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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Just to thank you for the exchanges so far and the clarifications provided by @Karellen. I was out for a while but it looks that the add-on is still working!  Wink
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
The description says "to update the ratings". What does it mean "the ratings"? Are there already (old) ratings in kodi which have to be updated? Does kodi already contain a system to display ratings?
If you don't know it, you don't need it.

I seem to be having an issue with the addon for the last few days. I've noticed that Episode 1 on new shows added to the library does not apply the ratings. As you may remember, I use the "Season" option because the episode option does not work for me. Anyway, here is the log file. I do see the ratings for the TV series Bodkin "Episode 1", but it is not being applied.

LOG: https://paste.kodi.tv/oxoqijiloh


(2024-05-10, 13:28)shedrock Wrote: @axlt2002

I seem to be having an issue with the addon for the last few days. I've noticed that Episode 1 on new shows added to the library does not apply the ratings. As you may remember, I use the "Season" option because the episode option does not work for me. Anyway, here is the log file. I do see the ratings for the TV series Bodkin "Episode 1", but it is not being applied.

LOG: https://paste.kodi.tv/oxoqijiloh



Same here - did anyone figure out a workaround? With a couple of series, it allowed me to update the first episodes manually - by selecing the episode and using the Update IMDB Ratings context menu. But, with Moonlighting, for instance, it just returns an error.
(2024-06-13, 05:53)CodyLane Wrote: Same here - did anyone figure out a workaround? With a couple of series, it allowed me to update the first episodes manually - by selecing the episode and using the Update IMDB Ratings context menu. But, with Moonlighting, for instance, it just returns an error.
It appears that @axlt2002 hasn't been online for quite some time now. I guess we'll have to wait until he gets back. Hopefully all is well with him.


just tried this out on kodi v21
Starting Light IMDb Ratings Update (2024-06-18 16:55:30)
version 5.1.2
onMovies: true
onTVShows: true
IncludeEpisodes: true
UpdateMode: episode
IMDbDefault: false
NumberOfThreads: 8
ScheduleEnabled: false
looks like it updated movies just fine. but when it tries to update tv shows it fails to update the db:
2024-06-18 17:01:17.964 T:7724    debug <general>: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 36
and then from update.log looks like all the tv show lookups resulted in 503  anyways.
Tried this with Kodi Omega 21.0 as well and it didn't work. It doesn't update movies or shows for me. Tested with skin Estuary. It shows the popup window with the correct current IMDB rating but when hitting 'update' it closes the window, loads for a second and then pops up again. This can be done over and over again but the rating for the scraped media doesn't update.
Hello guys,

It is a long time that I'm not being here. Everything is ok, thanks @shedrock for your thought, it has been just a really busy period with other stuffs in the last months and I was no more able to follow here.

Looking at the posts above, it seems that there are some issues ongoing with the add-on. At the same time I don't know if these are still valid or not...

I'm don't promise anything, but I can try to give a look to some of them as soon as possible. In order to help me, I kindly ask to report which version of Kodi you are using, describe shortly the issue, share the update.log file as well as the video database, so that I can work directly on the Movies/TV Shows you are having the issue with. The database can be found under the folder userdata/Database and you can share it through WeTransfer (PM me the link in case you don't want to make it "public"). Please note that I will go only through the issues for which all the information above are provided.

I will do my best to support you, but please take into account that the time I can dedicate to it will be really best effort. I'm sure you will understand!  Nod

Have a great night!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2024-09-01, 23:26)axlt2002 Wrote: Hello guys,

It is a long time that I'm not being here. Everything is ok, thanks @shedrock for your thought, it has been just a really busy period with other stuffs in the last months and I was no more able to follow here.
So glad to know that you're ok man. Great news!

Well, I still have the issue with every TV show Episode 1 not updating. I do it manually, but that becomes tedious after a while. Big Grin Anyway, whenever you get some free time, that would be great if you can have e a look at it.

Kind regards,

Hello dear!

It seems that the error you are reporting is systematic, so no need for the update.log and database on your side for the moment. I will try to check as soon as possible. In case I will not be able to replicate the issue, I will ask you more information.

Have a pleasant day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for being patient...especially @shedrock!  Wink

Version 5.1.3 has been just released which fixes the ratings update for TV shows using the Season mode. I have performed an entire library update (including movies and TV shows) on my media center and all the ratings have been updated without any issue. I therefore not consider as pending the other issues that have been reported above, for which no logs were provided anyway.

Hope you will enjoy soon this new release!

All the best!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2024-09-22, 21:24)axlt2002 Wrote: Thanks a lot for being patient...especially @shedrock!  Wink
Awesome! I just tried it, and it works perfectly.

I thank you very, very much for your update and your continued contribution to this addon.

Kind regards,

You are more than welcome @shedrock!

Have a nice evening!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Thank you for continuing to develop this add-on; I find it so useful.
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