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v18 Grid for Leia
Thanks so much for this, great work  Big Grin
(2018-10-31, 08:44)b'sketti Wrote: There are a million potential reasons why Jeroen has not been active lately: priority of paid work that actually feeds and clothes himself and/or his family; kidnapped by elves and enslaved to make wooden toys for Christmas; the death of a close friend or family member; fatigue from arrogant, self-righteous abuse by ungrateful users of his free stuff; etc...

Bottom line: he owes no one here anything.
 biggest b##shit ever.
of course he owes nobody nothing, who said that.
But if you place a baby into the world and dozens of people adopt and like it you could at least leave a meassage after i don't know i
how many months. That's just normal behaviour for well educated people. Whatever happend this is not too much to ask for.
If he doesn't want to go on with the project, no probs.
Since Leia RC3 Season Posters are broken.
Instead Grid shows the standard tv show poster for all seasons.

That's it for the skin because it presumably won't be updated. RIP
(2018-11-07, 22:19)yoshitslc Wrote: Ok I fixed the problem with seasons poster !

In the Variables.XML, find the lines:


<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[ListItem.Art(season.poster)]</value>
<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[Container.Art(season.poster)]</value>

and replace them by theses lines

<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container.ListItem.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[Container.ListItem.Art(season.poster)]</value>
<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container.ListItem.Art(poster))">$INFO[Container.ListItem.Art(poster)]</value>

Save it, restart Kodi and the poster seasons will be back !
(2018-12-17, 18:33)_novalis Wrote:
(2018-10-31, 08:44)b'sketti Wrote: There are a million potential reasons why Jeroen has not been active lately: priority of paid work that actually feeds and clothes himself and/or his family; kidnapped by elves and enslaved to make wooden toys for Christmas; the death of a close friend or family member; fatigue from arrogant, self-righteous abuse by ungrateful users of his free stuff; etc...

Bottom line: he owes no one here anything.
 biggest b##shit ever.
of course he owes nobody nothing, who said that.
But if you place a baby into the world and dozens of people adopt and like it you could at least leave a meassage after i don't know i
how many months. That's just normal behaviour for well educated people. Whatever happend this is not too much to ask for.
If he doesn't want to go on with the project, no probs.

At the moment the best way I can describe the status of this project is "on indefinite hiatus / undecided".

There, I hope I have sufficiently answered to your needs.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can claim not being entitled while proving the exact opposite. I have my reasons for not being active around here. You don't know shit about them, and you don't get to decide if they are or are not "too much to ask for".

The entitlement around these parts sadly has only grown over time, and frankly I am sick of it. Typically enough, it is mostly the same type of people. Entitled, know it all's that haven't created anything themselves. You need to understand the difference between me sharing my work with you and working for you.

I don't have any desire to go into a discussion with you as we seem to have a different view of what normal behaviour entitles. And if you're supposed to be an example of "well educated", then I have serious doubts about the education system in wherever it is you are from.

I am sorry to the people around here that do not fall into the entitled prick category.
I think Jeroen has every right to be bothered by such a comment. One can not demand, they devote part of their time to give you a beautiful skin. But if they want they can disappear for 5 years without giving any explanation, they are in their right.
What I did was start using MRMC, I do not like Kodi 18 skins, and I have no problem paying for a service that offers technical and visual quality.
Someday I'll go back to Kodi, but Kodi is not offering modern skins, one of the few good jobs is Jeroen's. I thank you for everything dedicated to the Kodi project, your work is one of the most beautiful in the Kodi project.
MRMC Skin Ariana.
(2018-12-24, 01:38)Jeroen Wrote: At the moment the best way I can describe the status of this project is "on indefinite hiatus / undecided".

There, I hope I have sufficiently answered to your needs.

No, but better than nothing. And obviously you needed to save your energy to tell me what an idiot I am. Well done!

