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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
thank you very much for this awesome addon!

Can someone please explain the "Top 250" feature?

(2018-02-05, 12:01)bash0r Wrote: Hello,
thank you very much for this awesome addon!

Can someone please explain the "Top 250" feature?

Hi bash0r,

This feature just retrieves the Top 250 (i.e. the best 250 movies of all time according to IMDb votes) position for the movies in your library. Take a look here.

Some skins permits to visualize this information. The defalut skin Estuary of Kodi doesn't.

Best Regards,

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!

it is my understanding that with Leia you will be able to have in the db different ratings. The example I read was tmdb and imdb, but dont see why it would nt be possible to do rotten tomatoes, tvdb, metacritics and other review sites.

is this something you would be interested in doing?
(2018-02-07, 05:17)Edworld Wrote: Alex,

it is my understanding that with Leia you will be able to have in the db different ratings. The example I read was tmdb and imdb, but dont see why it would nt be possible to do rotten tomatoes, tvdb, metacritics and other review sites.

is this something you would be interested in doing?
Hi Edworld,

My personal reference for movie/tv show ratings has been and still is IMDb; this is the reason why I have developed this add-on. At the moment I have no plans for a new version.

I guess that the next work will be to make Light IMDb Ratings Update compatible with python 3 since after Leia this will be the only version of python that will be used. May be it will be the occasion to take into account also some new features such as new rating providers, etc.

Have a great day.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-02-07, 10:58)axlt2002 Wrote: [...] At the moment I have no plans for a new version.

I guess that the next work will be to make Light IMDb Ratings Update compatible with python 3 since after Leia this will be the only version of python that will be used. May be it will be the occasion to take into account also some new features such as new rating providers, etc.
 I'm still hoping for a "retrieve missing IMdb ID" feature. It could use the information available (movie title + year + director) to get 100% correct results. Same for tv show (show title + season number + episode number + episode title). If any of those are missing or the add-on can't find the item on IMdb it would simply skip to the next Smile
Yeah, that's what I'd loved to see if you've got time for something like that ;-)
Hello Alex,

First of, great addon! I have been using it for a while, always with great results.  I have a request:

Would you consider separating the votes and rating functions from the Top 250 function? In other words, I would like to update only the Top250 without updating votes and ratings.  I am usually more interested in keeping my Top 250 collection updated, and the list changes very frequently.

Thank you for considering my request.


(2018-02-14, 03:52)Glottis Wrote:
(2018-02-07, 10:58)axlt2002 Wrote: [...] At the moment I have no plans for a new version.

I guess that the next work will be to make Light IMDb Ratings Update compatible with python 3 since after Leia this will be the only version of python that will be used. May be it will be the occasion to take into account also some new features such as new rating providers, etc.
 I'm still hoping for a "retrieve missing IMdb ID" feature. It could use the information available (movie title + year + director) to get 100% correct results. Same for tv show (show title + season number + episode number + episode title). If any of those are missing or the add-on can't find the item on IMdb it would simply skip to the next Smile
Yeah, that's what I'd loved to see if you've got time for something like that ;-)  
Hi Glottis,

Yes I know your desires... Wink At the moment I can just take a note. Well, actually, this is in my possible new features list since a while.

Just a curiosity: how many movies or tv shows in your library are missing the IMDb id? It is really a demanding task to manually add them through the context menu?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-02-14, 15:25)bsoriano Wrote: Hello Alex,

First of, great addon! I have been using it for a while, always with great results.  I have a request:

Would you consider separating the votes and rating functions from the Top 250 function? In other words, I would like to update only the Top250 without updating votes and ratings.  I am usually more interested in keeping my Top 250 collection updated, and the list changes very frequently.

Thank you for considering my request.


Hi Bart,

Thanks for the compliments! Smile

Actually the add-on scrapes the IMDb movie page in which ratings, votes and Top 250 position are all reported. So from the load point f view it doesn't change the fact to contextually update all such information or part of it. That is why having only the Top 250 position updated is something that I dind't take into account, but may be I'm missing your point.


Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-02-14, 16:04)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 15:25)bsoriano Wrote: Hello Alex,

First of, great addon! I have been using it for a while, always with great results.  I have a request:

Would you consider separating the votes and rating functions from the Top 250 function? In other words, I would like to update only the Top250 without updating votes and ratings.  I am usually more interested in keeping my Top 250 collection updated, and the list changes very frequently.

Thank you for considering my request.


Hi Bart,

Thanks for the compliments! Smile

Actually the add-on scrapes the IMDb movie page in which ratings, votes and Top 250 position are all reported. So from the load point f view it doesn't change the fact to contextually update all such information or part of it. That is why having only the Top 250 position updated is something that I dind't take into account, but may be I'm missing your point.



