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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Thanks for the tip.
I had about 600 TV episodes without IMDB id. After a re-scrape with Ember all episodes now have the IMDB id added.
Hi guys,

After some period of silence, please find a new release of Light IMDb Ratings Update! Changelog as follow:

v3.4.0 (2018-03-19)
  • Added TV Shows/Episodes IMDb ID retrieval from The Movie Database

So, in case you rely just on The Movie Database scraper for TV Shows in Kodi, this new version may help you... Wink

Have a great day,

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-03-19, 16:36)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi guys,

After some period of silence, please find a new release of Light IMDb Ratings Update! Changelog as follow:

v3.4.0 (2018-03-19)
  • Added TV Shows/Episodes IMDb ID retrieval from The Movie Database

So, in case you rely just on The Movie Database scraper for TV Shows in Kodi, this new version may help you... Wink

Have a great day,

 Now that's great =) I didn't even know how much I would need this ^^ Helped me a lot with my documentary series. (They had like 10 votes total per show and 2 votes per episode from themoviedb) Big Grin
Thank you so much.
(2018-03-23, 20:13)Glottis Wrote:
(2018-03-19, 16:36)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi guys,

After some period of silence, please find a new release of Light IMDb Ratings Update! Changelog as follow:

v3.4.0 (2018-03-19)
  • Added TV Shows/Episodes IMDb ID retrieval from The Movie Database

So, in case you rely just on The Movie Database scraper for TV Shows in Kodi, this new version may help you... Wink

Have a great day,

 Now that's great =) I didn't even know how much I would need this ^^ Helped me a lot with my documentary series. (They had like 10 votes total per show and 2 votes per episode from themoviedb) Big Grin
Thank you so much. 
 Thanks Glottis for your feedabck! It is always a pleasure to know that someone appreciated your work!

And the funny thing is that the intention of the new update was for the TV Series......good that it is useful also for documentaries! Wink

Have a great weekend!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi guys, a quick question.... if I hav Kodi set to not use a scaper and use the local data (I use Ember to manage them) will it still update the IMDB ratings? And if so, does it save the updated ratings to the local .nfo for each movie or just somewhere in the Kodo DB? 

(2018-03-29, 21:26)Finchy Wrote: Hi guys, a quick question.... if I hav Kodi set to not use a scaper and use the local data (I use Ember to manage them) will it still update the IMDB ratings? And if so, does it save the updated ratings to the local .nfo for each movie or just somewhere in the Kodo DB? 

 Hi Finchy, sorry for the late reply but I was on Easter break. Wink

Yes, even if you load the Movies/TV Series information from an external media manager, the add-on updates the various ratings. The point is that it saves the new ratings in the Kodi library. I don't know if Ember foresees a way to syncronize back the information; you can always export the Kodi library manually of course.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
running latest 3.4.0 on libreelec,
updating an individual rating works using the menu, but when I set a schedule nothing happens, and nothing appears in the logs. I checked the logs, I set it for 19:30, and there is nothing in the logs at that time.  I tried a few different times, and it never does anything.

Be nice to be able to make it run 'right now'.  Any ideas re the schedule not doing anything?
(2018-04-21, 12:25)jimbobjones Wrote: hey,
running latest 3.4.0 on libreelec,
updating an individual rating works using the menu, but when I set a schedule nothing happens, and nothing appears in the logs. I checked the logs, I set it for 19:30, and there is nothing in the logs at that time.  I tried a few different times, and it never does anything.

Be nice to be able to make it run 'right now'.  Any ideas re the schedule not doing anything?
Hi jimbobjones,

Please enable the debug log in Kodi, schedule an update, wait for the time you set and...send me the log using pastebin (see the first post for more details). Smile

Let me know.

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-04-21, 14:54)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2018-04-21, 12:25)jimbobjones Wrote: hey,
running latest 3.4.0 on libreelec,
updating an individual rating works using the menu, but when I set a schedule nothing happens, and nothing appears in the logs. I checked the logs, I set it for 19:30, and there is nothing in the logs at that time.  I tried a few different times, and it never does anything.

Be nice to be able to make it run 'right now'.  Any ideas re the schedule not doing anything?
Hi jimbobjones,

Please enable the debug log in Kodi, schedule an update, wait for the time you set and...send me the log using pastebin (see the first post for more details). Smile

Let me know.

I think I found the issue - my system is set to be Sunday 22nd April - but when I set the Schedule to be Sunday 08:31 at around 08:25,  it says
  1. 08:29:04.288 T:3843474336   DEBUG: [Light IMDb Ratings Update] - Service successfully started
  2. 08:29:04.290 T:3843474336   DEBUG: [Light IMDb Ratings Update] - Next update is scheduled the 2018-04-28 at 08:31
It scheduled to be next week, not today.  I have now set it to be Monday, and it has now set it to be 2018-04-23 which is correct.  So not sure how to make it run 'today'.
I tried other times on Sunday and the same thing happened.  Also one time I uninstalled, deleted the folder in addon_data, and then reinstalled the scheduled update was going to be 2000-01-01 wtf Wink


Here is one showing the year 2000 as the next schedule date..... https://pastebin.com/LYTfEGWE

Edit: Just set it again to be Sunday 17:18, rebooted the device, log says
17:16:40.445 T:3842425760   DEBUG: [Light IMDb Ratings Update] - Next update is scheduled the 2018-04-23 at 17:18

(2018-04-22, 03:15)jimbobjones Wrote:
(2018-04-21, 14:54)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2018-04-21, 12:25)jimbobjones Wrote: hey,
running latest 3.4.0 on libreelec,
updating an individual rating works using the menu, but when I set a schedule nothing happens, and nothing appears in the logs. I checked the logs, I set it for 19:30, and there is nothing in the logs at that time.  I tried a few different times, and it never does anything.

