Newbie question
Hi all
Here's my question :
1- I have a xiaomi mibox connected to my local network with ethernet
2- I share the mysql database on my synology NAS

- If i don't have the mibox connected to my LAN, kodi will start but won't launch (kodi logo screen) and i won't be able to use it because of the remote database access (in the advancesettings.xml)

What i'd like :

1- Use a 4G mobile network to get internet access
2- Be able to connect to my lan with a VPN to connect to the shared database
3- Use 4G for streaming instead of my DSL network ( too slow)

Is it possible to configure it?

Thank you for your answer

Hello @Holiven

Your three questions are not specific to Kodi. Rather they are general How To questions for network setup and access. There are other forums that are best suited for your questions.

We also do not provide support for VPN's as this is seen as a third party modification.

I will move your thread to Off-Topic where other members are free to respond if they are able to assist you.
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