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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2017-08-11, 17:56)cgi2011 Wrote: Hi,

at first, thank you very much again for all the effort you put in this add-on. i tried to install it on my nvidia shield, but i'm getting the error message from your description. here is my log, i hope it will help you:

Kodi log

i'm looking forward to using it Smile .

have a great day


Hi cgi2011,

Thanks for your post. If you look some posts above, there is an open point related to the support of the Nvidia Shield. I'm going to provide you a test version of the add-on to see if the current php binary is working also on that paltform...even if I have some doubts (the php is for ARM 32 architecture and unfortunately is the only one available for Android based devices). I will try to write you back later this evening (currently on vacation...).

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi axlt2002,

thank you for your fast response and the pm. i can't answer you directly for reason i don't understand. doesn't matter, i'll try your test-build first thing tomorrow...


Hi axlt2002,

i did get an error message after i ran the update manually, simultaneously the update did check all my movies. it took a while though. i can't use pastebin because the log file exceeds 1mb and i am not a pro user. I could send you the file via e-mail. if that's okay for you, just send me a pm with your e-mail-adress Smile .

(2017-08-10, 21:49)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2017-08-07, 15:32)tmacca Wrote: Thanks for the quick response Alex
I'm in no rush, don't let me get in the way of a cold beer or three!
Have fun

Hi tmacca,

You have a private message. Wink


Hi tmacca,

Did you have the chance to try the test build of the add-on I sent to you to check if it works on OSMC?

Waiting for your feedback ))
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-08-13, 09:55)cgi2011 Wrote: Hi axlt2002,

i did get an error message after i ran the update manually, simultaneously the update did check all my movies. it took a while though. i can't use pastebin because the log file exceeds 1mb and i am not a pro user. I could send you the file via e-mail. if that's okay for you, just send me a pm with your e-mail-adress Smile .


Hi cgi2011,

Really good news! The add-on runs over Nvidia Shield (with Android 7.0.0 ARM 64-bit). If you check the log you sent me, you can see that movie ratings have been updated as well as the Top 250 (for example you can check the movie Logan that has been inserted at position 160). The two errors that happened are a consequence of the persistent bug present in Kodi 17 (see the first post of this thread for further information; unfortunately this bug will not be fixed for Kodi 17.4 but it happens only at the first run of the add-on after the installation).

In addition to that, TV Shows are not updated because IMDB IDs are missing. Again, refer to the first post of this thread for more information.

Thanks for your collaboration! I'm going to release a new version of Light IMDb Ratings Update the next weekend (maybe with some new features in addition to the support of Nvidia Shield).

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!

thank you for the acknowledgement that the update did work. the error-message doesn't bother me, as long as the ratings get updated Smile . if i understand correctly they only happen on the first run. i'll check my tv-show library and try to fill in the imdb ids...

i'm looking forward for the next update(s) for this great addon!

big thx again Smile Smile

(2017-08-13, 17:00)cgi2011 Wrote: Hi,

thank you for the acknowledgement that the update did work. the error-message doesn't bother me, as long as the ratings get updated Smile . if i understand correctly they only happen on the first run. i'll check my tv-show library and try to fill in the imdb ids...

i'm looking forward for the next update(s) for this great addon!

big thx again Smile Smile


I will try to limit the error message for who is using Kodi 17 in the next release; I personally love to have a "clean" behaviour as much as possible Smile Anyway, it is also true that it happens at the first run.

For the TV Show IDs I don't know if you use an external scraper to generate the .nfo files; if yes, I would suggest to use EMM since at the moment it seems to be the only media manager that uses the correct format for the unique ids. If you just rely on the Kodi internal scrapers, I suggest to export the Kodi library; this will generate the various .nfo files and you should be able to edit them to add the IMDb IDs if not present (maybe this is going to be a demanding task if you have a lot of TV Shows and Episodes).


Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi Alex,

thank you for the suggestion, i did use tinymediamanager because i find it a bit more accessible. You can define to use imdb as the only scraper and addionally add the imdb id for movie or tv show manually if needed.

So it seems everything is on track at my library Smile .


