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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2019-05-19, 23:34)HeresJohnny Wrote: Since today the add-on triggers a "You're not connected to the internet" warning. What mechanism does it use to determine that? Kodi can connect to the internet just fine, the YouTube add-on works for example.

I can answer that because I ran through all the code while I was trying to see what arguments it accepts, it tries to ping in ...script.light.imdb.ratings.update\resources\core\common.py line 85, aka. Google.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
(2019-03-10, 19:22)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-03-09, 22:43)Gothico Wrote: FYI: Version 3.5.1 is working as intended
Only without TV-Shows

So something is gone wrong with Bugfixing in 4.0.0
Hi Gothico,

Yes, version 3.5.1 works for movies because it uses the old format for IDs (i.e. it retrieves directly the imdbnumber parameter instead of the uniqueid). So, for the time being, you can use 3.5.1 instead of 4.0.0 (but ratings update for TV shows will not work anyway).    


Thanks for creating this plugin and being so active in this thread!

After installing v4.0.0 and running it, I didn't see any changes in my TV Shows ratings. E.g. still '2 votes' when I take a look in the episode-details.
So I figured I must be doing something wrong.

After reading 34 pages in this thread, I draw the following conclusion (correct me if I'm wrong):
  • updating TV-shows only works if TV Shows-ratings-provider is set to IMDB (not TMDB)
  • "Set IMDb ratings as default" is enabled in the add-on settings (otherwise I don't see IMDB ratings?). It's not quite clear to me what this option does.
  • v.3.5.1 only works for movies, not for movies (see quote above), so I only tried the 4.0.0 version

But if I update a single episode via the context-menu, I still get a popup: "IMDb ID: n/a".
Guess I'm still doing something wrong Smile

Any ideas?


ps. I'm running OSMC
(2019-05-31, 08:49)jarown Wrote: After installing v4.0.0 and running it, I didn't see any changes in my TV Shows ratings
Without any other information like the Debug Log or which tv show you are referring to, this may be the problem here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2798674

(2019-05-31, 08:49)jarown Wrote: "Set IMDb ratings as default" is enabled in the add-on settings (otherwise I don't see IMDB ratings?). It's not quite clear to me what this option does.
Kodi can accommodate multiple ratings- TMDB, TVDB, IMDB, Metacritic, RottenTomatoes etc. One of these has to be set as the default so it is displayed in Kodi skins that display only one rating. Using that setting will set the IMDB as default and always displayed. If no default is set, no rating is displayed.
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(2019-05-31, 09:48)Karellen Wrote:
(2019-05-31, 08:49)jarown Wrote: After installing v4.0.0 and running it, I didn't see any changes in my TV Shows ratings
Without any other information like the Debug Log or which tv show you are referring to, this may be the problem here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2798674
(2019-05-31, 08:49)jarown Wrote: "Set IMDb ratings as default" is enabled in the add-on settings (otherwise I don't see IMDB ratings?). It's not quite clear to me what this option does.
Kodi can accommodate multiple ratings- TMDB, TVDB, IMDB, Metacritic, RottenTomatoes etc. One of these has to be set as the default so it is displayed in Kodi skins that display only one rating. Using that setting will set the IMDB as default and always displayed. If no default is set, no rating is displayed.  
Thanks for the quick reply & explanation.
Quote:The cause for this is that the scraper site does not have the IMDB ID recorded at the site
I was referring to The Big Bang Theory S12E07. I'm using the the TVDB and it looks like the episode is linked to IMDB: https://www.thetvdb.com/series/the-big-b...es/6873461
If the problem remains unclear, I'll share a Debug Log.
I installed the 3.5.1 version and it looks like it works just fine.

I saw some "impossible to update" entries in the logging: https://paste.kodi.tv/anegolanil.kodi

However, I don't see what the difference is between 4x10 and 4x15:
- 4x10 says "impossible to update", but I do see a Score (7.9 / 2,247 votes) and it's listed: https://www.thetvdb.com/series/the-big-b...es/3168381
- 4x15 says "IMDb ID from TheTVDB site", it's also listed https://www.thetvdb.com/series/the-big-b...es/3509831 without IMDB-link, but I do see a Score as well (7.9 / 2,244) votes)
(2019-06-01, 09:13)jarown Wrote: I saw some "impossible to update" entries in the logging: anegolanil.kodi (paste)
Provide the rest of it, we need the full log.
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(2019-06-01, 23:42)Karellen Wrote:
(2019-06-01, 09:13)jarown Wrote: I saw some "impossible to update" entries in the logging: anegolanil.kodi(paste)
Provide the rest of it, we need the full log.  

Hi Karellen,

It looks like the score for these episodes in Kodi match the ones in IMDB.
The 3.5.1-version is working just fine, so I won't bother you with my logs Smile

Thanks anyway!
(2019-06-02, 16:55)jarown Wrote: The 3.5.1-version is working just fine, so I won't bother you with my logs Smile
IMHO users who are not willing to support the authors in finding bugs when using their software should not be eligible for support themselves. At all.
(2019-06-02, 21:19)HeresJohnny Wrote:
(2019-06-02, 16:55)jarown Wrote: The 3.5.1-version is working just fine, so I won't bother you with my logs Smile
IMHO users who are not willing to support the authors in finding bugs when using their software should not be eligible for support themselves. At all. 
@HeresJohnny, I totally agree. I just didn't want to waste anyones time by causing a wild goose chase. 
However, if it helps the developer, I'm happy to share my logs: https://paste.kodi.tv/elohohotuz.kodi
Hi guys!

Just rising my hand to let you know that I'm still alive!  Nod  As anticipated, my free time at the moment is almost null. I hope to be on the road again soon...

Anyway I don't see any urgent issue on the current versions of the add-on, but I would suggest to stay with 3.5.1 to be on the safe side!  Wink

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Thanks for this addon.

I've hundreds of Missing IMDb ID's.
  1. Is there a tool to get the imdb ID and tmdb ID and write it 'MyVideosxxx.db'?
  2. Where does that info get wrote to?
(2019-06-12, 17:06)stephen147 Wrote: I've hundreds of Missing IMDb ID's.
  1. Is there a tool to get the imdb ID and tmdb ID and write it 'MyVideosxxx.db'?
  2. Where does that info get wrote to?

See my related post https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2846827
(2019-06-12, 17:06)stephen147 Wrote: 've hundreds of Missing IMDb ID's.
  1. Is there a tool to get the imdb ID and tmdb ID and write it 'MyVideosxxx.db'?

  2. Where does that info get wrote to?
Also my related post as a possible reason why they are still missing after using this add-on... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2798956
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@Karellen + @HeresJohnny 

Thanks, I've ended up just re-scraping the entire library with the universal scraper like so.

Maybe once this is done this add-on will grab updates.

To maintain the watched flag I used the WatchedList Add-on... https://kodi.tv/addon/program-add-ons-sc...atchedlist
Unfortunately, I'll lose my tags but that's all the problems I'll have hopefully.
(2019-06-13, 00:58)stephen147 Wrote: Maybe once this is done this add-on will grab updates.
Are you referring to TV Shows or Movies? I assumed TV Shows.

If you are referring to Movies, then the existing scrapers already provide the IMDB ratings.
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