Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
FireTV IPTV support?
All right before I get this jammed down my throat, I know that IPTV topics are verboten, but this has to do with the wiki, so bear with me for a moment.

In the known issues article (and it was in the original), it says...

'Live IPTV (via multicast UDP/RTP) is currently not supported due to missing kernel support' Huh

I will freely admit that I don't understand the multicast reference, but there are now some IPTV applications in the Amazon FireTV store, and the one that I am testing (I won't mention the name due to the restrictions) works just fine.

So here's the question - is this statement still true? If not, it needs to be removed.

Before we have to walk through the mud trying to find the exact wiki page, do you perhaps have the URL of it for us?
Here you go...


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