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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2017-09-13, 11:50)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2017-09-12, 23:12)djhifi Wrote:
(2017-09-12, 22:40)voyagertm Wrote: It seems your kodi/script cant access imdb.
Btw you are using Emby, Emby itself already updates votes etc.
Everything you do in kodi with this addon here Emby will overwrite it on a later date when it updates the library.
Only watched status will be kept, or you have to change Emby's behavior towards updates.

The debug only reveales it can't access imdb, thats why it runs thru it so quickly.
So far the rest seems to be running ok, but axlt2002 has to confirm that tho Smile

Sorry but you are wrong. Emby is not overwritting the database on each update addon side (incremental update). Also, emby for kodi addon is currently not updating votes from my main server.
Please bear in mind that EMBY has an addon for KODI which I use, to auto update the database. Which it does and currently its not messing with the ratings on this addon.

But what does it mean my KODI/SCRIPT cant access IMDB? I have internet access on my kodi machine. Do i need some sort of script/addon? As I mentioned, this is a fresh libreelec install...

by enabling the Kodi log?

You mean, I turn on debug logging and perform a manual PHP install?
(2017-09-13, 19:56)djhifi Wrote: You mean, I turn on debug logging and perform a manual PHP install?

Exactly! Nod
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-09-13, 20:04)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2017-09-13, 19:56)djhifi Wrote: You mean, I turn on debug logging and perform a manual PHP install?

Exactly! Nod


There it is. I took the liberty of starting a manual update of Movie ratings (the same problem is occuring) and stopped the log soon after (no need to build a big log file).

PS: What's more strange is that on my SHIELD machine everything is working OK. (Altough its stopping on the same TV Show as always "The Fabric Of The Cosmos", I have yet to send you a kodi.log about this)....Altough I know that is related to the fact that the TV Show does not exist on IMDB (only as an episode) and it exists on thetvdb, and your addon only scans for imdb...

Regarding Libreelec, am I missing a complementary addon on my libreelec machine or everything should be working by simply installing the addon + php ? I dont think its due to write permissions on the libreelec machine as everything is working fine.,..
(2017-09-13, 20:23)djhifi Wrote:
(2017-09-13, 20:04)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2017-09-13, 19:56)djhifi Wrote: You mean, I turn on debug logging and perform a manual PHP install?

Exactly! Nod


There it is. I took the liberty of starting a manual update of Movie ratings (the same problem is occuring) and stopped the log soon after (no need to build a big log file).

PS: What's more strange is that on my SHIELD machine everything is working OK. (Altough its stopping on the same TV Show as always "The Fabric Of The Cosmos", I have yet to send you a kodi.log about this)....Altough I know that is related to the fact that the TV Show does not exist on IMDB (only as an episode) and it exists on thetvdb, and your addon only scans for imdb...

Regarding Libreelec, am I missing a complementary addon on my libreelec machine or everything should be working by simply installing the addon + php ? I dont think its due to write permissions on the libreelec machine as everything is working fine.,..

Hi djhifi,

Thanks for the log. Answering to your question, it is sufficient to install the add-on and run the PHP installation to have the updates working. From the log, the PHP installation works as expected installing the necessary modules for your platform; the fact that on your SHIELD (as well as on my Windows machine) the updates are working perfectly, it makes me really puzzled. I don't know where the issue can be...the only thing that cames into my mind is that the test was performed over LibreELEC 8.0 (Kodi 17.3) on a platform that was exactly the same as your (x86 64 bit machine). Something related to the new version then? I'm just guessing of course. Would it be nice to re-check if the add-on (latest version 2.1.1) is still working on the previous version of LibreELEC (8.0).

About the TV Show update, please provide me the log so that I can check what is going wrong there.


Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-09-14, 15:48)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2017-09-13, 20:23)djhifi Wrote:
(2017-09-13, 20:04)axlt2002 Wrote: Exactly! Nod


There it is. I took the liberty of starting a manual update of Movie ratings (the same problem is occuring) and stopped the log soon after (no need to build a big log file).

PS: What's more strange is that on my SHIELD machine everything is working OK. (Altough its stopping on the same TV Show as always "The Fabric Of The Cosmos", I have yet to send you a kodi.log about this)....Altough I know that is related to the fact that the TV Show does not exist on IMDB (only as an episode) and it exists on thetvdb, and your addon only scans for imdb...

Regarding Libreelec, am I missing a complementary addon on my libreelec machine or everything should be working by simply installing the addon + php ? I dont think its due to write permissions on the libreelec machine as everything is working fine.,..

