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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Hello folks!

After a quite long time of silence, the new version 5.0.3 has been just released. Please do not expect any magics, is just a minor update that anyway will make someone happy!  Nod

Have a great summer!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-07-06, 14:42)beeta Wrote:
(2022-07-05, 11:42)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2022-07-04, 17:53)beeta Wrote: Hi!

Anyone else having issues with IMDB lately? I run an updated every Monday at 09:00 but my ratings haven't been updated in 1-2 months or so (I don't know exactly when it started).

Seems like the addon is unable to connect to IMDB:
Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x01 (IMDb ID: tt13636426, TVDB ID: 8546915, TMDB ID: 1903004)
Method get_IMDb_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13636426/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (503 Service Unavailable)

But if I open the URL in my browser it works. Same error for all movies/episodes.

Hello @beeta, thanks a lot for your post.

503 error is usually reporting a problem on the server side (i.e. IMDb server) that is not able to manage the requests for diffrent reasons. In this case it seems that the service was just not available. Is this a persistent issue? There is no way at all to have the ratings updated even if you try in different hours? Finally, how many parallel threads you have configured in the add-on?

Thanks in advance for any further information you can provide!

Have a great day!
It's the same all day long. Tried different times on the day and different days.

I've been running 8 threads fine for a couple of years. When you mentioned this i lowered it to 1 and it worked! However the updated to 3,5h which is a bit to long I think. Have you experimentet what a optimal value would be?
Hi, I have investigated a little bit more the issue and, at least on my side, the 503 error has not been systematic but it seems it happens more often than in the past. I guess that using 8 parallel threads my cause on the IMDb server side some issues, recognizing such requests as a DDoS attack; this is the only explaination I can give at the moment. This seems confirmed by the fact that having just 1 thread the update goes quite smoothly.

Hope you can All enjoy a great summer break!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-07-15, 15:50)axlt2002 Wrote: After a quite long time of silence, the new version 5.0.3 has been just released. Please do not expect any magics, is just a minor update that anyway will make someone happy!  Nod

Not so minor as it now works on Kodi N... thanks for that! Just out of curiosity, can what you did be done to other add-ons that work on Matrix but not yet on N?
(2022-08-10, 21:44)HeresJohnny Wrote:
(2022-07-15, 15:50)axlt2002 Wrote: After a quite long time of silence, the new version 5.0.3 has been just released. Please do not expect any magics, is just a minor update that anyway will make someone happy!  Nod

Not so minor as it now works on Kodi N... thanks for that! Just out of curiosity, can what you did be done to other add-ons that work on Matrix but not yet on N?
Hi @HeresJohnny, thanks a lot for your post.

Well, the fix was related just to a specific function that was deprecated. I'm not so much aligned with the differences between Kodi 19 and 20, but I'm sure the add-on developers will fix any issue in case. Just a question of time and patience. By the way, Kodi 20 is still in its alpha phase...  Wink

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Most add-ons will only need to update xbmc.translatePath as well as xbmc.LOGNOTICE and in case of repositories have their extensionpoints use <dir>
(2022-08-16, 16:36)HeresJohnny Wrote: Most add-ons will only need to update xbmc.translatePath as well as xbmc.LOGNOTICE and in case of repositories have their extensionpoints use <dir>
Ok, than it sounds really good!  Big Grin
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Me again with a feature request, don't hate me :-)

Add-ons like this one which update the properties of many single database objects cause ineffcient GUI refreshs. I am not sure if that is something that can be changed by the add-on or if it needs to done in Kodi core. In any case, when the add-on is running in the background and one tries to browse the library this comes almost to a halt because Kodi refreshes the GUI after each object is updated with the current rating.

To avoid these expensive refreshes it would be much better if some kind of queue or temp file could be used and values only written to the database after all updates are done. For example, comparisons between old and new ratings could be made and if the rating did not change, it would not need to be written to the database. If the value did change it could be held in memory/temp file and written to the db as a batch at the end of the run. That way you would first use the db only to read and in write mode only at the end. Not sure if those final commits could be concatenated into a single db command but that would be ideal.
(2022-09-08, 19:26)HeresJohnny Wrote: Me again with a feature request, don't hate me :-)

Add-ons like this one which update the properties of many single database objects cause ineffcient GUI refreshs. I am not sure if that is something that can be changed by the add-on or if it needs to done in Kodi core. In any case, when the add-on is running in the background and one tries to browse the library this comes almost to a halt because Kodi refreshes the GUI after each object is updated with the current rating.

