Android Build - Freetype2 error
I'm building from scratch... here's the configure command.


I can build all depends directory....

Until this step:

$ make


$ make apk


[100%] Built target wrap_libdvdnav
[100%] Built target kodi-libraries
[100%] Linking CXX shared library
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:147: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Stroker_Done'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:712: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Get_Glyph'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:718: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:720: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:751: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Done_Glyph'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:759: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Done_Glyph'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:769: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Done_Glyph'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:799: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Done_Glyph'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:132: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Stroker_New'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/xbmc/guilib/GUIFontTTF.cpp:291: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Stroker_Set'
/home/media/i4/kodi/xbmc/tools/depends/target/freetype2/arm-linux-androideabi-android=21-debug/src/cache/ftcbasic.c:221: error: undefined reference to 'FT_Get_Glyph'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/kodi.dir/build.make:437: recipe for target '' failed
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:420: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/kodi.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/kodi.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:83: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Can anyone give me a hint?
Please stop posting useless links that aren´t even related to the topic

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