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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2023-01-05, 06:29)first_dominator Wrote: What would be my other best option as a scapper for TV-Shows?
TMDB TV Shows, which uses TheMovieDB.
If you have an account at TVDB, you can add the IMDB ID's.
There is no dedicated IMDB scraper for tv shows, so you need to rely on users that made the entries at TMDB or TVDB having added the IMDB ID along with all the other info.

The only difference with TMDB is that if you don't have the IMDB ID in your library database, LightIMDB will search TMDB for the episode using the TMDB ID, lookup the IMDB ID, and if there is one it will use it to to look up the rating at IMDB.
It doesn't happen this way with TVDB because they moved to a payment$$ model for their site.
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I have changed TV provider from "The TVDB (new)" to "The TVDB v4" and initiated scraping.
Finally, there is one very strange result: for one series that consists of 3 seasons, the first 2 seasons are scraped correctly, but the third season is not.
I have even removed all files from my NAS, did "clean library" action in Media-Library, ran the query:
delete FROM files WHERE idfile not in (select idfile from episode) and idfile not in (select idfile from movie) and idfile not in (select idfile from musicvideo) ORDER BY `idFile` DESC
to be sure there are no leftovers in the db for this series, then copied back content to my NAS, started again update library and... again only all episodes in seasons 1 and 2 are scraped (both without IMDB ratings)
Then I changed information provider from "The TVDB v4" to "The TVDB (new)" and with this provider all information (including IMDB ratings) are scraped for all 3 seasons.
This is for: https://thetvdb.com/series/dead-to-me#general
Also why it is not IMDB ratings scraped? Based on your screenshot it should be scraped because in the section "ON OTHER SITES" there are 8 links including to IMDB.
I have no clue what the problem is.

[EDIT] Once I have changed the name of the series from "Dead to me (2019)" into "Dead to me" scraping with "The TVDB v4" provider is successfully performed and Light IMDb rating update add-on did the job reading ratings. Issue closed.

Weridly, I runned the LIght Imdb and it found all ratings for all my 20k episodes even if some didn't had a IMDB ID.... not sure how....
Before if I tried to update a single episode it wasn't able to find since the IMDB ID wasn't on theTVDB.com

But I run the software for all (movies and TVshows) and magically everything updated....
And yes I'm still on TVDB v4 as a scraper....

I'm happy now!

(2023-01-07, 03:20)first_dominator Wrote: Weridly, I runned the LIght Imdb and it found all ratings for all my 20k episodes even if some didn't had a IMDB ID.... not sure how....
Actually I was thinking about this after I posted.
If you have "Seasons" method set in the LightIMDB addons settings page, then all that is needed is the IMDB ID for the tv show.
Though this method is not 100% accurate if the listing of your episodes is different to the listing at IMDB. Using the "Episode" setting means it matches episode for episode.
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Makes sense now... because I did reset the settings of the addon to default and that why it worked! Glad that we could figure it out!

Thanks for your help @Karellen 

Thanks for answering my question on the other post as well... Your awesome!
I guys, I'm just back from some Christmas vacations...and I just want to thank @Karellen for his help in the discussion above!  Wink

Wish you all a great 2023!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
I would say the idea of thetvdb.com database is quite poor... my understanding is that most of the information there about series is the result of what users insert manually, right?
I ran Light IMDb Ratings Update add-on against my series library and as reported above I have found out some of the newest episodes are lacking IMDB ratings.
Then I checked on thetvdb.com and indeed there are no information added about IMDB ratings, example: https://thetvdb.com/series/totenfrau/episodes/9386936
but as you can see that one particular series had been broadcasted more than 2 months ago and on IMDB web page of course there is rating 6.9: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15824988/?ref_=ttep_ep2
So in order to have this information added by Light IMDB Ratings Update add-on we rely on some good people who add information about episodes into thetvdb.com (I did that myself for other episodes for other series so I hope I will get some awards :-))
Now the question: why it is not possible to scrap (read) information about episodes ratings directly from IMDB? Is it doable at all or it is impossible from technical perspective?
(2023-01-13, 13:43)rafikW Wrote: I would say the idea of thetvdb.com database is quite poor... my understanding is that most of the information there about series is the result of what users insert manually, right?
I ran Light IMDb Ratings Update add-on against my series library and as reported above I have found out some of the newest episodes are lacking IMDB ratings.
Then I checked on thetvdb.com and indeed there are no information added about IMDB ratings, example: https://thetvdb.com/series/totenfrau/episodes/9386936
but as you can see that one particular series had been broadcasted more than 2 months ago and on IMDB web page of course there is rating 6.9: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15824988/?ref_=ttep_ep2
So in order to have this information added by Light IMDB Ratings Update add-on we rely on some good people who add information about episodes into thetvdb.com (I did that myself for other episodes for other series so I hope I will get some awards :-))
Now the question: why it is not possible to scrap (read) information about episodes ratings directly from IMDB? Is it doable at all or it is impossible from technical perspective?

