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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Hey there. So to answer your (and my) question, trakt doesn't actually show up in the library, it's more of an online library showing in your screen, so I guess that is why it doesn't scrape those titles.
Too bad.

Thanks alot anyways!
Thanks for the great work!
Is it possible to write out a text file with the missing top250 movies after a scrape, just like the (now defunct) imdb rating update script did?
Since KODI Leia, no imdb addon seems to provide this feature.

I have run the tests for v4.0.0 using v3.5.1 as the comparison.

The test consists of the following:
  • Movies = 176
  • TV Shows = 49
  • Episodes = 1484
  • Total = 1709

In my test database I deleted the following
  • All IMDB ratings for Movies, TV Shows and Episodes
  • All IMDB uniqueid's for TV Shows and Episodes

I ran the test on v3.5.1 first with the following results (from the log)
  • Movies - 56 seconds
  • TV Shows - 11 min 40 sec
A total of 1672 ratings were updated out of 1709 items
Looking at the log, I noticed that 37 Items were logged as Impossible To Update. Some were expected as they were my own modifications to the episode listing or TheTVDB show was locked and IMDB data could not be entered. There were 4 movies that had an Impossible to Update which I found curious as the IMDB ID existed for the movie. But checking the Export, the IMDB's were recorded for 3 of the four movies. The fourth movie had no rating at IMDB. Not sure how that happened.

I ran the test on v4.0.0 with the following results (using a stopwatch as not enough info in the log)
  • Movies - 36 seconds
  • TV Shows - 2 min 55 sec
A total of 1700 ratings were updated out of 1709 items
It was even able to update the ratings for the shows that had no IMDB ratings at TVDB.
A definite improvement.

  • As most of the Debug Log information has been removed, is there some post-run report that can be generated to enable us to go back and fix entries with missing IMDB ID's?
  • The add-on no longer adds the IMDB ID's for Episodes into the uniqueid table. Is there a reason you removed that function?

I'll keep the logs and Databases for a few days. If you need them, let me know.

Thanks for your efforts Smile
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(2019-02-11, 06:09)Karellen Wrote:  
I have run the tests for v4.0.0 using v3.5.1 as the comparison.

The test consists of the following:
  • Movies = 176
  • TV Shows = 49
  • Episodes = 1484
  • Total = 1709

In my test database I deleted the following
  • All IMDB ratings for Movies, TV Shows and Episodes
  • All IMDB uniqueid's for TV Shows and Episodes
I ran the test on v3.5.1 first with the following results (from the log)
  • Movies - 56 seconds
  • TV Shows - 11 min 40 sec
A total of 1672 ratings were updated out of 1709 items
Looking at the log, I noticed that 37 Items were logged as Impossible To Update. Some were expected as they were my own modifications to the episode listing or TheTVDB show was locked and IMDB data could not be entered. There were 4 movies that had an Impossible to Update which I found curious as the IMDB ID existed for the movie. But checking the Export, the IMDB's were recorded for 3 of the four movies. The fourth movie had no rating at IMDB. Not sure how that happened.

I ran the test on v4.0.0 with the following results (using a stopwatch as not enough info in the log)
  • Movies - 36 seconds
  • TV Shows - 2 min 55 sec
A total of 1700 ratings were updated out of 1709 items
It was even able to update the ratings for the shows that had no IMDB ratings at TVDB.
A definite improvement.

  • As most of the Debug Log information has been removed, is there some post-run report that can be generated to enable us to go back and fix entries with missing IMDB ID's?
  • The add-on no longer adds the IMDB ID's for Episodes into the uniqueid table. Is there a reason you removed that function?

I'll keep the logs and Databases for a few days. If you need them, let me know.

Thanks for your efforts Smile    
Good morning @Karellen and thanks a lot for your analysis! I think that the results confirm the improvements of version 4.0.0 with respect to 3.5.1!  Nod

Of course it would be great the have the log file of the add-on to check the 9 entries that were not updated. Now all the debug information are reported in a separate file and no more in the kodi.log one (this because I wanted users to no more activate the logging function in Kodi); you can find the update.log file under userdata\addon_data\script.light.imdb.ratings.update. Now the log is always saved (there is no more an option in the settings for that) and from that you can retrieve also the timings of the start and finish of an update (no need to use stopwatch at all). So please post or send me the file so that I can check the update.

