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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
(2023-02-13, 21:47)RolandLT Wrote: Since moving to "The TVDB v4" I've dearly missed IMDB ratings on episodes. I've found your addon today and just wanted to say thank you as it works great and is really quick.
One question though - how do I run addon for single TV show? I'm using Kodi on Android TV and long press OK button gives context menu for the show, but I can't see any option for your addon. I did try switching to default skin, but context menu remained the same. Thank you in advance!
Hello, thanks for your post.

As suggested by @Karellen , you should first restart Kodi in order to "refresh" the entries of the context menu. The Light IMDb Ratings Update option should be the last one in the list...

Let us know.

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2023-02-13, 21:56)Karellen Wrote: Did you restart Kodi after installing the addon?
(2023-02-14, 09:45)axlt2002 Wrote: As suggested by @Karellen , you should first restart Kodi in order to "refresh" the entries of the context menu. The Light IMDb Ratings Update option should be the last one in the list...

My apologies - indeed after restarting Kodi context menu option appeared. Thank you!
I was so exited to get IMDB ratings again that completely forgot to try and restart Kodi! Thank you again for such a great addon!
Good morning @axlt2002,

I am not too sure if there is a problem with the addon, but I noticed this morning that none of the episodes I try to update using the (season) method (as I have been doing for quite a while because it doesn't work using the "episode" option on my setup) does not work. I always use the context menu method and I do realize some episodes need time before the ratings are manually updated on the site, but I tried the series FBI and updated using the season, but the latest episode returns an error. I also tried the other FBI series, as well as Night Court and Will Trent.

I've attached my log, but I can't really see any errors with the addon.


UPDATE: I noticed that it started back working around 3:00PM DST for me. So please disregard this post.


(2023-02-15, 15:39)shedrock Wrote: https://paste.kodi.tv/ujerokesin.kodi
FYI... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/22748
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(2023-02-15, 18:53)Karellen Wrote: FYI... 22748 (PR)
Thanks, I am using Kodi v18.9 (LE 9.26), so I thought it was required.



from the look of it, the Light IMDB ratings update works only for IMDB (stating the obvious Tongue) and needs to be initiated manual for each movie.

so is there any other addon that updates the other ratings for example from rotten tomatoes, TMDB, etc.?
also how to regularly or automatically update the ratings for the whole library?

(2023-03-12, 16:57)nordicguy Wrote: Hi

from the look of it, the Light IMDB ratings update works only for IMDB (stating the obvious Tongue) and needs to be initiated manual for each movie.

so is there any other addon that updates the other ratings for example from rotten tomatoes, TMDB, etc.?
also how to regularly or automatically update the ratings for the whole library?

Hi @nordicguy , thanks for your post.

Personally I don't know other ratings updater for Rotten Tomatoes and/or TMDB. Did you search on the forum?

For what concern this add-on, well, you have the option for scheduled update (once a week in the add-on settings) or manual update (just run the add-on by clicking on the icon). Both of them can update the entire Kodi library (i.e. movies and TV shows). So there is no need to run the update manually for each movie as you written.

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
so nice! I found the schedule settings and it works nicely.

yes, I searched the forum and also the internet generally for other addons to update other ratings but I couldn't find any. hopefully someone with skills would be interested in creating them Wink

@axlt2002 do you know if this has been tested with v21?
Hi, no never tested on 21 (that I guess is even before alpha release). Of course you can give it a try just to check and report back of any issue. Anyway I'm not going to work on it (if needed) until the RC version...

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
It works on Kodi O. There should be very little refactoring - if any - needed for add-ons to move from 20 to 21 ... so far...
This is the snippet from the update.log:


Tina Live (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 27198)
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb - https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/27198...22754f969f -> missing IMDb ID

Pink Floyd: Delicate Sound of Thunder (IMDb ID: tt0097181, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 61598)
Rating: 8.4, Votes: 1187, Top250: n/a

Would it be possible to have an option in the add-on to get in the log file only entries with "missing IMDB ID" ?
That allow to see in the log only these items which are having no rating information and update them in TMDB so next time it is retrieved.
(2023-04-26, 11:58)rafikW Wrote: This is the snippet from the update.log:


Tina Live (IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 27198)
Method get_IMDb_ID_from_TMDb - https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/27198...22754f969f -> missing IMDb ID

Pink Floyd: Delicate Sound of Thunder (IMDb ID: tt0097181, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 61598)
Rating: 8.4, Votes: 1187, Top250: n/a

Would it be possible to have an option in the add-on to get in the log file only entries with "missing IMDB ID" ?
That allow to see in the log only these items which are having no rating information and update them in TMDB so next time it is retrieved.
Hi @rafikW, thanks for your post.

If you disable the option for the complete log, you should see only the updates that have issues, including the ones for which the IMDb is missing.

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
I havent used the add-on in a while, but today, I updated it to 5.1.1, restarted Kodi, and tried a couple of times to update but got errors 500/503, mostly on the update.log. 100% failure rate. Any ideas on what could be wrong? I can access IMDB normally. Thank you!

Beverly Hills Cop III (IMDb ID: tt0109254, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 306)
Method get_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109254/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (500 Internal Server Error)

Billionaire Boys Club (IMDb ID: tt0092659, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 57566)
Method get_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092659/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (503 Service Unavailable)

Billionaire Boys Club (IMDb ID: tt5179598, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 385360)
Method get_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5179598/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (503 Service Unavailable)

Bicentennial Man (IMDb ID: tt0182789, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: 2277)
Method get_page - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0182789/ -> Error accessing IMDb site (500 Internal Server Error)
Hi @jsmith432, thanks a lot for your post.

At the moment I'm having some vacations so I can not look into your problem. Anyway, it looks something related on IMDb site...did you try to connect to it via browser at in the same time frame? It would be nice to have eventual feedback also form other users on this. In addition, how many parallel threads are you using for the update process?

Have a great day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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