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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Quote:How are you accessing the addon? Click the icon on the home screen, or highlight a movie/tv show and select Update Ratings from the Context menu

Ah! I was attempting to click on the icon in the menus under: Settings>Addons>
I didn't have the addons submenu/category enabled on my skin's homescreen so I forgot about accessing it there.
After enabling the addons category on my homescreen and clicking the icon, it works a treat!

Thanks for your quick reply and help Karellen.

I see I have errors about missing movie ratings when I run the addon, but I know the nfo files it mentions are missing IMDB/TMDB ID's, so I'll sort them out now.

As a quick shortcut to avoid using the homescreen addons, could I run the addon with the RunScript command from a button in the interface? Maybe using something like: RunScript(script.light.imdb.ratings.update) ?
(2022-05-17, 08:29)Estevez99 Wrote: As a quick shortcut to avoid using the homescreen addons, could I run the addon with the RunScript command from a button in the interface? Maybe using something like: RunScript(script.light.imdb.ratings.update) ?

You are right. this command line works perfectly :

Tested in my side.
But you need to have a skin where is possible to add a custom menu.
(2022-05-17, 08:46)Nanomani Wrote:
(2022-05-17, 08:29)Estevez99 Wrote: As a quick shortcut to avoid using the homescreen addons, could I run the addon with the RunScript command from a button in the interface? Maybe using something like: RunScript(script.light.imdb.ratings.update) ?

You are right. this command line works perfectly :

Tested in my side.
But you need to have a skin where is possible to add a custom menu.

Excellent. My skin already has shortcut buttons to run the TV Show Next Aired addon (and others), so I'll have a root around in the xml and duplicate a button to run this imdb addon.
Thanks for your help!
Hi guys,

Happy that you figured out the issue and thanks to @Karellen for the usual help!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-05-17, 23:03)axlt2002 Wrote: thanks to @Karellen for the usual help
You are welcome.

Any idea why a users states that his LightIMDB log is empty... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3098018
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Hello again,
One more thing that might be handy is a way of having movies/tv shows ignored by the updater addon. Currently, I have a bunch of animated shorts from festivals, collections of short films, etc which are not listed on IMDB, etc.
It would be nice if these didn't produce errors in the addon, so is there a way I can set these files to be ignored?
Maybe they could be ignored using a specific entry in the nfo file (or an IMDB/TMDB string/number.)
What do I do when the add-on get stuck on a show?:
Just a heads-up that v5.0.2 of the addon will no longer work with the latest Nexus v20 builds because "xbmc.translatePath" is now "xbmcvfs.translatePath".

You need to change a single line in resources\core\common.py
(2022-05-19, 11:09)viking2 Wrote: What do I do when the add-on get stuck on a show?:
Hi @viking2, I think it would be really more helpful if you post the log...  Nod
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-05-22, 07:00)WhatZit Wrote: Just a heads-up that v5.0.2 of the addon will no longer work with the latest Nexus v20 builds because "xbmc.translatePath" is now "xbmcvfs.translatePath".

You need to change a single line in resources\core\common.py
Hello @WhatZit, thanks for this notification. I will take it into account when starting to work on a new version.

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!

Anyone else having issues with IMDB lately? I run an updated every Monday at 09:00 but my ratings haven't been updated in 1-2 months or so (I don't know exactly when it started).

Seems like the addon is unable to connect to IMDB:
Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x01 (IMDb ID: tt13636426, TVDB ID: 8546915, TMDB ID: 1903004)
Method get_IMDb_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13636426/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (503 Service Unavailable)

But if I open the URL in my browser it works. Same error for all movies/episodes.

(2022-07-04, 17:53)beeta Wrote: Hi!

Anyone else having issues with IMDB lately? I run an updated every Monday at 09:00 but my ratings haven't been updated in 1-2 months or so (I don't know exactly when it started).

Seems like the addon is unable to connect to IMDB:
Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x01 (IMDb ID: tt13636426, TVDB ID: 8546915, TMDB ID: 1903004)
Method get_IMDb_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13636426/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (503 Service Unavailable)

But if I open the URL in my browser it works. Same error for all movies/episodes.

Hello @beeta, thanks a lot for your post.

503 error is usually reporting a problem on the server side (i.e. IMDb server) that is not able to manage the requests for diffrent reasons. In this case it seems that the service was just not available. Is this a persistent issue? There is no way at all to have the ratings updated even if you try in different hours? Finally, how many parallel threads you have configured in the add-on?

Thanks in advance for any further information you can provide!

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-07-05, 11:42)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2022-07-04, 17:53)beeta Wrote: Hi!

Anyone else having issues with IMDB lately? I run an updated every Monday at 09:00 but my ratings haven't been updated in 1-2 months or so (I don't know exactly when it started).

Seems like the addon is unable to connect to IMDB:
Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x01 (IMDb ID: tt13636426, TVDB ID: 8546915, TMDB ID: 1903004)
Method get_IMDb_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13636426/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (503 Service Unavailable)

But if I open the URL in my browser it works. Same error for all movies/episodes.

Hello @beeta, thanks a lot for your post.

503 error is usually reporting a problem on the server side (i.e. IMDb server) that is not able to manage the requests for diffrent reasons. In this case it seems that the service was just not available. Is this a persistent issue? There is no way at all to have the ratings updated even if you try in different hours? Finally, how many parallel threads you have configured in the add-on?

Thanks in advance for any further information you can provide!

Have a great day!
It's the same all day long. Tried different times on the day and different days.

I've been running 8 threads fine for a couple of years. When you mentioned this i lowered it to 1 and it worked! However the updated to 3,5h which is a bit to long I think. Have you experimentet what a optimal value would be?
1st time I've tried this add-on.  I use Kodi v20.  Initially I had errors.  I changed the code as you suggested and that brought it to life.  I wanted to thank you.  Big THANK YOU to the developer @axlt2002 for providing this for us!
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(2022-05-22, 07:00)WhatZit Wrote: Just a heads-up that v5.0.2 of the addon will no longer work with the latest Nexus v20 builds because "xbmc.translatePath" is now "xbmcvfs.translatePath".

You need to change a single line in resources\core\common.py

Thank you.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
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