About your questions:
  • Do you mean to have the possilbity to manually enter the missing IMDb IDs for episodes? As post-run report, please refer to the updat.log file I have just mentioned. 
  • In general I think that the retrieve of IDs is a task for the meta-data providers add-ons (e.g. theTVDB or TMDB scrapers of Kodi) or media manager programs (e.g. Ember Media Manager) and not for an add-on that is targeting just to update votes. I guess that some work on the TMDB scraper for TV shows is currently ongoing and this could include the retrieve of the IMDb IDs. Of course, if users consider this feature foundamental, I can consider to reintroduce it.
Looking forward for your reply and thanks again for your participation! This kind of proactivity is exactly what gives me the energies and pleasure to continuing in the development of my add-on and make it available to the community!

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-10, 15:39)daanwillems Wrote: Thanks for the great work!
Is it possible to write out a text file with the missing top250 movies after a scrape, just like the (now defunct) imdb rating update script did?
Since KODI Leia, no imdb addon seems to provide this feature.
Hi daanwilliems and thanks for writing!
You mean you would like to have a text file that you can consult afterwards or directly inside Kodi? I know that such feature was in the add-on you mentioned but, to be honest, I didn't want to introduce it since it was really difficult to me to understand the usefulness of that...

Let me know.  Smile
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-09, 15:28)SgtSlicer Wrote: Hey there. So to answer your (and my) question, trakt doesn't actually show up in the library, it's more of an online library showing in your screen, so I guess that is why it doesn't scrape those titles.
Too bad.

Thanks alot anyways!
Sorry about that SgtSlicer...may be in a future version...

Best Regards,

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Ok, that log has certainly made it easier to check the results.

Here is the log for v4.0.0... https://paste.kodi.tv/zecuraniho

Here is the log for v3.5.1...
Pt. 1... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PX7P29Pt3p/
Pt. 2... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Tf7MJSvTvX/

(2019-02-11, 09:53)axlt2002 Wrote: Do you mean to have the possilbity to manually enter the missing IMDb IDs for episodes? As post-run report, please refer to the updat.log file I have just mentioned. 
The add-on log is exactly what I was looking for, so that answers the first question.

For the second question, in v3.5.x the add-on would retrieve the missing imdb ID's for each episode and add it the uniqueid table. I understand that the ID's should be scraped by the scrapers, but they don't. TheMovieDB-TV Shows does not scrape the IMDB rating, also sometimes entries at the scraper site are not updated with that information at the time of scraping, and may be added later. So if this add-on is already retrieving the ID, why not add it to the database? Anyway, just my thoughts Smile

Thanks Smile
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(2019-02-11, 10:29)Karellen Wrote: Ok, that log has certainly made it easier to check the results.

Here is the log for v4.0.0... https://paste.kodi.tv/zecuraniho

Here is the log for v3.5.1...
Pt. 1... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PX7P29Pt3p/
Pt. 2... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Tf7MJSvTvX/
(2019-02-11, 09:53)axlt2002 Wrote: Do you mean to have the possilbity to manually enter the missing IMDb IDs for episodes? As post-run report, please refer to the updat.log file I have just mentioned. 
The add-on log is exactly what I was looking for, so that answers the first question.

For the second question, in v3.5.x the add-on would retrieve the missing imdb ID's for each episode and add it the uniqueid table. I understand that the ID's should be scraped by the scrapers, but they don't. TheMovieDB-TV Shows does not scrape the IMDB rating, also sometimes entries at the scraper site are not updated with that information at the time of scraping, and may be added later. So if this add-on is already retrieving the ID, why not add it to the database? Anyway, just my thoughts Smile

Thanks Smile  
Hi @Karellen, thanks a lot for your prompt feedback!

From the log:
  • The movie "Girls And Sex 2 0" misses its IMDb ID...just add it manually through the context menu and update; it should be ok.
  • About the TV show, the last 4 episodes of "Nude" don't have any rating on IMDb site so that is why it has been reported as an update issue (may be the message could be more clear in that case). About "Battlestar Galactica" and "Stargate SG-1" there is definitely a misalignement between your library and the TV show information at season level on IMDb site; on this apsect I can not do nothing...it would be interesting anyway to understand from where your local episodes have been scraped from.

About missing IMDb IDs, I understand your point. I took a note...  Wink

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Battlestar Galactica from TVDB here... https://www.thetvdb.com/series/battlesta...es/1197791

Stargate SG-1 from TheMovieDB
1 x 22 - https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4629-starg...uage=en-US
10 x 21 and 22 - Extra episodes modified by me so I expected them not to update.

Girls & Sex 2.0... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8885300/
The IMDB ID is in the database. I think because there is no rating, it has incorrectly reported no ID.