Hi djhifi,

Thanks for the log. Answering to your question, it is sufficient to install the add-on and run the PHP installation to have the updates working. From the log, the PHP installation works as expected installing the necessary modules for your platform; the fact that on your SHIELD (as well as on my Windows machine) the updates are working perfectly, it makes me really puzzled. I don't know where the issue can be...the only thing that cames into my mind is that the test was performed over LibreELEC 8.0 (Kodi 17.3) on a platform that was exactly the same as your (x86 64 bit machine). Something related to the new version then? I'm just guessing of course. Would it be nice to re-check if the add-on (latest version 2.1.1) is still working on the previous version of LibreELEC (8.0).

About the TV Show update, please provide me the log so that I can check what is going wrong there.



I will downgrade to KODI 17.3 (as I am on 17.4) and test the 2.1.1 and afterwards test the 2.1.0 (can u provide it to me plz? PM with my email sent)
I will upgrade to KODI 17.4 again and test the 2.1.0

Regarding the TV Show stalling on Shows not existing on the IMDB I have found a workaround, I went to EMBY, edited the show IMDB ID to an existing one (even if it doesnt match) and now the scanning continues past that show lol...which makes me wonder if its really skipping (i think its not) when it does not find a matching IMDB ID. Somehow EMBY attached an unixisitng ID to that particular show (or maybe the ID got deleted afterwards). Will try to reproduce the problem again and attach a log: But I think this proves that the addon is not skipping IMDB shows when they have incorrect IDs (you can search for yourself: The Fabric Of The Cosmos, exists as a tvshow on: thetvdb and themoviedb, but not on IMDB) As soon as I changed the IMDB that EMBY atributed, and synced my kodi library again, pushed update and it works. I really think you should work on an option to MANUALLY skip XYZ show/movie (like the previous addon did). --> just my 2 cents, i love this addon tough.

EDIT (incompatible version issue found): I have downgraded Libreelec to version 8.0.2 (AKA Krypton 17.3), addon is still on 2.1.1 and it works! So altough no errors are being reported in the debug log I think version 8.1.1 of Libreelec (AKA Krypton 17.4) is currently broken. Bear in mind, there is a version 8.1.0 (AKA Krypton 17.4 RC) which I did not test. For now I will stick to 17.3 (AKA Libreelec 8.0.2) as it is working with your addon.
Strange that no one reported this issue besides me...
I think it's time to you update the 1st post with this issue, for eventual future users...
17.4 worked fine with me on LibreELEC with an AMLogic 905x box.
I also tested all for axlt2002 on various ubuntu and debian builds.
They all were running 17.4 or 17.3.
But my LibreELEC box for sure is running 17.4, even during those tests.
Also using Emby here.

Though all my shows are on IMDB, so we didnt encounter that problem.
So that is for sure a bug then, but that probably might be the imdb script itself and not the addon in this case.
Cant say that for sure though, I dont have knowledge of the addon code.

I might try that show today to see if I can reproduce it here too Smile
(2017-09-16, 12:47)voyagertm Wrote: 17.4 worked fine with me on LibreELEC with an AMLogic 905x box.
I also tested all for axlt2002 on various ubuntu and debian builds.
They all were running 17.4 or 17.3.
But my LibreELEC box for sure is running 17.4, even during those tests.
Also using Emby here.

Though all my shows are on IMDB, so we didnt encounter that problem.
So that is for sure a bug then, but that probably might be the imdb script itself and not the addon in this case.
Cant say that for sure though, I dont have knowledge of the addon code.

I might try that show today to see if I can reproduce it here too Smile

Here I confirmed not working on 17.4 on both libreelec machines.

Asus eb 1033 + asus eb 1503

EDIT: After reading axlt2002 on the next post, it seems that you only tested on Libreelec version 8.1.0 which is Krypton 17.4 RC (release candidate) and not the actual 17.4 that I have which is the final version of 17.4 AKA Libreelec 8.1..1. In this version, the addon is simply not connecting to IMDB.
I can also further say that on the SHIELD 17.4 the same addon it is working

So you better re-check your answer Smile

I bet that once you upgrade to libreelec 8.1.1 the addon will stop working. Give it go !
Hi djhifi and voyagertm,

Thanks for your feedbacks on the LibreELEC issue.

@djhifi, I'm happy to read that the add-on is working on Kodi 17.3 (LibreELEC 8.0.2)! Big Grin Honestly I really don't know where the issue can be when running Kodi 17.4 (LibreELEC 8.1.1)...in fact, in both cases the add-on runs the same command (i.e. uses the PHP binary to query the IMDb site) and I can not imagine how this can be related to the platform on which is running! Confused

@voyagertm, I took a look to the various logs you provided me when running the test over the different machines. Well, the one of LibreELEC reports Kodi 17.4 RC1 (see below) and not the final 17.4 that it seems is causing the problem to djhifi. Would it be great if you can make a test with such final version...I will update the first post accordingly once this issue will be confirmed (I agree on what djhifi said about the strangeness of the fact that no one reported this issue besides him...).