On IMDb site, the movie/TV show/episode pages have the following url format: https://www.imdb.com/title/IMDb_ID/ (e.g. for The Last of Us is https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3581920/). So, as you can see, the IMDb ID is mandatory in order to reach directly the exact page; a search option based on the movie/TV show title or episode number is not "transparent" to the user, that is the main scope of this add-on.

As you reported, the point is really to help the community and fill the IMDd IDs in the movie/TV show/episode information pages on the reference sites. Please note that, as said by @Karellen, TheTVDB site is not supported by the add-on because they added a paid subscription in order to make use of the APIs. So, if you want to use this add-on, please contribute to TheMovieDB site.

Best Regards,

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Wow, this is a great addon to supplement the official TVDB v4 scraper!!

A huge thanks to @axlt2002 for coding and maintaining it!

And also a huge thank you to @Karellen for pointing me here in response to my question on another thread.  I would never have found this gem on my own without your help!

One question... when I run the script from the context menu on TV Shows, it redraws the screen for every episode that it finds.  Not a major problem other than it's quite irritating.  Is that the expected behavior, or can it be changed?  It doesn't do that when running the script globally from the Add-on menu, it just silently updates the ratings in the background.

Many thanks
(2023-01-18, 20:49)therealjoeblow Wrote: One question... when I run the script from the context menu on TV Shows, it redraws the screen for every episode that it finds.  Not a major problem other than it's quite irritating.  Is that the expected behavior, or can it be changed?  It doesn't do that when running the script globally from the Add-on menu, it just silently updates the ratings in the background.
Hi @therealjoeblow, thanks a lot for your post.

If I correctly understood your question, I can just say that the refresh of the screen does not depend on the add-on. I can only guess it depends on the skin and how (and where, i.e. under which sub-menu) it manages the redraws after each notification message. 

Anyway, in the add-on settings, you can disable all its notifications (including the update progress). I think this can be of help.

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Since moving to "The TVDB v4" I've dearly missed IMDB ratings on episodes. I've found your addon today and just wanted to say thank you as it works great and is really quick.
One question though - how do I run addon for single TV show? I'm using Kodi on Android TV and long press OK button gives context menu for the show, but I can't see any option for your addon. I did try switching to default skin, but context menu remained the same. Thank you in advance!
(2023-02-13, 21:47)RolandLT Wrote: I'm using Kodi on Android TV and long press OK button gives context menu for the show, but I can't see any option for your addon
Did you restart Kodi after installing the addon?
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Does this addon work with Kodi 20? I get an error everytime I start kodi, I think the line below is related to the addon:

CIRServerSuite:Tonguerocess: failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds


Edit: was using 5.0.2
(2023-02-14, 04:55)Edworld Wrote: Does this addon work with Kodi 20? I get an error everytime I start kodi, I think the line below is related to the addon:

CIRServerSuite:Tonguerocess: failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds


Edit: was using 5.0.2
look at this post regarding that 1 log line you posted. https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3016161
it's nothing to do with anything you are talking about.
(2023-02-14, 04:55)Edworld Wrote: CIRServerSuite:Tonguerocess: failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds
Add this to your advancedsettings.xml file to stop the scanning...



Nothing to do with LightIMDB
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