I can send the database if you like. Which one would you prefer, the version where I removed imdb id's or the version after the v4.0.0 update of imdb ratings?
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Big thanks for this great addon !

I have a small problem. When the Movie is into a Movie Collection, i see a error message.
Here the error message from the logfile:

Der Hobbit - Die Schlacht der Fünf Heere (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Der Hobbit - Smaugs Einöde (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Zurück in die Zukunft (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Zurück in die Zukunft II (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Zurück in die Zukunft III (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

How can i fix this problem?
(2019-02-11, 11:13)Karellen Wrote: Battlestar Galactica from TVDB here... https://www.thetvdb.com/series/battlesta...es/1197791

Stargate SG-1 from TheMovieDB
1 x 22 - https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4629-starg...uage=en-US
10 x 21 and 22 - Extra episodes modified by me so I expected them not to update.

Girls & Sex 2.0... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8885300/
The IMDB ID is in the database. I think because there is no rating, it has incorrectly reported no ID.

I can send the database if you like. Which one would you prefer, the version where I removed imdb id's or the version after the v4.0.0 update of imdb ratings?
Hi @Karellen! Thanks a lot for providing further information.

Battlestar Galactica: from a quick look on the IMDb site it seems there are no special episodes for that TV show, and that "Battlestar Galactica - The Plan" is considered as a stand alone TV movie (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1286130/). At the same time I have discovered that if I look on IMDb site for the season 0 of a TV show (that usually refers to Specials on TVDB), the page of the last season is loaded; just make a try with https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407362/episodes?season=0 to double check. As a conseguence, I guess that your Special episodes have now the ratings of the 4th season's ones (please give them a look); indeed your episode 0x22 is out of the range of 20 episodes in season 4 as the log reports. Another strange point is that it seems your library contains two episodes marked as 0x22...Anyway I have to manage in some way the case of "season 0" episodes...

Stargate SG-1: this is an unfortunate case in which there is a misalignment between the TV show information reported on TMDB and IMDb sites. In particular, TMDB splitted in two the first episode "Children of the Gods" while IMDb reports a single entries. My question is: how are the season 1 episodes numbered in your Kodi library? I'm expecting something like S01E01, S01E02, etc. but I don't know if the first episode is actually split or not and, therefore, how it is referenced in terms of episode number in the Kodi database. Can you please report it back? As you can easily understand such split on TMDB makes a shift with respect to IMDb and this is why the episode 22 results "out of range" (and ratings should result shifted as well).

Girls & Sex 2.0: looking at the log, it seems that there is no ID specified for it:

(IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)

Just as a double check, is there any IMDb ID in the context menu of the movie? If yes, I guess the issue is just related to a not precise log message for the case of "no rating" for a movie. If not, you can just enter the missing IMDb ID manually and run the update.

Based on the information and explaination above, please double check any other particular case that may have happen in your library but that the log file didn't capture for whatever reason.

Looking forward for the next interaction!  Smile
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-11, 13:45)Vision_rc1 Wrote: Big thanks for this great addon !

I have a small problem. When the Movie is into a Movie Collection, i see a error message.
Here the error message from the logfile:

Der Hobbit - Die Schlacht der Fünf Heere (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Der Hobbit - Smaugs Einöde (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Zurück in die Zukunft (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Zurück in die Zukunft II (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

Zurück in die Zukunft III (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID

How can i fix this problem?
Hi Vision_rc1 and thanks for reporting back.

At least from the log you reported, it seems that such movies are missing the IMDb IDs. Please open the context menu of each of them and see if the IMDb ID is actually missing. If yes, you can just enter it manually and run the update afterwards. The entered IMDb ID will be saved as well.

Please let me know.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-11, 17:00)axlt2002 Wrote: Girls & Sex 2.0: looking at the log, it seems that there is no ID specified for it:
I was mistaken, there was no ID for it. The ttxxxxx ID was there, but I had somehow changed the type to IMD

(2019-02-11, 17:00)axlt2002 Wrote: Battlestar Galactica: from a quick look on the IMDb site it seems there are no special episodes for that TV show, and that "Battlestar Galactica - The Plan" is considered as a stand alone TV movie (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1286130/). At the same time I have discovered that if I look on IMDb site for the season 0 of a TV show (that usually refers to Specials on TVDB), the page of the last season is loaded; just make a try with https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407362/episodes?season=0 to double check. As a conseguence, I guess that your Special episodes have now the ratings of the 4th season's ones (please give them a look); indeed your episode 0x22 is out of the range of 20 episodes in season 4 as the log reports. Another strange point is that it seems your library contains two episodes marked as 0x22...Anyway I have to manage in some way the case of "season 0" episodes...
The TVDB entry for that episode does correctly point to the IMDB entry. I suppose this is a negative for the new method you are using in finding the IMDB entry via the TV Show, rather than obtaining the IMDB Id from the episode at the scraper site.

