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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Hi! First off, thanks for a cool addon!

Does this addon not have support to pull information from MySQL database? I do not have any tvshow.nfos, everything is stored in the centralized database on my server. My movies seems to update OK but not my TV Shows. the update.log is full off:

Lethal Weapon 2x08:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: Missing TVDB ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID

Any solution?
(2018-09-28, 11:59)beeta Wrote: Hi! First off, thanks for a cool addon!

Does this addon not have support to pull information from MySQL database? I do not have any tvshow.nfos, everything is stored in the centralized database on my server. My movies seems to update OK but not my TV Shows. the update.log is full off:

Lethal Weapon 2x08:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: Missing TVDB ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID

Any solution?
 Do you use Emby?
(2018-09-28, 08:19)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi djhifi!

I take note of this your request...just be aware that I'm actually involved in another project and I don't have so much spare time for the rest but...be confident!  Smile In the meanwhile...can you disable the Nvidia SHIELD sleep mode?  Angel  Just kidding...
 I just press a button when the scan is going, to reset the timer Big Grin

What other project are you involved on? Kodi related?
(2018-09-28, 11:59)beeta Wrote: Hi! First off, thanks for a cool addon!

Does this addon not have support to pull information from MySQL database? I do not have any tvshow.nfos, everything is stored in the centralized database on my server. My movies seems to update OK but not my TV Shows. the update.log is full off:

Lethal Weapon 2x08:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: Missing TVDB ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID

Any solution?
Hi beeta!

Please post the Kodi log (read the first post) so that I can have a more clear idea on what is happening. Please upload also on pastebin the complete update.log.

Which internal Kodi scraper are you using the retrieve the TV Show information? The issue is just related to Lethal Weapon?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!

Giving this add-on a whirl, and I have come across a problem that maybe you can help solve. Using Win10 with Kodi version... KodiSetup-20181115-d99f45cd-master-x64

I have found that rather than inserting and/or updating the <rating name="imdb" max="10"> entry with the IMDB entry, it instead updates whatever happens to be default <rating name="tvdb" max="10" default="true"> rating entry.

The following images are before and after snips of Kodi export to nfo files...

tvshow.nfo The default rating is tvdb. After running your add-on, the default rating is updated to match exactly the imdb rating above it

episode.nfo. tmdb is the default rating, but it has now been updated to the imdb data, still under tmdb.

These are the imdb ratings... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407362/?ref_=nv_sr_1

I haven't read the whole thread, but in the couple of pages I did read, I did not come across mention that it would simply overwrite whatever the default rating. Rather I had the impression it would update or add the imdb rating. Is this what is supposed to occur?

Need any other info?


The log... https://paste.kodi.tv/oxopazeboh.kodi
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(2018-11-23, 03:45)Karellen Wrote: @axlt2002

Giving this add-on a whirl, and I have come across a problem that maybe you can help solve. Using Win10 with Kodi version... KodiSetup-20181115-d99f45cd-master-x64

I have found that rather than inserting and/or updating the <rating name="imdb" max="10"> entry with the IMDB entry, it instead updates whatever happens to be default <rating name="tvdb" max="10" default="true"> rating entry.

The following images are before and after snips of Kodi export to nfo files...

tvshow.nfo The default rating is tvdb. After running your add-on, the default rating is updated to match exactly the imdb rating above it
Imageepisode.nfo. tmdb is the default rating, but it has now been updated to the imdb data, still under tmdb.

These are the imdb ratings... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407362/?ref_=nv_sr_1

I haven't read the whole thread, but in the couple of pages I did read, I did not come across mention that it would simply overwrite whatever the default rating. Rather I had the impression it would update or add the imdb rating. Is this what is supposed to occur?

Need any other info?


The log... https://paste.kodi.tv/oxopazeboh.kodi
Hi Karellen,

Thanks a lot for writing. I will go through your email with attention later this evening and come back to you as soon as possible (hopefully already during the weekend).

Have a great day!

- edit -

@Karellen I made a couple of trials and I can confirm the issue you reported (that, btw, it affects also the movies).

It was good that you went through the nfo file and noticed it; nobody, including me, took care about that aspect. This is due to a leftover of the addon code I was using for initial testing on Kodi 16 (if I'm not wrong, Kodi 17 introduced that new sintax for the ratings). Looking only at the rating and votes displayed by the skins (that is the default one), it was impossible to notice the issue. Well, better late than never...

I will work on it as soon as possible. Thanks again and keep in touch.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Thanks @axlt2002

When you get around to it, let me know if you need any testing. Smile
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I couldnt find an answer...where are the ratings and votes stored? I checked the .nfo files after manually updating a movie, but there are still the old ratings and nothing is overwritten.

It does not write directly to the NFO Files, it writes to the library database.

If you want to see the changes in the NFO Files, then run an Export to generate new, fresh NFO Files. See the link in My Signature below.
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Hello everyone,

A new release of Light IMDb Ratings Update is available! Here is the changelog:

v3.5.0 (2018-12-06)
  • Fixed bug of overwriting default ratings
  • Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating
  • Added option to disable notifications sound
  • Moved the IMDb rating update entry in the main context menu
  • Other minor updates

Have a great evening,

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Thanks @axlt2002

I have tested on two shows, and all working as advertised Smile
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(2018-12-07, 05:50)Karellen Wrote: Thanks @axlt2002

I have tested on two shows, and all working as advertised Smile
Thanks to you @Karellen for using my add-on!   Wink
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-12-06, 19:21)axlt2002 Wrote: Hello everyone,

A new release of Light IMDb Ratings Update is available! Here is the changelog:

v3.5.0 (2018-12-06)
  • Fixed bug of overwriting default ratings
  • Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating
  • Added option to disable notifications sound
  • Moved the IMDb rating update entry in the main context menu
  • Other minor updates

Have a great evening,

Still no resume on previous interrupted sync? Or at least an option to override screensaver timer for the scan to finish sucessfully when we have huge libraries plz! I have to disable screensaver and sleep on NVidia Shield everytime I want to update ratings Big Grin I have 3 nVidia shield.

And btw, what does "Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating" mean?

And also, I've noticed something funny. Using Emby for KODI plugin since I have the Emby server with the centralized database, in case I want to update a single TV Show it doesnt work because I have "Anime" and "TV Show" library so I set my menu entries in the skin with "Tags" (the Emby for KODI plugin creates those to have 2 separate libraries on KODI). The only way to update TV Shows is updating ALL shows. Is there any possible workaround to this?
(2018-12-07, 22:43)djhifi Wrote: And btw, what does "Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating" mean?
Swap the current default rating in your library from, say, TheMovieDB or TVDB to IMDB.
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Hello @axlt2002

I was getting some mixed results with the add-on, but I did not have to dig too far to see the cause. You would know why, but other users of your add-on may see the same behavior and not know why.

I was noticing that many episodes from various shows were not scraping the IMDB ratings. The cause for this is that the scraper site does not have the IMDB ID recorded at the site. Here is an example of missing ID's at TheMovieDB site...


Once you fill in the missing ID's, and wait approx 24 hours, the add-on should then be able to retrieve the IMDB rating.
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