Set backdrop in episodes/seasons screen
Hi .. Me again ...

Have most things working well but wanted to understand how I can set the backdrop for shows when in "episodes" screen

What I mean is that when I click on TV Shows and move the selection to different TV Shows .. the background image is one that has been downloaded for the appropriate show.
Yet when I select that icon to go to the episodes/seasons the background image reverts to the default "Big Bang Theory" image

How to I change this so that the image shown in either the "seasons" screen or the "episodes" screen is the downloaded image for the show?

Hope that makes sense?

I've just checked and for me it's working. In episodes view the fanart is correctly displayed.
There's something wrong on your side. The skin does not need any particular setting for this to work.

You are correct it is a "me not you" problem

Figured out that the image is correct if you are on the actual season/episode but the default is the ".." position which then displays Big Bang.

(PEBKAC issue)

Have to find me some more generic TV Images for the default ..

Thanks again
And wait there is more :-)

I can change the backdrop so I have a generic TV screen image rather than Big Bang ...

How do I change the initial "strip" picture in the starting menu (where you see all of the categories lined up next to each other) .. it still displays the Big Bang image.


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