I definitely have only 1 episode of 0x22

Yes, I can confirm that the other Season 0 episodes in this test library have used the ratings and vote counts of the last available season listed on IMDB

(2019-02-11, 17:00)axlt2002 Wrote: Stargate SG-1: this is an unfortunate case in which there is a misalignment between the TV show information reported on TMDB and IMDb sites. In particular, TMDB splitted in two the first episode "Children of the Gods" while IMDb reports a single entries. My question is: how are the season 1 episodes numbered in your Kodi library? I'm expecting something like S01E01, S01E02, etc. but I don't know if the first episode is actually split or not and, therefore, how it is referenced in terms of episode number in the Kodi database. Can you please report it back? As you can easily understand such split on TMDB makes a shift with respect to IMDb and this is why the episode 22 results "out of range" (and ratings should result shifted as well).
The splitting of the episodes is not uncommon, and can affect a large number of TV Shows. There are many of these in my own library, and one of the reasons that DVD Order is used at TVDB. This raises the question of whether the new version add-on can handle DVD Order or Absolute Order at TVDB or the Episode Groups at TheMovieDB, which I don't think it can and will incorrectly apply ratings.

The listing for Stargate Season 1 is slightly modified to suit my own needs. Children of the Gods is a single movie in my library, so I added this as Episode 2. For Episode 1 I replaced it with the original Stargate (1994) movie as this is the prequel to the entire tv show. But the numbering of episodes still matches the TVDB and TheMovieDB listing. Using the IMDB listing, now the ratings are off by 1 episode.

Stargate S01 at IMDB... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118480/epi...t_eps_sn_1
Stargate S01 at TMDB... https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4629-starg...uage=en-US

I am thinking that between the Season 0 issue and the different Orders for episodes available at the scraper sites, maybe the original method is more accurate
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Hello @axlt2002,

Thanks again for the great add-on. I updated to your most recent version 4.0.0 and ran it just now.

- In regards to movies, it updated them very fast. A total of 370 movies done in 1 minute and 7 seconds.
- In regards to TV Shows, it was pretty slow. Your previous version took about 40 minutes long. This one took 1h39. This was for a total on 152 TV Shows, 560 Seasons, 8,141 episodes.

Previous issue: I am happy to report that the issue i had previously is now corrected, where episodes didn't get the correct rating because they were missing IMDb id numbers on TheTVDB. It indeed updated "The Incredible Hulk", "The 4400" and "Battlestar Galactica" with the correct IMDb ratings.

New issue: Certain special episodes didn't get the correct rating, such as the "Battlestar Galactica: mini series", episodes 0x01 and 0x02. Some TV Shows that are in DVD order, such as "Firefly" didn't get the rating according to episode number but rather according to episode-order on IMDb.

I read some of the previous posts, including Karellen, and i know you're on top of the issues.

Thanks again for such a nice tweak! It would be awesome if it worked faster (maybe it's the first run...), otherwise, great work buddy ;-)
Hi @Karellen,

Thanks a lot for your feedbacks.  Nod  As anticipated, I tested version 4.0.0 on my own library that is quite "linear" without special cases...so it was really good to have you as additional testers of it!  Cool

While for the special (i.e. "season 0") episodes I can work on a solution, I acknowledge that the issue on the episodes in the DVD order it is quite tricky and I have honestly to understand it better. The example reported by Karellen about Stargate SG-1 is anyway an example of "customized patch" to satisfy your personal needs; it is clear that in such a case, retrieve the IMDb ratings on entry basis gives the correct result even if the logic behind the organization of the TV show is not aligned with the TVDB or TMDB neither. So, due to my ignorance on this, how a splitted episode is physically organized in general? Do I have two different files? How are they named? In case one file is used, how the TVDB/TMDB scrapers manage this while retrieving the information? I gave a look to the naming guidances for the TV show episodes here, but didn't find a clear answer to my questions.

Let's further discuss on this if you like.

In the meanwhile, to all users, please note that in the first thread  I have restored the download link to version 3.5.1. Please use the Light IMDb Ratings Update version that fits better your needs.

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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