(2017-08-15, 13:02)cgi2011 Wrote: Hi Alex,

thank you for the suggestion, i did use tinymediamanager because i find it a bit more accessible. You can define to use imdb as the only scraper and addionally add the imdb id for movie or tv show manually if needed.

So it seems everything is on track at my library Smile .



Hi cgi2011,

Thanks for your notification. Of course it was not my intention to make an advertisement of Ember Media Manager Blush, but at the moment it was the only media manager known by me to support the new format used by Kodi for the Movies/TV Shows/Episodes IDs. Nod

An open point that I have is to check the IDs format used by the other media manager such as Tiny, Emby, MediaElch. Honestly is something that goes beyond my add-on, but it is really a curiosity that I want to satisfy! Wink
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi guys!

As promised I have released a new version of Light IMDb Ratings Update (2.1.0) with the added support for Nvidia Shield.

Please note that I have removed my repository. You have then to download the .zip file directly from the link in the first post of this thread.

Have a fantastic weekend!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Can you add an option to SKIP TV Show (or movie) IMDB checking? I have a TV Show, "The Fabric Of The Cosmos" which is correctly listed on thetvdb as an individual tv show (and EMBY correcty scrapped its ID). Altough on IMDB its part of "NOVA" series, so EMBY is using the ID of that show...the result is that when I am updating the ratings, when it reaches "the fabric of the cosmos" it just stays there forever...

EDIT: Also, I can confirm this is now working on Nvidia Shield
EDIT: For EMBY users this addon works, altough not for the episodes, as stated 2 pages back.
hoping OSMC was included in latest release as i seen you did a test build.
But no, still waiting- patiently Big Grin
Hi axlt,

I'm not sure if my problem really is related with your addon but I'm facing the following issue since I installed it.

I'm using Emby with local nfo files.
When the Emby for Kodi addon syncs newly added media to Kodi it messes up the rating somehow.
Unfortunately, this did not happen before using your addon.

For example I added some movie with an imdb rating of 8.2 which is shown correctly in Emby itself.
For some reason in Kodi the movie comes up with 6.7.

When resetting the Kodi database via the Emby for Kodi addon settings the movie correctly shows 8.2.
and when running your addon the movie gets properly updated to 8.2 aswell. So this works.

But I want my movies to have the rating specified in my nfo files right after adding them of course.

I already tried uninstalling your addon but I still got the same issue.
And as it doesn't seem to be Emby related (already checked the Emby forum) it maybe has to do with the php installation alongside your addon.
Do I need to uninstall any other files/folders after uninstalling your addon so that I can narrow down the issue a bit.

I'd really like to use your addon together with Emby.
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(2017-08-20, 21:09)djhifi Wrote: Can you add an option to SKIP TV Show (or movie) IMDB checking? I have a TV Show, "The Fabric Of The Cosmos" which is correctly listed on thetvdb as an individual tv show (and EMBY correcty scrapped its ID). Altough on IMDB its part of "NOVA" series, so EMBY is using the ID of that show...the result is that when I am updating the ratings, when it reaches "the fabric of the cosmos" it just stays there forever...

EDIT: Also, I can confirm this is now working on Nvidia Shield
EDIT: For EMBY users this addon works, altough not for the episodes, as stated 2 pages back.

Hi djhifi,

The add-on actually already skip the movie/tv show/episode for which there is no IMDb ID or the ID is not an IMDb ID (i.e. it does not start with "tt"). It happened once that there was an ID starting with "tt" but with a special character instead of a number (something like tt324@532); in this case the add-on provides an error since the request to the IMDb site fails.

Having said that, I see really strange that the add-on enters in a "loop". Can you provide a debug log so that I can check it? Thanks in davance.

P.S.: About EMBY, I will check as soon as possible how the episodes IDs are managed.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-08-20, 23:54)Jelf10 Wrote: hoping OSMC was included in latest release as i seen you did a test build.
But no, still waiting- patiently Big Grin

Hi Jelf10,

You are perfectly right, but I'm still waiting for the reponse from the guy to which I provided the test build. May be you can help me? Since I have to reimplement the modification, can you please provide a debug log while running the PHP installation? Please use the latest version of the add-on (2.1.0).

Thanks in advance for your help.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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