc but when I check them manualy (in the information tab ony by one) it downloads the biography and pictures.

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