16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.4-RC1 Git:4fe4889). Platform: Linux ARM (Thumb) 32-bit
16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build
16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Kodi compiled Jun 28 2017 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM (Thumb) 32-bit version 3.14.29 (200221)
16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (community) - Version: devel-20170628174044-r26118-ge9a4c6af9 8.0, kernel: Linux ARM 64-bit version 3.14.29

About the issue on the TV Shows update, I'm waiting for any log that can help me to understand the problem...that btw it seems really something that is happening with that particular show.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-09-17, 23:48)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi djhifi and voyagertm,

Thanks for your feedbacks on the LibreELEC issue.

@djhifi, I'm happy to read that the add-on is working on Kodi 17.3 (LibreELEC 8.0.2)! Big Grin Honestly I really don't know where the issue can be when running Kodi 17.4 (LibreELEC 8.1.1)...in fact, in both cases the add-on runs the same command (i.e. uses the PHP binary to query the IMDb site) and I can not imagine how this can be related to the platform on which is running! Confused

@voyagertm, I took a look to the various logs you provided me when running the test over the different machines. Well, the one of LibreELEC reports Kodi 17.4 RC1 (see below) and not the final 17.4 that it seems is causing the problem to djhifi. Would it be great if you can make a test with such final version...I will update the first post accordingly once this issue will be confirmed (I agree on what djhifi said about the strangeness of the fact that no one reported this issue besides him...).

16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.4-RC1 Git:4fe4889). Platform: Linux ARM (Thumb) 32-bit
16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build
16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Kodi compiled Jun 28 2017 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM (Thumb) 32-bit version 3.14.29 (200221)
16:23:58.657 T:4120915968  NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (community) - Version: devel-20170628174044-r26118-ge9a4c6af9 8.0, kernel: Linux ARM 64-bit version 3.14.29

About the issue on the TV Shows update, I'm waiting for any log that can help me to understand the problem...that btw it seems really something that is happening with that particular show.

Well...I use the same architecture of releases from Libreelec than most of the people I guess? Generic releases lol...its a fairly used machine (asus eb line). Dont know what is going on...how it can be related to that. Its software side I can almost bet. What? Now that I dont know since no errors are being reported. The truth is that on 2 different machines this addon is not working on libreelec 17.4.
@voyagertm and @axlt2002 exactly, Libreelec 17.4 RC1 and 17.4 are TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS Smile I didnt test 17.4 RC1 (i can, if you need).On 17.4 it isnt working on 2 machines on my house.

I bet that once voyagertm upgrades to libreelec 8.1.1 the addon will stop working.

PS: Regarding that TV Show let it be...the IMDB on my database was wrong (didnt exist, maybe got removed) and your addon stuck on that show. As soon as I changed the IMDB ID on that show, ran a database scan and then ran the addon...puff, finished with success.

What bothers me is the fact I cannot use the latest libreelec version atm...this addon is very important to me...and for some ODD ODD reason its not connecting to IMDB on both machines which are on 17.4
After upgrade to 8.1.1:

02:19:37.378 T:1945002096 ERROR: RunAddon: unknown add-on id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update', or unexpected add-on type (not a script or plugin).
02:20:45.650 T:1330209696 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

is this problem with second line of addon.xml (word "service" instead "script or plugin")?

<addon id="service.light.imdb.ratings.update" ...
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2017-09-20, 04:37)dziobak Wrote: After upgrade to 8.1.1:

02:19:37.378 T:1945002096 ERROR: RunAddon: unknown add-on id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update', or unexpected add-on type (not a script or plugin).
02:20:45.650 T:1330209696 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

is this problem with second line of addon.xml (word "service" instead "script or plugin")?

<addon id="service.light.imdb.ratings.update" ...

Altough I'm not getting any errors thrown into log (check previous posts) I also confirmed that the addon is not connecting to IMDB on Libreelec 8.1.1 (again, check previous posts).

That now makes 2 of us.
(2017-09-20, 04:37)dziobak Wrote: After upgrade to 8.1.1:

02:19:37.378 T:1945002096 ERROR: RunAddon: unknown add-on id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update', or unexpected add-on type (not a script or plugin).
02:20:45.650 T:1330209696 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

is this problem with second line of addon.xml (word "service" instead "script or plugin")?

<addon id="service.light.imdb.ratings.update" ...

Hi dziobak,

Just some questions on my side:

- Which version of the add-on did you install?
- You made a clean install of the add-on or you upgraded to 8.1.1 with the add-on already installed?
- Which version of LibreELEC were you running before the update?
- Was the add-on working on that version?

As a suggestion, I would just uninstall the add-on and try to install it again...