To avoid these expensive refreshes it would be much better if some kind of queue or temp file could be used and values only written to the database after all updates are done. For example, comparisons between old and new ratings could be made and if the rating did not change, it would not need to be written to the database. If the value did change it could be held in memory/temp file and written to the db as a batch at the end of the run. That way you would first use the db only to read and in write mode only at the end. Not sure if those final commits could be concatenated into a single db command but that would be ideal.
Hello dear @HeresJohnny, thanks a lot for your post.

Regarding your request I can say that JSON-RPC API doesn't provide a way to udpate multiple entries with just one call. Having said that, the refresh issue you are encountering is anyway not related to that. I'm quite sure that if the add-on runs when Kodi is in the Home page, there are not such GUI refresh issues; on the contrary, if you are in any other page, you can just turn off in the add-on settings the progress update status so that this will solve your problem. Please let me know if I understood correctly your point.

Cheers!  Smile
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
@axlt2002 thanks a lot for your great add-on.

I would like to know how the scheduled updater behaves when kodi is not on during the scheduled update time?

Background is that I use kodi as android app under AndroidTv. Kodi is not always on. For example, if I set 7 o'clock and start the kodi app only at 8 o'clock, the scan is then performed?

Also, I would like to know if it would be theoretically possible to have the addon do a scan after the kodi start-up?
(2022-09-15, 12:31)HushPeter Wrote: @axlt2002 thanks a lot for your great add-on.

I would like to know how the scheduled updater behaves when kodi is not on during the scheduled update time?

Background is that I use kodi as android app under AndroidTv. Kodi is not always on. For example, if I set 7 o'clock and start the kodi app only at 8 o'clock, the scan is then performed?

Also, I would like to know if it would be theoretically possible to have the addon do a scan after the kodi start-up?
Hello @HushPeter, please to meet you and thanks for your questions!

Yes, you are right, if a scheduled update is missed, the add-on will perform it at the first occasion when Kodi starts. For the second question, at the moment that option is not supported; anyway, please note that ratings and votes on IMDb does not change so quickly to require an update every time Kodi starts (once a week I think it is just fine) also because if you have a huge library this will be just time (and resource) consuming.  Nod

Have a good night!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2022-09-13, 15:00)axlt2002 Wrote: I'm quite sure that if the add-on runs when Kodi is in the Home page, there are not such GUI refresh issues; on the contrary, if you are in any other page, you can just turn off in the add-on settings the progress update status so that this will solve your problem.

You are right, of course, that there is no refresh issue in the Home page. But since I like to use Kodi while other stuff is going on instead of patiently waiting I usually go to, say, a YouTube favorite and watch their latest streams. That is where the problem is coming in because it is very difficult to get any object to play because the constant refreshes keep cancelling the "Play" keypress. For this, it does not matter, unfortunately, if the Ratings add-on is set to run in the background (which it is, I like to run stuff like this with as little impact on the GUI as possible for the reasons explained).
(2022-09-22, 23:02)HeresJohnny Wrote:
(2022-09-13, 15:00)axlt2002 Wrote: I'm quite sure that if the add-on runs when Kodi is in the Home page, there are not such GUI refresh issues; on the contrary, if you are in any other page, you can just turn off in the add-on settings the progress update status so that this will solve your problem.

You are right, of course, that there is no refresh issue in the Home page. But since I like to use Kodi while other stuff is going on instead of patiently waiting I usually go to, say, a YouTube favorite and watch their latest streams. That is where the problem is coming in because it is very difficult to get any object to play because the constant refreshes keep cancelling the "Play" keypress. For this, it does not matter, unfortunately, if the Ratings add-on is set to run in the background (which it is, I like to run stuff like this with as little impact on the GUI as possible for the reasons explained).
Did you turn off the progress update status in the add-on settings?
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Everything in the "background" section is set to off except for "Update Notifications".
is Kodi 17 still supported?
I'm using Kodi 17.6 dsplayer and the light imdb update ran, but no votes are showing.
(2022-11-09, 06:31)jimbobjones Wrote: is Kodi 17 still supported?
I'm using Kodi 17.6 dsplayer and the light imdb update ran, but no votes are showing.
Hi @jimbobjones, thanks for your post.

A log would be really helpful to understand if there is some problem with the add-on (as far as I know it should work properly also with Kodi 17.x). Please refer to the first post to read how to provide the log.

Let me know.

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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