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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2017-10-30, 01:21)djhifi Wrote: Quck suggestion, for instance:

"American Crime 1x01: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 4962649 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
American Crime 1x02: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 5114681 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID"

But all other episodes and seasons scan OK.

Would it slow the addon, adding the ability to auto retrieve the imdb id for the specific episode? So far its only relying in "thetvdb" so far as I see?

@djhifi, better idea is to add missing info about IMDB to thetvdb.com (every registered user can do).

Important info from theTVDb API Key registration page:
If you have a publicly available program, you MUST inform your users of this website and request that they help contribute information and artwork if possible.

So guys, please contribute to theTVDb.com
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2017-10-30, 02:03)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-10-30, 01:21)djhifi Wrote: Quck suggestion, for instance:

"American Crime 1x01: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 4962649 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
American Crime 1x02: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 5114681 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID"

But all other episodes and seasons scan OK.

Would it slow the addon, adding the ability to auto retrieve the imdb id for the specific episode? So far its only relying in "thetvdb" so far as I see?

@djhifi, better idea is to add missing info about IMDB to thetvdb.com (every registered user can do).

Important info from theTVDb API Key registration page:
If you have a publicly available program, you MUST inform your users of this website and request that they help contribute information and artwork if possible.

So guys, please contribute to theTVDb.com

I support dziobak request. The best way is to contribute to the community. So, please, be proactive.

About the specific case of American Crime reported by djhifi, the episodes are locked...I guess that it is necessary to open a thread in the theTVDB.com forum.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-10-30, 02:03)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-10-30, 01:21)djhifi Wrote: Quck suggestion, for instance:

"American Crime 1x01: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 4962649 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
American Crime 1x02: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 5114681 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID"

But all other episodes and seasons scan OK.

Would it slow the addon, adding the ability to auto retrieve the imdb id for the specific episode? So far its only relying in "thetvdb" so far as I see?

@djhifi, better idea is to add missing info about IMDB to thetvdb.com (every registered user can do).

Important info from theTVDb API Key registration page:
If you have a publicly available program, you MUST inform your users of this website and request that they help contribute information and artwork if possible.

So guys, please contribute to theTVDb.com

I am doing that. I always did. Problem is some shows are locked so I need to edit the IMDB episode ID only in my EMBY server. But the problem is I have over 4000 episodes without ID :p going to take some time.

Btw, where is the file of the finished update database? Is it merged with "MyVideos107.db" ?
I am asking this because I would like to copy+paste the result of a full scan (episodes included) into my other kodi machines without having to make individual scans on each one.

Is it possible?
(2017-10-30, 02:24)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2017-10-30, 02:03)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-10-30, 01:21)djhifi Wrote: Quck suggestion, for instance:

"American Crime 1x01: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 4962649 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
American Crime 1x02: get_IMDb_ID: TVDB 5114681 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID"

But all other episodes and seasons scan OK.

Would it slow the addon, adding the ability to auto retrieve the imdb id for the specific episode? So far its only relying in "thetvdb" so far as I see?

@djhifi, better idea is to add missing info about IMDB to thetvdb.com (every registered user can do).

Important info from theTVDb API Key registration page:
If you have a publicly available program, you MUST inform your users of this website and request that they help contribute information and artwork if possible.

So guys, please contribute to theTVDb.com

I support dziobak request. The best way is to contribute to the community. So, please, be proactive.

About the specific case of American Crime reported by djhifi, the episodes are locked...I guess that it is necessary to open a thread in the theTVDB.com forum.

I wont go over opening 40 threads lol i have many missing episode IDs which are season locked. I will just edit those on my emby server. And the ones opened in THETVDB i will edit (just did it for ANZAC Girls and 3 more)
(2017-10-30, 20:15)djhifi Wrote: Btw, where is the file of the finished update database? Is it merged with "MyVideos107.db" ?
I am asking this because I would like to copy+paste the result of a full scan (episodes included) into my other kodi machines without having to make individual scans on each one.

Is it possible?

