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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Aaaah, now I understand that log error message that some items are missing an IMDB ID. At first I though that was an issue with old .nfo files. I think this also happens with the Watchedlist service but I would have to turn on debug logging to check that again.
(2018-12-09, 06:55)Karellen Wrote: Hello @axlt2002

I was getting some mixed results with the add-on, but I did not have to dig too far to see the cause. You would know why, but other users of your add-on may see the same behavior and not know why.

I was noticing that many episodes from various shows were not scraping the IMDB ratings. The cause for this is that the scraper site does not have the IMDB ID recorded at the site. Here is an example of missing ID's at TheMovieDB site...


Once you fill in the missing ID's, and wait approx 24 hours, the add-on should then be able to retrieve the IMDB rating.
Good morning @Karellen and thanks for highlighting this out.

In fact, as written in the add-on description in the first thread, "Light IMDb Ratings Update requires the presence of the IMDb IDs for the movies, TV shows and episodes you want to be updated.". In case there is no IMDb ID available, the add-on tries to retrieve it automatically from The Movie Database and TheTVDB.com sites if at least one among the TMDB or TVDB IDs is available. Of course there is an issue when the IMDb is not available on the site as well (i.e. your example). Therefore, as you suggested, I would reccomend to insert the missing information directly in the site so that this would be helpful for the entire community; in addition, if someone doesn't want to wait for the site to update its database, the IMDb ID can be also added manually through the context menu and refresh the rate immediately.
Anyway, from the Light IMDb Ratings Update log, it should be clear that the IMDb ID is searched on The Movie Database and TheTVDB.come Movie Database in case it is missing.

Have a great day to all!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-12-07, 22:43)djhifi Wrote:
(2018-12-06, 19:21)axlt2002 Wrote: Hello everyone,

A new release of Light IMDb Ratings Update is available! Here is the changelog:

v3.5.0 (2018-12-06)
  • Fixed bug of overwriting default ratings
  • Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating
  • Added option to disable notifications sound
  • Moved the IMDb rating update entry in the main context menu
  • Other minor updates

Have a great evening,

Still no resume on previous interrupted sync? Or at least an option to override screensaver timer for the scan to finish sucessfully when we have huge libraries plz! I have to disable screensaver and sleep on NVidia Shield everytime I want to update ratings Big Grin I have 3 nVidia shield.

And btw, what does "Added option to set IMDb rating as default rating" mean?

And also, I've noticed something funny. Using Emby for KODI plugin since I have the Emby server with the centralized database, in case I want to update a single TV Show it doesnt work because I have "Anime" and "TV Show" library so I set my menu entries in the skin with "Tags" (the Emby for KODI plugin creates those to have 2 separate libraries on KODI). The only way to update TV Shows is updating ALL shows. Is there any possible workaround to this? 
Hey @djhifiWink

I will try to work on it during the Christmas break. I gave the priority to the bug that @Karellen reported because the add-on behaviour was really harming the metadata of the libraries. About the point you rised, I see it more as an optimization.

Just one clarification: I can understand that the stand-by (i.e. sleep) can block the update, but I was thinking that would have not been the case for the screensaver...so, is the update stopping in both cases? Is this only NVidia Shield related?

And to be honest...I dind't get your second point on Emby server..sorry...  Huh
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Happy New Year to all!

New version 3.5.1 is available. Here is the changelog:

v3.5.1 (2019-01-09)
  • Fixed error when opening context menu for episodes in the Home screen
  • Added ratings update for the All Seasons item (context menu)
  • Added management of The Movie Database request rate limiting

Have a great day!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hello @axlt2002

Happy New Year to you also Smile

Thank you for the update as it prompted me to install it on my main HTPC (17.6 on Win10) and run it on my full library. It installed ok, but can't figure out the following.

I have been running it on individual shows via the Context Menu. So far I have come across a couple of shows that refuse to update.
The log... https://paste.kodi.tv/tosuqafina.kodi

I updated two shows for the log...
Stargate Universe. This updated TV Show and Episodes ok.... https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/5148-starg...uage=en-US
Eureka. This updated the TV Show ok. No episodes updated. I have run this numerous times on both my computers, one using v17.6 and the other using v18 RC5. The log shows the first episode updated, but that is because I ran the context menu and manually added the IMDB ID. But these exist at TMDB... https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4620-eurek...uage=en-US

Any idea what the problem could be?
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(2019-01-10, 04:55)Karellen Wrote: Hello @axlt2002

Happy New Year to you also Smile

Thank you for the update as it prompted me to install it on my main HTPC (17.6 on Win10) and run it on my full library. It installed ok, but can't figure out the following.

I have been running it on individual shows via the Context Menu. So far I have come across a couple of shows that refuse to update.
The log... https://paste.kodi.tv/tosuqafina.kodi

I updated two shows for the log...
Stargate Universe. This updated TV Show and Episodes ok.... https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/5148-starg...uage=en-US
Eureka. This updated the TV Show ok. No episodes updated. I have run this numerous times on both my computers, one using v17.6 and the other using v18 RC5. The log shows the first episode updated, but that is because I ran the context menu and manually added the IMDB ID. But these exist at TMDB... https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4620-eurek...uage=en-US

Any idea what the problem could be?
Hi @Karellen!

