Chroma + Artist Slideshow

I read that Chroma is compatible with Artist Slideshow, is there anything special to activate that?
I created a lokal folder with fanarts like described in several youtube videos or forums and configured Artist Slideshow like that (use lokal folder first) but for artist I already own fanarts nothing appears.
I'm sure I miss something but don't see now what... Perhaps also another function must be deactivated or so...

Thanks for any advice
You have to enable it in skin settings -> art management.

It works only when playing music in the fullscreen player.

OK and when the Songtext Addon is activated I suppose it doesn't?
As this one goes already on full screen...
Hi Folks
Artist Slideshow recently published a new release

Chroma appears to no longer work with this new release?  (I get error message from Artist Slideshow telling me to contact skin author)

sprogger, I have just noticed that... lol
Fortunately not a big loss, I found out that I can actually in any case use any application to create a slideshow. Here for example is a post about the best of them *URL removed by moderator* which I discovered when I was googling this question. Posted the link in the comment in case you don't know which app to use. Have a nice day)
(2021-03-05, 03:39)Collone_imper_ Wrote: Here for example is a post about the best of them

In case you hadn't noticed, this is a support for forum for the Kodi application.
We are not interested in ANY 3rd party Android application.

This is your 2nd warning. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what will happen at your 3rd mishap.

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