You are right, I guess I was asking this based on previous experience with addons which went about getting the Top250 another way.  I see now that it makes no sense separating those functions, since you have to do the same work to get all three kinds of info (votes, ratings and Top250).  Perhaps i was just looking to see if there was a faster way of getting only that, since my collection is large (5000+ movies) and it takes a while to update the information.


(2018-02-14, 17:54)bsoriano Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 16:04)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 15:25)bsoriano Wrote: Hello Alex,

First of, great addon! I have been using it for a while, always with great results.  I have a request:

Would you consider separating the votes and rating functions from the Top 250 function? In other words, I would like to update only the Top250 without updating votes and ratings.  I am usually more interested in keeping my Top 250 collection updated, and the list changes very frequently.

Thank you for considering my request.


Hi Bart,

Thanks for the compliments! Smile

Actually the add-on scrapes the IMDb movie page in which ratings, votes and Top 250 position are all reported. So from the load point f view it doesn't change the fact to contextually update all such information or part of it. That is why having only the Top 250 position updated is something that I dind't take into account, but may be I'm missing your point.



You are right, I guess I was asking this based on previous experience with addons which went about getting the Top250 another way.  I see now that it makes no sense separating those functions, since you have to do the same work to get all three kinds of info (votes, ratings and Top250).  Perhaps i was just looking to see if there was a faster way of getting only that, since my collection is large (5000+ movies) and it takes a while to update the information.


Did you try to change the number of parallel threads? How long does it take to update your (impressive!) library?

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-02-14, 18:05)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 17:54)bsoriano Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 16:04)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi Bart,

Thanks for the compliments! Smile

Actually the add-on scrapes the IMDb movie page in which ratings, votes and Top 250 position are all reported. So from the load point f view it doesn't change the fact to contextually update all such information or part of it. That is why having only the Top 250 position updated is something that I dind't take into account, but may be I'm missing your point.



You are right, I guess I was asking this based on previous experience with addons which went about getting the Top250 another way.  I see now that it makes no sense separating those functions, since you have to do the same work to get all three kinds of info (votes, ratings and Top250).  Perhaps i was just looking to see if there was a faster way of getting only that, since my collection is large (5000+ movies) and it takes a while to update the information.


Did you try to change the number of parallel threads? How long does it take to update your (impressive!) library?


Thanks for your quick response.  I have not modified the number of threads, it is at the default, 8.  It takes about 6 minutes to update my library.  I am not updating TV Shows or the number of votes, only ratings and top250 for movies.  My machine is an i5 with 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit latest (17093).  My Internet connection is 100 Mbits/sec download.


(2018-02-14, 18:17)bsoriano Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 18:05)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 17:54)bsoriano Wrote: Alex,

You are right, I guess I was asking this based on previous experience with addons which went about getting the Top250 another way.  I see now that it makes no sense separating those functions, since you have to do the same work to get all three kinds of info (votes, ratings and Top250).  Perhaps i was just looking to see if there was a faster way of getting only that, since my collection is large (5000+ movies) and it takes a while to update the information.


Did you try to change the number of parallel threads? How long does it take to update your (impressive!) library?


Thanks for your quick response.  I have not modified the number of threads, it is at the default, 8.  It takes about 6 minutes to update my library.  I am not updating TV Shows or the number of votes, only ratings and top250 for movies.  My machine is an i5 with 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit latest (17093).  My Internet connection is 100 Mbits/sec download.


Hi Bart!

Well, from my perspective, 6 minutes is not bad at all with such a huge library. In theory, if you double the number of threads to 16, the time should be half (pending the "staiblity" of the multiple threads accessing the IMDb site...).

Have a great day!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-02-14, 15:36)axlt2002 Wrote: Just a curiosity: how many movies or tv shows in your library are missing the IMDb id? It is really a demanding task to manually add them through the context menu?
I added the IDs to all of my movies, but as far as tv shows are concerned I have A LOT to do. There are many episodes in different shows that are missing IMdb IDs and to give you an example: I've got over 400 Simpsons episodes without their IMdb ratings. They are all locked at season level on thetvdb so I can't add the imdb IDs there.
(2018-02-15, 13:58)Glottis Wrote:
(2018-02-14, 15:36)axlt2002 Wrote: Just a curiosity: how many movies or tv shows in your library are missing the IMDb id? It is really a demanding task to manually add them through the context menu?
I added the IDs to all of my movies, but as far as tv shows are concerned I have A LOT to do. There are many episodes in different shows that are missing IMdb IDs and to give you an example: I've got over 400 Simpsons episodes without their IMdb ratings. They are all locked at season level on thetvdb so I can't add the imdb IDs there. 
I see. Did you try to retrieve the missing IMDb ids using an external media manager such as Ember Media Manager?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2018-02-15, 15:25)axlt2002 Wrote: I see. Did you try to retrieve the missing IMDb ids using an external media manager such as Ember Media Manager?
I'm not sure how to do that. By the way I've got kodi running on top of LibreELEC and there is no Windows system available to me at all ^^
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