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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
@axlt2002 When I pull the contextual menu on any TV Show (for example Narcos) and choose to update ratings, it then takes me to that usual pop-up with all the IDs (tmdbid, ttid, etc) but the rating section says N/A, even if I choose to manually upgrade Narcos.

PS: Using "set imdb ratings on default" to off. Maybe I can try turn it on to see what happens (does it require another rescan?)

EDIT: Just enabled "set imdb ratings on default" and now the popup menu shows the rating and votes. Thing is, I just ran an entire movie + tv show ratings update scan and only THEN i turned the setting on. Its retroactive or should I run another scan now?
(2020-02-14, 17:38)djhifi Wrote: @axlt2002 When I pull the contextual menu on any TV Show (for example Narcos) and choose to update ratings, it then takes me to that usual pop-up with all the IDs (tmdbid, ttid, etc) but the rating section says N/A, even if I choose to manually upgrade Narcos.

PS: Using "set imdb ratings on default" to off. Maybe I can try turn it on to see what happens (does it require another rescan?)

EDIT: Just enabled "set imdb ratings on default" and now the popup menu shows the rating and votes. Thing is, I just ran an entire movie + tv show ratings update scan and only THEN i turned the setting on. Its retroactive or should I run another scan now?

Hi, thanks for reporting back.

At the moment my cristal ball is broken, so a debug log would be really helpful to solve any eventual bug...thanks a lot! 😉
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi! Great add-on now that I have it working. My only problem seemed to be that the "Bottle" dependencies wasn't installed. As soon as I went through each dependency and made sure they were all installed, everything is working fine. I don't know if this has been mentioned before in the thread, but just throwing this out here for anyone who may be having an issue getting the add-on to run. I just discovered this today and am VERY happy with it -- thanks!
I saw someone brought up incorporating Rotten Tomatoes way back in 2018 and I was wondering if you had given it any additional thought since then.  While IMDB works well enough, I find myself using RT's audience score more than anything else nowadays because it does seem to match up with my own preferences, especially since they added the verified ratings.  I realize you prefer IMDB and this is your addon, so I understand if this isn't something you have any interest in doing.
Hi folks,

Version 3.5.3 has been just released to solve a bug when updating single episodes through the context menu.

Have a great day!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2020-02-18, 04:31)SMB-IL Wrote: Hi! Great add-on now that I have it working. My only problem seemed to be that the "Bottle" dependencies wasn't installed. As soon as I went through each dependency and made sure they were all installed, everything is working fine. I don't know if this has been mentioned before in the thread, but just throwing this out here for anyone who may be having an issue getting the add-on to run. I just discovered this today and am VERY happy with it -- thanks!
Hi @SMB-IL, thanks for writing.

To be honest I'm really missing your point here...Light IMDb Ratings Update doesn't require any "Bottle"...  Oo
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2020-02-18, 08:45)Skirge01 Wrote: I saw someone brought up incorporating Rotten Tomatoes way back in 2018 and I was wondering if you had given it any additional thought since then.  While IMDB works well enough, I find myself using RT's audience score more than anything else nowadays because it does seem to match up with my own preferences, especially since they added the verified ratings.  I realize you prefer IMDB and this is your addon, so I understand if this isn't something you have any interest in doing.
Hello @Skirge01, thanks for your post.

Yes, I'm sorry but your guessing is right...so that I have no plans to extend the addon to support Rotten Tomatoes. Hope you can understand.

Have a nice day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2020-02-25, 17:06)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2020-02-18, 08:45)Skirge01 Wrote: I saw someone brought up incorporating Rotten Tomatoes way back in 2018 and I was wondering if you had given it any additional thought since then.  While IMDB works well enough, I find myself using RT's audience score more than anything else nowadays because it does seem to match up with my own preferences, especially since they added the verified ratings.  I realize you prefer IMDB and this is your addon, so I understand if this isn't something you have any interest in doing.
Hello @Skirge01, thanks for your post.

Yes, I'm sorry but your guessing is right...so that I have no plans to extend the addon to support Rotten Tomatoes. Hope you can understand.

Have a nice day! 
No need to apologize.  Like I said, I know this is your project, so you're only going to focus on what's useful for you.  Maybe in another year or so, you'll find you like RT.  Have I mentioned how helpful I find their user ratings?  Oh, I did?  Wink  I still appreciate your work on and will continue to use your IMDB addon.  Thanks for creating it.
I'm running v3.5.3 of your nice add-on and I've noticed that it doesn't update the IMDB ratings for the latest season 3 of the tv show "Castlevania". I've checked that the TV show itself has a IMDB ID in my database, however the episodes of season 3 don't have one. The add-on doesn't seem to be able to add that ID by itself - could you have a look?

The logfile shows lines like:

Light IMDb Ratings Update log file - 2020-03-08 13:42:25

--> Rating(s) update for movie/TV show/season/episode
Castlevania 3x06:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: TVDB 7612667 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID

I've checked the TVDB for this sample episode and it shows a link to IMDB which is correct.
(2020-03-08, 14:47)HeresJohnny Wrote: I'm running v3.5.3 of your nice add-on and I've noticed that it doesn't update the IMDB ratings for the latest season 3 of the tv show "Castlevania". I've checked that the TV show itself has a IMDB ID in my database, however the episodes of season 3 don't have one. The add-on doesn't seem to be able to add that ID by itself - could you have a look?