I'm really proud that you have installed my add-on on your main HTPC!  Nod

The situation is the following. Eureka has the following IDs for the TV Show:
(IMDb ID: tt0796264, TVDB ID: 79334, TMDB ID: n/a)
while, for example, Eureka 1x02 has:
(IMDb ID: None, TVDB ID: None, TMDB ID: 335229) 
When the add-on starts to process the episodes, it first searches the IMDb ID on TVDB site using the related ID. For Eureka 1x02 the TVDB ID is not available so, as a second option, it searches the IMDb using the TMDB ID and...here is the tricky point! Unfortunately, the API of TMDB is based on the TV Show ID even for retrieving the information of a single episode (see this page); in other words, the TMDB ID of an episode is useless for the purpose of searching the IMDB ID. The point is that the Eureka TV Show TMDB ID is not available (may be the media manager you are using didn't find it...) and therefore there is no way to have the ratings from the IMDB site. For information, the Light IMDb Ratings Update log you can find in the add-on folder says:
--> Rating(s) update for movie/TV show/season/episode
Eureka 1x02:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: Missing TVDB ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID
which, may be in a not clear way, raises the issue I have described above.

A very quick solution is to manually enter the TMDB ID for the Eureka TV Show (i.e. 4620) through the Context Menu (and this is why I have implemented it; to manage the particular cases such as this one). I can check a possible alternative way to retrieve all the episodes IMDb IDs from the IMDB ID of the TV Show, but I have to take a look to the IMDb API; I anyway think that context menu is a good compromise. Please report me back if you will successfully update the ratings for Eureka.  Angel

Hope I was clear in my explaination and wish you a good day!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-01-10, 15:52)axlt2002 Wrote: the TMDB ID of an episode is useless for the purpose of searching the IMDB ID
That is interesting.

I don't use a Media Manager for general scraping. Always use the Kodi scrapers. Over the last 6 months I slowly rescraped my library for various reasons. About half way through I switched over to using TheMovieDB- TV Shows scraper (mainly for the better artwork). So this means that half my library won't update now.

The other issue is that TheMovieDB-TV Shows scraper has replaced the TVDB scraper as the default scraper, so other users may get caught out in future.... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/14898
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The point is that you just need the TMDB ID at the TV Show level; from that the add-on will retrieve all the missing IMDb IDs of the episodes. I would than investigate why the The MovieDB-TV Show scraper didn't find the TMDB ID for Eureka TV Show while for its episodes the IDs are present...

I have always used it as my default scraper and never had an issue with missing TMDB IDs.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Oh, I see what I have done. Sorry I did not spot that immediately. Sometimes TVDB and TMDB look the same when scanning through files Wink

Looks like I initially scraped with TMDB, so the episodes have TMDB ID's, but for some reason I have rescraped the TV Show only with TVDB. Some blooper on my part. Something I have obviously done with a couple of shows in my library.

Thanks @axlt2002 I can rectify that.

I changed the TVDB ID to TMDB ID in the tvshow, and all works as expected. Thanks Smile
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Hi guys,

Just to notify you that I'm working on version 4.0.0...

Stay tuned!  Wink
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
oooh, any new features?
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First thanks for this great addon.

I been using 3.4.1 for 4-5 month I believe with no issue, but 3.5.1 don't work on my end I didn't notice it right from the beginning since everything seemed normal, I have it set on schedule once a week.
I noticed that my recently added movies had 0 votes (I use Aeon Nox Silvo skin which show votes), if I update 1 movie via context menu it shows the rating and votes correct, but it simply won't save/display in the library.
I tried to uninstall and install 3.5.1 run the update and it scrapes the ratings on all movies but no rating or votes will show afterwards.

So now I have 3.4.1 installed again and it works fine, but of course I like to get your future updates, so tomorrow I will try to get the log if you have time to look at it, it would be great.
(2019-01-25, 22:10)Comma Wrote: First thanks for this great addon.

I been using 3.4.1 for 4-5 month I believe with no issue, but 3.5.1 don't work on my end I didn't notice it right from the beginning since everything seemed normal, I have it set on schedule once a week.
I noticed that my recently added movies had 0 votes (I use Aeon Nox Silvo skin which show votes), if I update 1 movie via context menu it shows the rating and votes correct, but it simply won't save/display in the library.
I tried to uninstall and install 3.5.1 run the update and it scrapes the ratings on all movies but no rating or votes will show afterwards.

So now I have 3.4.1 installed again and it works fine, but of course I like to get your future updates, so tomorrow I will try to get the log if you have time to look at it, it would be great.
Hi Comma,

Version 3.5.1 has a new setting to set IMDb ratings as default ratings in Kodi. Just set it to true and that should solve your issue. Let me know...

Good night!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Thanks for getting back, from what I recall I did try with that setting set to true and it didn't make a difference, but I will try it again just need some time to check.
(2019-01-27, 18:27)Comma Wrote: Thanks for getting back, from what I recall I did try with that setting set to true and it didn't make a difference, but I will try it again just need some time to check.
 Mmmmmmmm...that sounds weird...anyway, as soon as you will have additional information, just let me know.

Have a great start of the week!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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