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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2019-02-05, 15:21)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-05, 14:33)Maaarv Wrote: Hi,

after upgrading to Leia yesterday I switched over from the old IMDb update plugin to this one.
I only want to use it for my movies at the moment so I checked 'update ratings' and 'include votes and top250'
Now when using the plugin the top 250 rankings gets shown in my library but they are not the same compared to the IMDb page.
Ratings and votes doesn't get touched at all.

I don't know if this has something to do with me using the Emby for Kodi plugin. As Emby doesn't have vote count, all my movies in the Kodi library have a vote count of '0' but the rating is the one that gets imported from Emby.
Shouldn't this plugin still update votes and ratings? And why is there a difference in the top250 ranking compared to the IMDb page?
Hi Maaarv, thanks for writing.

Please use the last version 4.0.0 released yesterday and report back if the issue is still present. Anyway 3.5.1 should work properly but from now on I will provide support just on the latest version.

Let me know.  
Hi axlt2002,

sorry for the late response. I just tested v4.0.0 and it updated the top250 and movies correct now Smile
But it still doesn't update the ratings and votes of my movies.
So for example I got 'Logan - The Wolverine' in my list which gets ranked at position 212 just like on IMDb at the moment.
But my rating of 8.3 doesn't get upated to 8.1 and I don't get any vote count.

What do you need from me to be able to fix this maybe?

I guess it has something to do with me using Emby for Kodi to sync my Kodi library with Emby but I know it worked before with the old IMDb update addon here on the forum.
  • unRAID server
  • EmbyServer docker container
  • LibreELEC virtual machine
  • Kodi (Aeon Nox SiLVO)
(2019-02-18, 19:07)Maaarv Wrote:
(2019-02-05, 15:21)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-05, 14:33)Maaarv Wrote: Hi,

after upgrading to Leia yesterday I switched over from the old IMDb update plugin to this one.
I only want to use it for my movies at the moment so I checked 'update ratings' and 'include votes and top250'
Now when using the plugin the top 250 rankings gets shown in my library but they are not the same compared to the IMDb page.
Ratings and votes doesn't get touched at all.

I don't know if this has something to do with me using the Emby for Kodi plugin. As Emby doesn't have vote count, all my movies in the Kodi library have a vote count of '0' but the rating is the one that gets imported from Emby.
Shouldn't this plugin still update votes and ratings? And why is there a difference in the top250 ranking compared to the IMDb page?
Hi Maaarv, thanks for writing.

Please use the last version 4.0.0 released yesterday and report back if the issue is still present. Anyway 3.5.1 should work properly but from now on I will provide support just on the latest version.

Let me know.   
Hi axlt2002,

sorry for the late response. I just tested v4.0.0 and it updated the top250 and movies correct now Smile
But it still doesn't update the ratings and votes of my movies.
So for example I got 'Logan - The Wolverine' in my list which gets ranked at position 212 just like on IMDb at the moment.
But my rating of 8.3 doesn't get upated to 8.1 and I don't get any vote count.

What do you need from me to be able to fix this maybe?

I guess it has something to do with me using Emby for Kodi to sync my Kodi library with Emby but I know it worked before with the old IMDb update addon here on the forum. 
Hi Maaavr,

Don't worry for the late answer  Smile

Being not an user of Emby,  I can just say how the Light IMDb Ratings Update works: movies and TV shows to be udpated must be in the Kodi library, that means you should have some folders set as source for your movies and/or TV shows and such folders should contain the related video files (.avi, .mkv, .strm, whatever). From what you are reporting, it seems this is not the case...your media are on a different machine and not part of the Kodi library. Am I right?

Anyway there are different posts of other users asking for Emby. Please give a look to them as well.

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-19, 09:26)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-18, 19:07)Maaarv Wrote:
(2019-02-05, 15:21)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi Maaarv, thanks for writing.

Please use the last version 4.0.0 released yesterday and report back if the issue is still present. Anyway 3.5.1 should work properly but from now on I will provide support just on the latest version.

Let me know.   
Hi axlt2002,

sorry for the late response. I just tested v4.0.0 and it updated the top250 and movies correct now Smile
But it still doesn't update the ratings and votes of my movies.
So for example I got 'Logan - The Wolverine' in my list which gets ranked at position 212 just like on IMDb at the moment.
But my rating of 8.3 doesn't get upated to 8.1 and I don't get any vote count.

What do you need from me to be able to fix this maybe?

I guess it has something to do with me using Emby for Kodi to sync my Kodi library with Emby but I know it worked before with the old IMDb update addon here on the forum.   
Hi Maaavr,

Don't worry for the late answer  Smile

Being not an user of Emby,  I can just say how the Light IMDb Ratings Update works: movies and TV shows to be udpated must be in the Kodi library, that means you should have some folders set as source for your movies and/or TV shows and such folders should contain the related video files (.avi, .mkv, .strm, whatever). From what you are reporting, it seems this is not the case...your media are on a different machine and not part of the Kodi library. Am I right?

