Release Gismeteo (weather.gismeteo)
Can someone help me with the format for putting in a Location.
If I just leave the tick on 'use current location' it gives me the weather for Cooroy QLD Australia, but I live in Warwick QLD.
Have tried  - Warwick QLD, Australia, Warwick Australia, State Queensland   (the same as the website for Gismeteo)
Have tried with the tick on 'use current location' and with tick off - no difference - either error or I still get Cooroy QLD.
On the website it says Warwicks Location ID is 10695 - do I use that ??
all good, realised to just use spaces, no commas etc.
I recently installed the add ons in my kodi, and at first it looks fine.
I am however missing the Celsius measure unit for temperature. Are there plans to add this?
i installed LibreELEC 10.0.2 (Kodi Matrix 19.4) to my Raspberry Pi 3.
as weather add-on i installed Gismeteo
2022-04-24 16:22:46.085 T:673      INFO <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddons: weather.gismeteo v0.6.3+matrix.1 installed

but with this version i have the issue, that the forcast is always one day off.
on the screenshot it the date/time is 2022-04-24 16:06.
but the forcast for the next 7 days starts with 2022-04-23.
the detailed forcast is as expected with starting 2022-04-24 18:00.

any idea what is going wrong here?
previosly i had installed LibreELEC 9.2.8 (Kodi Leia) there the weather add-on Gismeteo worked without that issue.
(same Raspberry Pi, same Kodi settings, same Gismeteo settings, same location)
(2022-05-02, 18:35)beta-tester Wrote: hi,
i installed LibreELEC 10.0.2 (Kodi Matrix 19.4) to my Raspberry Pi 3.
as weather add-on i installed Gismeteo

but with this version i have the issue, that the forcast is always one day off.
oops, stupid me... i forgot tp set the correct time zone. sorry!
(2022-03-24, 12:05)sempai Wrote: I recently installed the add ons in my kodi, and at first it looks fine.
I am however missing the Celsius measure unit for temperature. Are there plans to add this?

you can set the temperature unit to °C in kodi settings, there, where you setup the language and time zone... further down.
Settings (System) | Interface | Regional -> Unit Formats -> Temperature unit: Regional (°C) or °C

in german:
Einstellungen (System) | Benutzeroberfläche | Regional -> Format für Maßeinheiten -> Temperaturmaßeinheit: Regional (°C) oder °C

in Kodi, maybe you have to install the language pack other than English first:
Add-On | Install from repository | Kodi Add-On repository | Look and feel | Languages | <the language pack of your choice>
Hi  vl_maksime,

I am italian and I found that your add-on has some words translated in my language, some others that remains in english when you display weather forecast.
Could you explain me where I can find your db to translate the words missing?
Anycase thank your for the add-on!

Bye paolo
Really sorry for bringing the thread up after 1.5 years of inactivity. The addon died on my kodi 18.9 installation a few days ago

The above is right after a reinstallation of the addon with no prior settings saved.
For what it's worth, I'm seeing the very same errors on my Kodi 20.2 devices (fresh install on OS X on a Mac Mini, existing install of OSMC on a Pi 2, and existing install of OSMC on Vero 4K).
Looks broken for everyone :-((
Same here on multiple devices.
It's working fine for me? Because I'm just that super special. 

Fine - it's broken :( 

If any of you gurus know how to properly post an "issue" on github? Or possibly lindelux already has?

But it seems he recently did whatever a developer merge is - so maybe he's already fixing it? 

My problem is that gismeteo provides me my only source of information on the weather - so I tossed on my bikini and headed for the beach. But... it's very cold out here? :(

OH! He just did a "force push" on the master branch, like 35 minutes ago! Mmmm.... 

But maybe he forgot to change the version number? I honestly just don't git that whole process :(
The addon works again with this update:

Thumbs Down 
*The Gismeteo Add-On has been coming up with an Error Log Message since 9 this morning & otherwise malfunctioning ~ uninstalling & reinstalling hasn't remedied the problem ~ still hoping for a Bug Fix but it hasn't happened yet(I've had Kodi on my iMac for 10 years & never had this happen ~ please help)
Thumbs Up 
*just noticed CodyLane's link to the Fix(it worked!)....Thx Cody

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