The logfile shows lines like:

Light IMDb Ratings Update log file - 2020-03-08 13:42:25

--> Rating(s) update for movie/TV show/season/episode
Castlevania 3x06:
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_theTVDB: TVDB 7612667 (episode) -> missing IMDb ID
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb: Missing TMDB ID

I've checked the TVDB for this sample episode and it shows a link to IMDB which is correct.
Hi @HeresJohnny, thanks for reporting this issue.

First of all, just want to have a confirmation on your side: do you use TheTVDB scraper in Kodi, right?

Besides of that, I took a look into it and it seems that the problem is on TheTVDB.com side. Indeed I have tried to update the ratings of episode 1 of season 1 and the one that you reported. My add-on uses TheTVDB APIs to access the episodes information, and these are the results related to such episodes:


response = {u'seriesId': 329065, u'airsAfterSeason': None, u'dvdEpisodeNumber': None, u'productionCode': u'', u'overview': u'A headstrong young woman seeks out forbidden knowledge, and a corrupt bishop courts disaster by enraging a legend.', u'airedSeasonID': 713454, u'thumbAdded': u'2019-11-13 12:44:16', u'episodeName': u'Witchbottle', u'airedSeason': 1, u'airsBeforeSeason': None, u'showUrl': u'', u'id': 6104282, u'dvdDiscid': u'', u'contentRating': u'TV-MA', u'filename': u'episodes/329065/6104282.jpg', u'dvdSeason': None, u'writers': [u'Warren Ellis'], u'airedEpisodeNumber': 1, u'absoluteNumber': 1, u'thumbHeight': u'360', u'isMovie': 0, u'imdbId': u'tt6942612', u'lastUpdated': 1540574393, u'airsBeforeEpisode': None, u'lastUpdatedBy': 1, u'dvdChapter': None, u'language': {u'overview': u'en', u'episodeName': u'en'}, u'thumbAuthor': 1, u'siteRatingCount': 56, u'directors': [u'Sam Deats'], u'firstAired': u'2017-07-07', u'guestStars': [], u'siteRating': 9.5, u'thumbWidth': u'640'}


response = {u'seriesId': 329065, u'airsAfterSeason': None, u'dvdEpisodeNumber': None, u'productionCode': u'', u'overview': u'Lenore continues to spend time with Hector, slowly earning his trust. Saint Germain experiences a telling nightmare about the Infinite Corridor.', u'airedSeasonID': 1821236, u'thumbAdded': u'', u'episodeName': u'The Good Dream', u'airedSeason': 3, u'airsBeforeSeason': None, u'showUrl': u'', u'id': 7612667, u'dvdDiscid': u'', u'contentRating': u'TV-MA', u'filename': u'series/329065/episodes/62100312.jpg', u'dvdSeason': None, u'writers': [], u'airedEpisodeNumber': 6, u'absoluteNumber': 18, u'thumbHeight': u'360', u'isMovie': 0, u'imdbId': u'', u'lastUpdated': 1583430800, u'airsBeforeEpisode': None, u'lastUpdatedBy': 1218694, u'dvdChapter': None, u'language': {u'overview': u'en', u'episodeName': u'en'}, u'thumbAuthor': None, u'siteRatingCount': 0, u'directors': [], u'firstAired': u'2020-03-05', u'guestStars': [], u'siteRating': 0, u'thumbWidth': u'640'}

As you can see, even if on the TheTVDB.com site episode page there is a correct link to the related IMDb page, the IMDb ID is not included in the response related to the request. I think you should bring this issue directly to the attention of TheTVDB.com guys.

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Thanks for looking into this and yup, that is my scraper and yup, this looks like an API issue. I have an account at thetvdb.com but unfortunately that isn't valid for their forum. I've spent all my spunk today on MusicBrainz issues and adding releases and will have to let this one here ripen some more until my OCD prevents me from ignoring it anymore. Thanks for now, if there are TVDB wizards reading, please take over!
(2020-03-08, 21:02)HeresJohnny Wrote: Thanks for looking into this and yup, that is my scraper and yup, this looks like an API issue. I have an account at thetvdb.com but unfortunately that isn't valid for their forum. I've spent all my spunk today on MusicBrainz issues and adding releases and will have to let this one here ripen some more until my OCD prevents me from ignoring it anymore. Thanks for now, if there are TVDB wizards reading, please take over!
Let's wait they will solve the issue.

Anyway, in case you need to update the ratings, you can always manually add the IMDb IDs through the context menu of each episode (I know that it can be boring...). Another solution could be to use version 4.2.1 that bases the ratings update on the TV show IMDb ID without the need of the single episodes ID; be aware that this version doesn't manage DVD order and/or special cases such as "customized" episodes added to a season.

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
I'm happy to report that 4.2.1 added all the missing IDs and updated all episodes without a hitch!
Got a request! It's probably easy AND can bring peace to the world... of Kodi.

You know how there are two rating fields, RATING and MYRATING. RATING is used for third party ratings / movies and MYRATING is coming from tags and or user ratings and is mainly used in music. Now, it would great if you could add an option to write the ratings updates to the MYRATING field instead of RATING. That would finally get rid of the problem that users need a skin to switch between ratings models depending on the kind of media they prefer. And, since it would be optional and probably not activated by default, it wouldn't break anything.

Pretty please?
It seems the website http://akas.imdb.com/ is no longer working causing the addon to fail when updating ratings.
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