Let me know! Smile
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-09-20, 06:20)djhifi Wrote:
(2017-09-20, 04:37)dziobak Wrote: After upgrade to 8.1.1:

02:19:37.378 T:1945002096 ERROR: RunAddon: unknown add-on id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update', or unexpected add-on type (not a script or plugin).
02:20:45.650 T:1330209696 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

is this problem with second line of addon.xml (word "service" instead "script or plugin")?

<addon id="service.light.imdb.ratings.update" ...

Altough I'm not getting any errors thrown into log (check previous posts) I also confirmed that the addon is not connecting to IMDB on Libreelec 8.1.1 (again, check previous posts).

That now makes 2 of us.

I guess that such 8.1.1 version is a mess with the add-on...the point is that I can not do anything at the moment...I'm just a "simple" Windows user...

May be you can try to contact some developers through the LibreELEC forum?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2017-09-20, 09:30)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi dziobak,

Just some questions on my side:

- Which version of the add-on did you install?
- You made a clean install of the add-on or you upgraded to 8.1.1 with the add-on already installed?
- Which version of OSMC were you running before the update?
- Was the add-on working on that version?

As a suggestion, I would just uninstall the add-on and try to install it again...

Let me know! Smile

- Add-on 2.1.1
- upgrade to 8.1.1 with add-on installed before
- 8.1.0
- yes

Add-on is working when manualy running. But I find in old logs (from 8.1.0) also:

16:10:16.132 T:1606415264 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Unknown addon id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update'.
16:10:16.135 T:1606415264 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following e
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
Error Contents: Unknown addon id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.light.imdb.ratings.update/resources/support/a
utoconf.py", line 11, in <module>
addonSettings = xbmcaddon.Addon( addonID )
RuntimeError: Unknown addon id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update'.
-->End of Python script error report<--
16:10:33.503 T:1466594208 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(12): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to p
ython path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.

I use also other add-on: script.tv.show.next.aired - this alo start in background and worked on 8.1.1, but look at name - this is script in first part.

So, I'm back to my question from before, is this problem with service word in your add-on name (id)?
Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
(2017-09-20, 10:13)dziobak Wrote:
(2017-09-20, 09:30)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi dziobak,

Just some questions on my side:

- Which version of the add-on did you install?
- You made a clean install of the add-on or you upgraded to 8.1.1 with the add-on already installed?
- Which version of LibreELEC were you running before the update?
- Was the add-on working on that version?

As a suggestion, I would just uninstall the add-on and try to install it again...

Let me know! Smile

- Add-on 2.1.1
- upgrade to 8.1.1 with add-on installed before
- 8.1.0
- yes

Add-on is working when manualy running. But I find in old logs (from 8.1.0) also:

16:10:16.132 T:1606415264 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Unknown addon id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update'.
16:10:16.135 T:1606415264 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following e
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
Error Contents: Unknown addon id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.light.imdb.ratings.update/resources/support/a
utoconf.py", line 11, in <module>
addonSettings = xbmcaddon.Addon( addonID )
RuntimeError: Unknown addon id 'service.light.imdb.ratings.update'.
-->End of Python script error report<--
16:10:33.503 T:1466594208 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(12): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to p
ython path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.

I use also other add-on: script.tv.show.next.aired - this alo start in background and worked on 8.1.1, but look at name - this is script in first part.

So, I'm back to my question from before, is this problem with service word in your add-on name (id)?

I'm not an LibreELEC expert, but I think that it is just a different Linux distribution built for specific Kodi usage. I don't think that the issu can be in the id...may be you can ask for help on the LibreELEC forum for that and let me know what is the feedback. Btw, if it is not a problem for you I would try to remove and install again the add-on and see if the error still persist...

Anyway, the issue you reported it prevents the ad-on to run as a service; this means that it will not be possible to use scheduled updates (for the moment). Can you confirm that the add-on is working using the manual update on 8.1.1? Are the ratings and number of votes updated correctly?

I would ask the LibreELEC users to make some trials in order to find a common base on which try to solve the problem. So, let's start with a clean install of the add-on version 2.1.1 on the different LibreELEC versions (Kodi 17.3, Kodi 17.4 RC1 and Kodi 17.4) and consider the following questions to be answered:
  • Does the log show any error during installation? YES/NO
  • Does the log show any error when the add-on is launched as a service? YES/NO
  • Does the log show any error when the add-on runs a manual update? YES/NO
  • Are the Movies ratings/votes/Top250 updated correctly? YES/NO
  • Are the TV Shows ratings/votes updated correctly? YES/NO
I'm sorry to ask this, but it is really tricky to solve an issue when you can not perform the necessary trials by yourself. At least I hope you can appreciate the proactivity! Wink

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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