I think that is not possible, because Kodi has individual ID for every title, depends on scanning order. Only solution is one central (MySQL) database and same profile on both Kodi's.
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2017-10-30, 20:35)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-10-30, 20:15)djhifi Wrote: Btw, where is the file of the finished update database? Is it merged with "MyVideos107.db" ?
I am asking this because I would like to copy+paste the result of a full scan (episodes included) into my other kodi machines without having to make individual scans on each one.

Is it possible?

I think that is not possible, because Kodi has individual ID for every title, depends on scanning order. Only solution is one central (MySQL) database and same profile on both Kodi's.

I already use EMBY server so another sql database is not possible.

the 3 kodis have the same "videos.db" tought, I have only made 1 scan and copied over to the other 2 KODIS+thumbnails folders as well. But anyway the addon is saving the ratings where? "myvideosXX.db"?
(2017-10-31, 00:57)djhifi Wrote: I already use EMBY server so another sql database is not possible.

the 3 kodis have the same "videos.db" tought, I have only made 1 scan and copied over to the other 2 KODIS+thumbnails folders as well. But anyway the addon is saving the ratings where? "myvideosXX.db"?

No. Add-on use JSON for talking to Kodi, then Kodi saves to defined database. In my case - this is MySQL (because I set that in my Kodi's). Default for Kodi is SQLite (like in yours case - one separate base for one Kodi).
When all Kodi's use one MySQL backend - there no copy operations between Kodi's, because there no other database - one Kodi write new info and others see that info from this moment. So - there is one scraping, one rating update, one watched flag setting and so on. More - I can stop playing movie on one Kodi, then move to other room and resume.
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2017-10-29, 16:31)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-10-29, 14:05)Edworld Wrote: I can see if movie db is being updated, but no visual on tvshows. Is that something you can add?

How about just updating top250?

Are you sure that tvshows update is turn on (via config options)?


When I scan movies, I can see what movie is being updated. Not the case for TVShows, I know it is running but dont know what show it is scanning.
(2017-10-31, 02:44)Edworld Wrote:
(2017-10-29, 16:31)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-10-29, 14:05)Edworld Wrote: I can see if movie db is being updated, but no visual on tvshows. Is that something you can add?

How about just updating top250?

Are you sure that tvshows update is turn on (via config options)?


When I scan movies, I can see what movie is being updated. Not the case for TVShows, I know it is running but dont know what show it is scanning.

OK, please turn off movies update in config, turn on debug log and drop here logs from tvshows update.
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
Thumbs Up 
Hello everyone, 

I installed 3.2.0 on my shield and set the number of threads on maximum. The add on refreshed my 660 movies and 40 TV shows in just a couple of minutes, the speed is terrific. The CPU from my shield is not even by 30% workload.

I noticed on thing tough, when the library is being refreshed and I want to watch a movie or TV show, the selection is twitching. It's difficult to actually choose one ...

It is not a real problem because the update is so fast, simultaneously it didn't happen with the old version 2.x.x.. When I reduce the threads, the twitching is still happening.

I just wanted to let you guys know.

Big thanks for the excellent work on this awesome add on!

(2017-10-31, 17:50)cgi2011 Wrote: I noticed on thing tough, when the library is being refreshed and I want to watch a movie or TV show, the selection is twitching. It's difficult to actually choose one ...

It is not a real problem because the update is so fast, simultaneously it didn't happen with the old version 2.x.x.. When I reduce the threads, the twitching is still happening.

I just wanted to let you guys know.

I saw such behavior on tvshow update myself. This is no add-on side, that is Kodi refresh tvseries list when add-on makes changes in database. Curious is that movies updated are without that effect.
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
I see that version 3.2.0 is supposed to have a new log file.  How is this enabled and where is it located?
(2017-10-31, 21:40)hslansky Wrote: I see that version 3.2.0 is supposed to have a new log file.  How is this enabled and where is it located?

This log is saved to add-on folder inside user's profile. Log is cleared before every mass update (contains problems from last update only).
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
What does the thread option do? default is 8

Thanks for fixing the tvshow progress, now shows progress at an episode level.
Thank you for the clarification ☺️...
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