Anyway there are different posts of other users asking for Emby. Please give a look to them as well.

Have a great day!  
 No, you misunderstood how Emby works. I have a local Kodi library for all movies and tv shows. It's just that the information such as watched state, movie rating etc. are synced with the Emby Server's library.
I can still use Kodi addons such as Artwork Beef or the old IMDb Update addon to 'change' the local Kodi library that gets filled by the Emby addon.

The only thing not working for me is that the rating and vote count of my movies (local Kodi library) doesn't get updated by your addon somehow.
  • unRAID server
  • EmbyServer docker container
  • LibreELEC virtual machine
  • Kodi (Aeon Nox SiLVO)
For version 4.0, always got the following error when updating IMDB rating for a movie:


ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
          Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
          Error Contents: 'result'
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 16, in <module>
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 13, in UpdateContext
              update_context.open_context_menu( sys.listitem.getfilename(), sys.listitem.getLabel() )
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/resources/core/update_context.py", line 59, in open_context_menu
              if jSonResponse['result'].has_key( 'moviedetails' ):
          KeyError: 'result'
          -->End of Python script error report<--
(2019-02-18, 09:55)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-16, 13:13)HeresJohnny Wrote: There seems to be a problem when accessing the context update for movies which belong to a movie set. Here's an excerpt from the log, which is for "Wreck-it Ralph" from within the "Wreck-it Ralph collection":
Hi @HeresJohnny, thanks a lot for reporting.

I have just made quick try on my library with The Batman movie set and I dind't receive any error. Can you just please clarify when it happens? Are you opening the context menu of the movie in the home screen widget or in another menu of Kodi? When the error heppens? While opening the context menu or when clicking on the "Update"? And...which version of the add-on are you using?

Thanks for that!

Sorry for the late reply! I'm using the latest version 4.0.0. The error occurs when using the context menu on any movie item that is part of a set. It doesn't matter where the object is presented, for example under "Recently added" as a single item or in the library as part of a movie set.

I would bring up the context menu, choose "Update IMDB rating". Then the dialogue comes up and I click on "Update". That's when I get an error pop-up.

Please note that the OS used was CoreELEC, a Linux flavour. I will try under Windows x64 if I can reproduce the error.

UPDATE: No, the error does not occur in Kodi x64 nightly of 18.02.2019.
(2019-02-19, 14:02)Maaarv Wrote:
(2019-02-19, 09:26)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-18, 19:07)Maaarv Wrote: Hi axlt2002,

sorry for the late response. I just tested v4.0.0 and it updated the top250 and movies correct now Smile
But it still doesn't update the ratings and votes of my movies.
So for example I got 'Logan - The Wolverine' in my list which gets ranked at position 212 just like on IMDb at the moment.
But my rating of 8.3 doesn't get upated to 8.1 and I don't get any vote count.

What do you need from me to be able to fix this maybe?

I guess it has something to do with me using Emby for Kodi to sync my Kodi library with Emby but I know it worked before with the old IMDb update addon here on the forum.   
Hi Maaavr,

Don't worry for the late answer  Smile

Being not an user of Emby,  I can just say how the Light IMDb Ratings Update works: movies and TV shows to be udpated must be in the Kodi library, that means you should have some folders set as source for your movies and/or TV shows and such folders should contain the related video files (.avi, .mkv, .strm, whatever). From what you are reporting, it seems this is not the case...your media are on a different machine and not part of the Kodi library. Am I right?

Anyway there are different posts of other users asking for Emby. Please give a look to them as well.

Have a great day!   
 No, you misunderstood how Emby works. I have a local Kodi library for all movies and tv shows. It's just that the information such as watched state, movie rating etc. are synced with the Emby Server's library.
I can still use Kodi addons such as Artwork Beef or the old IMDb Update addon to 'change' the local Kodi library that gets filled by the Emby addon.

The only thing not working for me is that the rating and vote count of my movies (local Kodi library) doesn't get updated by your addon somehow. 
Ok, let's try the following.

First of all, do you have set the IMDb ratings as default in the add-on settings?

Secondly, go on a movie that you would like to update, open the context menu and select "Update IMDb rating". After that, take a note of the rating and the votes (eventually of the Top 250 as well) and click on Update. After that do you see something changed in the context menu itself? Then, close the context menu and just reopen it and check the rating, votes and Top 250 again...which values do they have?

In addition to the information above, please provide the log file of the add-on as well (check the first post of this thread for the related information about it).

