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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2022-12-11, 23:41)axlt2002 Wrote: Did you try the above points before? Are you on Android as well or the system you mentioned in your previous post?
Yes, I tried the points above. I am also on LE 9.2.6. (Kodi 18.9) I tried it again, but same issue every time.

(2022-12-11, 23:57)shedrock Wrote:
(2022-12-11, 23:41)axlt2002 Wrote: Did you try the above points before? Are you on Android as well or the system you mentioned in your previous post?
Yes, I tried the points above. I am also on LE 9.2.6. (Kodi 18.9) I tried it again, but same issue every time.


If you go inside the add-on folder, do you se the folder "support" and inside it the file common.py?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-12-12, 00:01)axlt2002 Wrote: If you go inside the add-on folder, do you se the folder "support" and inside it the file common.py?
Yes, the file is present.
(2022-12-12, 00:22)shedrock Wrote:
(2022-12-12, 00:01)axlt2002 Wrote: If you go inside the add-on folder, do you se the folder "support" and inside it the file common.py?
Yes, the file is present.

Thanks. I don't really understand the error then...and I don't know why I don't have it on my installations...

Hope some python expert can read this and provide an help...anyway tomorrow I will try to investigate...

Thanks for now.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-12-12, 00:36)axlt2002 Wrote: Hope some python expert can read this and provide an help...anyway tomorrow I will try to investigate...
No problem. Hopefully you get it all sorted.


Hello folks,

Version 5.1.1 that fixes the bug reported by @BriceysCousin and @shedrock has been just released. Sorry for the inconvenience...it is clear that this things happen when you program just for hobby!  Smile

Good night!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-12-12, 21:35)axlt2002 Wrote: Version 5.1.1 that fixes the bug reported by @BriceysCousin and @shedrock has been just released.
Thank you very much. It seems to be working. Although, I haven't tested it on episodes as of yet. I remembered I had to update using the "season" option in the configuration with the previous version.

Thanks for all you hard work,

(2022-12-12, 21:35)axlt2002 Wrote: Hello folks,

Version 5.1.1 that fixes the bug reported by @BriceysCousin and @shedrock has been just released. Sorry for the inconvenience...it is clear that this things happen when you program just for hobby!  Smile

Good night!
thanks !!
Have been pointed to this addon and just installed and tested.
What would be nice to have as new features:
- option to force to read IMDB ratings only for these episodes and movies which do not have it yet in the library. For me it took 25 minutes until the job was done but whats the point to repeat action for every movie and episode when I'm interested to scrap IMDB ratings only for new added movies or episodes?
- option to schedule more often like every few hours or minutes

In general very useful add-on especially for when you are start using "The TVDB v4" scraper which doesn't read IMDBs ratings.
(2023-01-04, 12:04)rafikW Wrote: - option to force to read IMDB ratings only for these episodes and movies which do not have it yet in the library. For me it took 25 minutes until the job was done but whats the point to repeat action for every movie and episode when I'm interested to scrap IMDB ratings only for new added movies or episodes?
Use the context menu on the movie, tv show or episode to update only that item..

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(2023-01-04, 21:27)Karellen Wrote: Use the context menu on the movie, tv show or episode to update only that item..
Thanks, didn't know about this!

It helps but implement rafikW's suggestion to allow to only update episodes and movies without imdb rating would be great! Thanks in advance.

Kind regards
Hello there, I'm running the latest version of this addon. 

For some reason I can't get to download the episodes ratings.
Since I'm using the scrapper TVDB v4 it'S not downloading the ratings. If I go to the context menu and go to update imdb rating on a single episode, the window that pops-up say's N/A for IMDB..... don't know why since I can find it on IMDB website and if I input the episode ID into it, evertything works. 

Anyone is having the same issue?
I only see an ID for TVDB but ratings is also N/A on that window.

Thanks in advance.
(2023-01-04, 23:32)first_dominator Wrote: Since I'm using the scrapper TVDB v4 it'S not downloading the ratings.
TVDB is a difficult one.
For TVDB to work with LightIMDB, the IMDB ID must be entered at TVDB, and that ID must have been scraped into your library database. The LightIMDB addon can then use the IMDB ID for the rating lookup.

If you don't see the highlighted entry on the TVDB page, then no IMDB ID has been entered and it won't have been scraped into your library database.


If you have nfo files, the ID's look like the following and you should have imdb listed. If you have 3 id's that is great, but you should have at least two and imdb should be one of them.

<uniqueid type="imdb">tt7584374</uniqueid>
<uniqueid type="tmdb" default="true">1841370</uniqueid>
<uniqueid type="tvdb">7187593</uniqueid>
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(2023-01-04, 23:32)first_dominator Wrote: I only see an ID for TVDB but ratings is also N/A on that window.
Also, TVDB don't have ratings on their site anymore. That was removed a couple of years ago. Whatever ratings you do scrape from there are stale leftovers.
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That's what I tough... it's a bummer.
Some Episodes (latest ones) don't have a IMDB ID on TVDB website...

What would be my other best option as a scapper for TV-Shows?
Or any other addon, that would scrape jsut the IMDB IDHuh?

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