Hyperion Ambilight and RemotePi at RaspberryPi 3

I have the hyperion so far quite well at run.

My question.

Can I extend the autostart.sh and shutdown.sh also the hyperion kill in the shutdown.sh remains and in the autostart.sh hyperion.config.json starts?

To this I will add the following content.

Autostart.sh of hyperion

/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json> /storage/logfiles/hyperion.log 2> & 1 &

And the following content from RemotePi.

#! / Bin / bash

Please help with how the 2 contents would look at an autostart.sh.

And then the shutdown.sh of hyperion

#! / Bin / bash
If ["$ 1"! = "Reboot"]; then
Sleep 3
Killall hyperiond

And shutdown.sh from RemotePi

#! / Bin / bash
If ["$ 1"! = "Reboot"]; then
Sleep 3
GPIOpin = 15
GPIOpin1 = 14
Echo "$ GPIOpin"> / sys / class / gpio / export
# Execute shutdown sequence on pin
Echo "out"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin / direction
Echo "1"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin / value
Usleep 125000
Echo "0"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin / value
Usleep 200000
Echo "1"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin / value
Usleep 400000
Echo "0"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin / value
# Set GPIO 14 high to feedback shutdown to RemotePi Board
# Because the irswitch.sh has already been terminated
Echo "$ GPIOpin1"> / sys / class / gpio / export
Echo "out"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin1 / direction
Echo "1"> / sys / class / gpio / gpio $ GPIOpin1 / value
Sleep 3

Please also help here as the 2 shutdown.sh would look like a shutdown.sh.

Many Thanks

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Hyperion Ambilight and RemotePi at RaspberryPi 30