Whit27 Wrote:I have added this script and seem to be having issues.
When I run it... I am asked for my user name and password
It tells me the Username and Password was saved then it says I need to restart. I click OK
Then I get another screen that says Please exit and restart RunXM by hitting the back button to quit.
When I run it again... I am prompted to enter in my user name and password again. and its a never ending loop.
what XBMC are you running it on? (XBox, Windows, Mac, Linux...)
if you're on anything besides the XBox, try opening the "scripts/RunXM/data/login.txt" file.. check it to see if your username and password are actually stored in there. if you're on an XBox, transfer the file over to a computer, follow the directions below, then reupload it.
if you're on windows vista , XBMC sometimes doesn't get permission to edit a file, so that may be the only problem you're experiencing. to change it yourself, copy the file above to a location (ie desktop), open it and you'll see "NEW|NEW|" in the file
replace the first NEW with the username, and the second with your password.
you do need the "|" in between the username and password, and after the password.
save and close this file, then reupload it to your xbox, or replace the file in your installation.
when you've done this, repost and let me know if it's up and running.
also: let me know how RunXM looks in your resolution. i don't have anythign capable of that, so i haven't been able to test it.