Let me know!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-19, 21:40)HeresJohnny Wrote:
(2019-02-18, 09:55)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-16, 13:13)HeresJohnny Wrote: There seems to be a problem when accessing the context update for movies which belong to a movie set. Here's an excerpt from the log, which is for "Wreck-it Ralph" from within the "Wreck-it Ralph collection":
Hi @HeresJohnny, thanks a lot for reporting.

I have just made quick try on my library with The Batman movie set and I dind't receive any error. Can you just please clarify when it happens? Are you opening the context menu of the movie in the home screen widget or in another menu of Kodi? When the error heppens? While opening the context menu or when clicking on the "Update"? And...which version of the add-on are you using?

Thanks for that! 

Sorry for the late reply! I'm using the latest version 4.0.0. The error occurs when using the context menu on any movie item that is part of a set. It doesn't matter where the object is presented, for example under "Recently added" as a single item or in the library as part of a movie set.

I would bring up the context menu, choose "Update IMDB rating". Then the dialogue comes up and I click on "Update". That's when I get an error pop-up.

Please note that the OS used was CoreELEC, a Linux flavour. I will try under Windows x64 if I can reproduce the error.

UPDATE: No, the error does not occur in Kodi x64 nightly of 18.02.2019. 
Thanks a lot for the update!

So it seems that the issue is related to the CoreELEC version you are using...sorry, but I can not provide support on that being a Windows user...btw, does CoreELEC have an official Kodi release installed on it?

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-19, 16:28)xodi Wrote: For version 4.0, always got the following error when updating IMDB rating for a movie:


ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
          Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
          Error Contents: 'result'
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 16, in <module>
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 13, in UpdateContext
              update_context.open_context_menu( sys.listitem.getfilename(), sys.listitem.getLabel() )
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/resources/core/update_context.py", line 59, in open_context_menu
              if jSonResponse['result'].has_key( 'moviedetails' ):
          KeyError: 'result'
          -->End of Python script error report<--
Hi xodi, thanks for writing!

Well, the issue is quite strange since it seems that the information retrieved from the Kodi database is corrupted in some way...does the error happen for every movie in your library? What happens if you run a complete update of the library instead of using the context menu?

To understand better, you should enable the logging in the Kodi system settings, enable the JSON-RPC component specific logging and try againg to update the movie through the context menu. After that, please post the Kodi log (see the first post of the thread for more information).

Let me know!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-02-20, 09:25)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-19, 14:02)Maaarv Wrote:
(2019-02-19, 09:26)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi Maaavr,

Don't worry for the late answer  Smile

Being not an user of Emby,  I can just say how the Light IMDb Ratings Update works: movies and TV shows to be udpated must be in the Kodi library, that means you should have some folders set as source for your movies and/or TV shows and such folders should contain the related video files (.avi, .mkv, .strm, whatever). From what you are reporting, it seems this is not the case...your media are on a different machine and not part of the Kodi library. Am I right?

Anyway there are different posts of other users asking for Emby. Please give a look to them as well.

Have a great day!   
 No, you misunderstood how Emby works. I have a local Kodi library for all movies and tv shows. It's just that the information such as watched state, movie rating etc. are synced with the Emby Server's library.
I can still use Kodi addons such as Artwork Beef or the old IMDb Update addon to 'change' the local Kodi library that gets filled by the Emby addon.

The only thing not working for me is that the rating and vote count of my movies (local Kodi library) doesn't get updated by your addon somehow.  
Ok, let's try the following.

First of all, do you have set the IMDb ratings as default in the add-on settings?

Secondly, go on a movie that you would like to update, open the context menu and select "Update IMDb rating". After that, take a note of the rating and the votes (eventually of the Top 250 as well) and click on Update. After that do you see something changed in the context menu itself? Then, close the context menu and just reopen it and check the rating, votes and Top 250 again...which values do they have?

In addition to the information above, please provide the log file of the add-on as well (check the first post of this thread for the related information about it).

Let me know! 

Just wanted to report back that all is working now for me. I don't know why but it does. Smile
Didn't change anything in the meantime.
  • unRAID server
  • EmbyServer docker container
  • LibreELEC virtual machine
  • Kodi (Aeon Nox SiLVO)
Reporting back on my problem from before... which seems to have vanished into thin air. Everything works properly now. There have been a few updates in between, most notably to Estuary. Maybe it was a skin quirk that caused this... anyway, problem solved. Everything is peachy.
Funny you 2 says that I had the complete same experience a while back when I updated version and it didn't work then I wanted to try again a couple of days later and boom works again, so so strange.
(2019-02-20, 09:36)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-19, 16:28)xodi Wrote: For version 4.0, always got the following error when updating IMDB rating for a movie:


ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
          Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
          Error Contents: 'result'
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 16, in <module>
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 13, in UpdateContext
              update_context.open_context_menu( sys.listitem.getfilename(), sys.listitem.getLabel() )
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/resources/core/update_context.py", line 59, in open_context_menu
              if jSonResponse['result'].has_key( 'moviedetails' ):
          KeyError: 'result'
          -->End of Python script error report<--
Hi xodi, thanks for writing!

