(2020-03-08, 14:47)HeresJohnny Wrote: I'm running v3.5.3 of your nice add-on and I've noticed that it doesn't update the IMDB ratings for the latest season 3 of the tv show "Castlevania". I've checked that the TV show itself has a IMDB ID in my database, however the episodes of season 3 don't have one. The add-on doesn't seem to be able to add that ID by itself - could you have a look?
The logfile shows lines like:
Light IMDb Ratings Update log file - 2020-03-08 13:42:25
--> Rating(s) update for movie/TV show/season/episode
Castlevania 3x06:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: TVDB 7612667 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID
I've checked the TVDB for this sample episode and it shows a link to IMDB which is correct.
Hi @
HeresJohnny, thanks for reporting this issue.
First of all, just want to have a confirmation on your side: do you use TheTVDB scraper in Kodi, right?
Besides of that, I took a look into it and it seems that the problem is on TheTVDB.com side. Indeed I have tried to update the ratings of episode 1 of season 1 and the one that you reported. My add-on uses TheTVDB APIs to access the episodes information, and these are the results related to such episodes:
response = {u'seriesId': 329065, u'airsAfterSeason': None, u'dvdEpisodeNumber': None, u'productionCode': u'', u'overview': u'A headstrong young woman seeks out forbidden knowledge, and a corrupt bishop courts disaster by enraging a legend.', u'airedSeasonID': 713454, u'thumbAdded': u'2019-11-13 12:44:16', u'episodeName': u'Witchbottle', u'airedSeason': 1, u'airsBeforeSeason': None, u'showUrl': u'', u'id': 6104282, u'dvdDiscid': u'', u'contentRating': u'TV-MA', u'filename': u'episodes/329065/6104282.jpg', u'dvdSeason': None, u'writers': [u'Warren Ellis'], u'airedEpisodeNumber': 1, u'absoluteNumber': 1, u'thumbHeight': u'360', u'isMovie': 0, u'imdbId': u'tt6942612', u'lastUpdated': 1540574393, u'airsBeforeEpisode': None, u'lastUpdatedBy': 1, u'dvdChapter': None, u'language': {u'overview': u'en', u'episodeName': u'en'}, u'thumbAuthor': 1, u'siteRatingCount': 56, u'directors': [u'Sam Deats'], u'firstAired': u'2017-07-07', u'guestStars': [], u'siteRating': 9.5, u'thumbWidth': u'640'}
response = {u'seriesId': 329065, u'airsAfterSeason': None, u'dvdEpisodeNumber': None, u'productionCode': u'', u'overview': u'Lenore continues to spend time with Hector, slowly earning his trust. Saint Germain experiences a telling nightmare about the Infinite Corridor.', u'airedSeasonID': 1821236, u'thumbAdded': u'', u'episodeName': u'The Good Dream', u'airedSeason': 3, u'airsBeforeSeason': None, u'showUrl': u'', u'id': 7612667, u'dvdDiscid': u'', u'contentRating': u'TV-MA', u'filename': u'series/329065/episodes/62100312.jpg', u'dvdSeason': None, u'writers': [], u'airedEpisodeNumber': 6, u'absoluteNumber': 18, u'thumbHeight': u'360', u'isMovie': 0, u'imdbId': u'', u'lastUpdated': 1583430800, u'airsBeforeEpisode': None, u'lastUpdatedBy': 1218694, u'dvdChapter': None, u'language': {u'overview': u'en', u'episodeName': u'en'}, u'thumbAuthor': None, u'siteRatingCount': 0, u'directors': [], u'firstAired': u'2020-03-05', u'guestStars': [], u'siteRating': 0, u'thumbWidth': u'640'}
As you can see, even if on the TheTVDB.com site episode page there is a correct link to the related IMDb page, the IMDb ID is not included in the response related to the request. I think you should bring this issue directly to the attention of TheTVDB.com guys.
Have a great day!