Be nice to be able to make it run 'right now'.  Any ideas re the schedule not doing anything?
Hi jimbobjones,

Please enable the debug log in Kodi, schedule an update, wait for the time you set and...send me the log using pastebin (see the first post for more details). Smile

Let me know.

I think I found the issue - my system is set to be Sunday 22nd April - but when I set the Schedule to be Sunday 08:31 at around 08:25,  it says
  1. 08:29:04.288 T:3843474336   DEBUG: [Light IMDb Ratings Update] - Service successfully started
  2. 08:29:04.290 T:3843474336   DEBUG: [Light IMDb Ratings Update] - Next update is scheduled the 2018-04-28 at 08:31
It scheduled to be next week, not today.  I have now set it to be Monday, and it has now set it to be 2018-04-23 which is correct.  So not sure how to make it run 'today'.
I tried other times on Sunday and the same thing happened.  Also one time I uninstalled, deleted the folder in addon_data, and then reinstalled the scheduled update was going to be 2000-01-01 wtf Wink


Here is one showing the year 2000 as the next schedule date..... https://pastebin.com/LYTfEGWE

Edit: Just set it again to be Sunday 17:18, rebooted the device, log says
17:16:40.445 T:3842425760   DEBUG: [Light IMDb Ratings Update] - Next update is scheduled the 2018-04-23 at 17:18

 Hi jimbobjones,

Thanks for the logs and the update you provided.

Just to be clear, at the installation, the update time is set by default at 2000-01-01, so it is not an issue because the scheduled update is not enabled. It is supposed that when you enable the automatic update you set also the day and the time; in that case, the default value is overwritten and the new scheduled time is calculated.

Btw, it seems that now everything is woriking properly. Well, let me know if you have again the same issue.


Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
just installed and tested your nice Addon the first time. (Thank you)

I can't start it manually from the Addons page (for all my movies). The RUN Icon is not active, its greyed-out. Is this on purpose? (Seems that I have the same problem with my LibreELEC as jimbobjones above, but I haven't investigated yet enough)

Also, as a suggestion, what about showing the actual IMDB Rating in the menu, where we can update a single movie? You show the IMDB ID, so the Rating would be nice and it would easier to compare if the rating changed.
(2018-05-03, 00:37)xbozzo Wrote: Hello,
just installed and tested your nice Addon the first time. (Thank you)

I can't start it manually from the Addons page (for all my movies). The RUN Icon is not active, its greyed-out. Is this on purpose? (Seems that I have the same problem with my LibreELEC as jimbobjones above, but I haven't investigated yet enough)

Also, as a suggestion, what about showing the actual IMDB Rating in the menu, where we can update a single movie? You show the IMDB ID, so the Rating would be nice and it would easier to compare if the rating changed.
Hi xbozzo! Thanks for having installed my add-on! Smile

For your first question, you have to launch the update through the add-on icon present under the Add-ons sub-menu in the Home page of Kodi; it would be not user friendly to go to the add-on information page and run it from there. Btw, the "run icon" is not activated by Kodi since the add-on acts (also) as a service, so is not something that I can change.

For the second, it is something I can think about. The point is that once updated, the context menu window will have to pop-up again and the user will have to close it manually; actually it closes after the update and the user need to enter the information page of the movie to see the new vote. I have to think which of the two has more sense...  Huh

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-05-03, 09:14)axlt2002 Wrote:  The point is that once updated, the context menu window will have to pop-up again and the user will have to close it manually; actually it closes after the update and the user need to enter the information page of the movie to see the new vote.
I did not mean to have the pop-up opens again, just to show the actual rating (IMHO, if you have the rating already, you can show it) :-) then, after an update, the user can open the pop-up again (if he likes to) and see, if there is a difference).

Oh, and thanks for the help. I see it now, its under "Program Addons". %-)

Nice day too.
First off I love the add-on and all the work you do for it.

Just a quick suggestion. Is it possible to add a stand-alone IMDB Top 250 Movies update like you can do with the IMDB Ratings Update add-on?
Am I the only one out there who does not have commas with the number of votes? What's worse is all new titles are being scanned into the library without commas for the number of votes. I assume this is due to the fact Light IMDb Ratings Update is always running in the background?

This is impacting scraping by both the Universal Movie Scraper and The TVDB scrapers, so I don't think I can blame the scraper.
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