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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2019-07-27, 04:01)shwetkprabhat Wrote: Same problem, using kodi default skin estury, going to my add-ons --> services --> Light IMDB Ratings Update
Yes, that is the wrong screen. When you head into My Add-ons, that is more of a maintenance mode where you can adjust settings etc.

From the Main menu, highlight Add-ons. If you cannot see it on the home screen, then go into add-ons, then Programs and select it from there.


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(2019-07-25, 09:26)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-07-24, 13:45)t1ck3ts Wrote:
(2019-07-16, 03:37)Karellen Wrote: @sniferx1

I note you are using v4.0.0 of the add-on. Logging for this version was changed to a separate file to aviod cluttering up the Debug Log. Please read the authors comments below and provide that file also.

I am using v4.0.0 and it does not throw any log in that location, instead it keeps it within kodi.log.

Here is the log file for the error i am getting when manually running Light IMDb Ratings Update.
rufiwurege.kodi (paste) 
Thanks @t1ck3ts for reporting. I will try to give it a look as soon as possible.

I really have to summarize all the issues in some way being far from the forum for a while... Wink



Thanks @axlt2002
I have tried both the versions but can't seem to make this work. I have the nfo files scrapped by MediaElch and these nfo files have the respective IMDB ids in them. However, the addon suggests that imdb id is missing or "N/A". Any suggestions?

Post one of your nfo files to Kodi Paste Site and provide the link
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(2019-08-06, 21:35)Karellen Wrote: @monisriz

Post one of your nfo files to Kodi Paste Site and provide the link


Hope this is what you were asking for..
Yes, that is all I needed.

(2019-08-06, 17:14)monisriz Wrote: these nfo files have the respective IMDB ids in them
Not the one you provided above. There is no IMDB id in them. And the use of ID's in the nfo file is incorrect.

This is correct implementation of ID's for Kodi. You will need to bring this to the attention of the developer of the media manager.
<uniqueid type="imdb" default="true">tt0405422</uniqueid>
<uniqueid type="tmdb">6957</uniqueid>
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(2019-08-07, 22:37)Karellen Wrote: Yes, that is all I needed.
(2019-08-06, 17:14)monisriz Wrote: these nfo files have the respective IMDB ids in them
Not the one you provided above. There is no IMDB id in them. 

that's an imdb id
(2019-08-07, 22:39)monisriz Wrote: <id>tt1935179</id>

that's an imdb id
No that is just a string of letters and numbers. There is nothing to identify it as an IMDB ID. See my previous post as I edited it while you typed your response.
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Saw your update after I posted my reply.. thanks

I have previously discussed this issue with the developer. see here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2865291

=== Edit ===
And the developer is aware... https://github.com/Komet/MediaElch/issues/719
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(2019-08-07, 22:37)Karellen Wrote: Yes, that is all I needed.
(2019-08-06, 17:14)monisriz Wrote: these nfo files have the respective IMDB ids in them
Not the one you provided above. There is no IMDB id in them. And the use of ID's in the nfo file is incorrect.

This is correct implementation of ID's for Kodi. You will need to bring this to the attention of the developer of the media manager.
<uniqueid type="imdb" default="true">tt0405422</uniqueid>
<uniqueid type="tmdb">6957</uniqueid>
Is that the format in which Kodi creates nfo files? Are you aware of any media managers that create the nfo files in this particular format?
Sorry I don't. I don't use media managers as I don't believe they are necessary. Media Managers are all trying to emulate what Kodi does as a basic function, but from my experience on the forum, none of them get it right. You might find a manager that does the Id's correct, but does something else wrong like movie sets or ratings.
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(2019-08-07, 22:52)Karellen Wrote: Sorry I don't. I don't use media managers as I don't believe they are necessary. Media Managers are all trying to emulate what Kodi does as a basic function, but from my experience on the forum, none of them get it right. You might find a manager that does the Id's correct, but does something else wrong like movie sets or ratings.

Your point makes a lot of sense when I think about it.

Is it possible for Kodi to generate nfo files during the scraping process? Or nfo files are only created when exporting the library? Because if Kodi is able to generate nfo files on the fly then I would only need to use a media manager if there was something that needed changing - for majority of movies it would be fine. My TV show scraping is handled by Sonarr and I just checked to confirm that the nfo files have the format you advised.
(2019-08-07, 23:13)monisriz Wrote: Is it possible for Kodi to generate nfo files during the scraping process?
Only created using the Export function. It is the way I create my nfo files in my library. I run it every two weeks and it is a backup of my watched status, play count, resume points and any of the changes I make in the library.

If you are using Sonarr, check the tvshow.nfo and ensure they have the ID also. A little while ago, Sonarr was creating tvshow.nfo files without the id's which was completely corrupting peoples library/database
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(2019-08-07, 23:23)Karellen Wrote:
(2019-08-07, 23:13)monisriz Wrote: Is it possible for Kodi to generate nfo files during the scraping process?
Only created using the Export function. It is the way I create my nfo files in my library. I run it every two weeks and it is a backup of my watched status, play count, resume points and any of the changes I make in the library.

If you are using Sonarr, check the tvshow.nfo and ensure they have the ID also. A little while ago, Sonarr was creating tvshow.nfo files without the id's which was completely corrupting peoples library/database 
I really appreciate all the great insights you've shared!

The scheduled library export (separate files) seems like an interesting idea. I would imagine it exports the nfo files for the whole library - even the movies/shows that already have an nfo file?
For example if a movie already has the nfo file in place (either through a previous kodi scrape/export or generated by a media manager), does Kodi generate an updated nfo file replacing this existing one and in the process updates things that have changed from the previous nfo e.g. IMDB250 and ratings?

Once again thank you very much for all the help and patience.
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