Well, the issue is quite strange since it seems that the information retrieved from the Kodi database is corrupted in some way...does the error happen for every movie in your library? What happens if you run a complete update of the library instead of using the context menu?

To understand better, you should enable the logging in the Kodi system settings, enable the JSON-RPC component specific logging and try againg to update the movie through the context menu. After that, please post the Kodi log (see the first post of the thread for more information).

Let me know!  
Nearly the same
Everytime Kodi starts up, the Addon gives me an error.
When i try to start manually, it gives me a notice that the service is already running.
Kodi Log
Odroid-N2 CoreElec Kodi 19 with Aeon MQ 8 Mod
Synology DS 218+ (nfs) with Syno-MariaDB 10
(2019-03-05, 21:43)Gothico Wrote:
(2019-02-20, 09:36)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-02-19, 16:28)xodi Wrote: For version 4.0, always got the following error when updating IMDB rating for a movie:


ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
          Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
          Error Contents: 'result'
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 16, in <module>
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/context.py", line 13, in UpdateContext
              update_context.open_context_menu( sys.listitem.getfilename(), sys.listitem.getLabel() )
            File "/addons/script.light.imdb.ratings.update/resources/core/update_context.py", line 59, in open_context_menu
              if jSonResponse['result'].has_key( 'moviedetails' ):
          KeyError: 'result'
          -->End of Python script error report<--
Hi xodi, thanks for writing!

Well, the issue is quite strange since it seems that the information retrieved from the Kodi database is corrupted in some way...does the error happen for every movie in your library? What happens if you run a complete update of the library instead of using the context menu?

To understand better, you should enable the logging in the Kodi system settings, enable the JSON-RPC component specific logging and try againg to update the movie through the context menu. After that, please post the Kodi log (see the first post of the thread for more information).

Let me know!    
Nearly the same
Everytime Kodi starts up, the Addon gives me an error.
When i try to start manually, it gives me a notice that the service is already running.
Kodi Log 
Hi @Gothico, thanks for writing.

Which version of the add-on are you using?

From what I see from the log, I guess that you have enabled the scheduled update in the add-on settings...if so, please disable it, restart Kodi, wait around 10 seconds and try to perform a manual update. Is the add-on still giving an error? It would be also useful to provide the log file of the add-on itself (see the first post for more details).

Waiting for your feedback.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!

[url=https://pastebin.com/hMSfKYYy]Starting Light IMDb Ratings Update (2019-03-06 17:21:32)
version 4.0.0
onMovies: true
onTVShows: true
IncludeEpisodes: true
IMDbDefault: false
NumberOfThreads: 8
ScheduleEnabled: true
Next scheduled update: 2019-02-24 at 20:00

17:22:40 - Scheduled ratings update for movies started

2 Fast 2 Furious (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID[/url]

Hmm, my Movies do have both ID's....
Just checked back in my SQL; it's there, a IMDB rating
Shown by skinhelper.service in my Kodiskin and also updated by Milhouse's texturecache script...: 6,8
And if it was missing, the addon should go on.

*edit: don't know why there is a pastbin in my "code". cann't edit it..*
Odroid-N2 CoreElec Kodi 19 with Aeon MQ 8 Mod
Synology DS 218+ (nfs) with Syno-MariaDB 10
(2019-03-06, 18:45)Gothico Wrote: KODI Log
[url=https://pastebin.com/hMSfKYYy]Starting Light IMDb Ratings Update (2019-03-06 17:21:32)
version 4.0.0
onMovies: true
onTVShows: true
IncludeEpisodes: true
IMDbDefault: false
NumberOfThreads: 8
ScheduleEnabled: true
Next scheduled update: 2019-02-24 at 20:00

17:22:40 - Scheduled ratings update for movies started

2 Fast 2 Furious (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Missing IMDb ID[/url]

Hmm, my Movies do have both ID's....
Just checked back in my SQL; it's there, a IMDB rating
Shown by skinhelper.service in my Kodiskin and also updated by Milhouse's texturecache script...: 6,8
And if it was missing, the addon should go on.

*edit: don't know why there is a pastbin in my "code". cann't edit it..*  
Thanks for the feedback.

Is that a manual or scheduled update? Still seems to be a scheduled one...can you please try with a manual one? Even if I'm not expecting a different result.

What I can guess from the log is that the SQL database does not respect the notation of using the uniqueid fields for the various IDs...Did you use an Internal Kodi scraper or an external media manager program to retrieve the movies/TV shows information?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.37
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