(2018-12-24, 01:38)Jeroen Wrote: You need to understand the difference between me sharing my work with you and working for you.
Here we go. If you really mean what you say here I feel sorry for you. You are much to sensitive and much more important :you don't get the point. You obviously don't understand the difference between a disrespectful claim and a request for information. You obviously don't have the understanding for the responsibility you have once you share your creation with the public and get people engaged with it. They sometimes also start to invest time and effort into it, repair bugs and so on, you know. But obviously you don't care. The only thing you can think about is that I requested something totally off the roof. Jesus Christ, do what you want. If you feel slamming on me instead of sharing usefull info for everyone, go ahead.
(2018-11-07, 22:19)yoshitslc Wrote: Ok I fixed the problem with seasons poster !

In the Variables.XML, find the lines:


<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[ListItem.Art(season.poster)]</value>
<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[Container.Art(season.poster)]</value>

and replace them by theses lines

<value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container.ListItem.Art(season.poster))">$INFO[Container.ListItem.Art(season.poster)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container.ListItem.Art(poster))">$INFO[Container.ListItem.Art(poster)]</value>

Save it, restart Kodi and the poster seasons will be back !

great, thanks a lot.
As someone who found it necessary to insinuate that my "behaviour" is not normal for well educated people, you had this coming and you certainly don't have any right to feel offended.

And you claiming here that I simply don't get it... Oh boy, how clueless can you get. This is exactly what I was talking about, the entitlement and know it all attitude by someone who hasn't created anything.

Quote:You obviously don't have the understanding for the responsibility you have once you share your creation with the public and get people engaged with it.
This cracks me up , tell me all about this responsibility you are talking about... You are so freaking clueless it seriously isn't even funny. This sums up the entitlement issue perfectly again, but you just don't seem to understand.

Let me spell it out for you: I have ZERO responsibility to you. ZERO. To think anything otherwise shows you have absolutely no clue about my intentions, open source development or basic common sense.

And of course now you want to go off about me not caring about or appreciating people using or contributing to the project. Oh wait, you already did:

Quote:They sometimes also start to invest time and effort into it, repair bugs and so on, you know. But obviously you don't care.

I think I have clearly shown my appreciation to people involved in this project as the readme and notes in the about section of the settings reflect. If anyone feels that this has not been the case they are free to stand up and tell me, whether in public or in private.

In the end though I assume they invested the time because they wanted to and out did so out of their own free will. I am not their employer, they are not a customer, you are not a shareholder, this is not a job.

If you feel that sharing work that I have literally spent thousands of hours on in my free time creates an obligation or even a responsibility to inform you, then you don't have the slightest clue about my intention, about open source development or about anything I have done before. The arrogance to think that you can judge whether or not something is "not too much to ask for" is astounding. People have jobs, social lives, other interests and private concerns.

And most of all, people set their own priorities. When health issues arise in the family, other things tend to receive less time or attention. Some don't get any. That's life, something you clearly have to learn about.

If that's something you aren't able to understand.. Trust me, then I really am not the one to feel sorry for.

Done with this presumably senseless discussion.

Happy new year people
I got all this from your first post already.
Seems like you don't live up to your own standards. You don't know anything about me too.
If you think that one has to be a shareholder or an employee to receive a word from the "creator" whether his project is still alive or not then that be it.
I wish you a happy new year and health around everybody you care about.
(2018-12-31, 12:37)_novalis Wrote: I got all this from your first post already.
Seems like you don't live up to your own standards. You don't know anything about me too.
If you think that one has to be a shareholder or an employee to receive a word from the "creator" whether his project is still alive or not then that be it.
I wish you a happy new year and health around everybody you care about.

Jiminy Christmas! Eek

I am sorry to intrude here but IMHO there just might be something wrong with your interpretation of our current reality in this "Matrix" that we all have to live in.


I wish you the very best for yourself and anyone you may know now or could possibly sometime in the unknowable future.
Big Grin Nod
For those who install and run latest nightly builds of Kodi...

Since exactly which nightly I'm not sure but after installing the latest Windows night (as at 07 JAN — KodiSetup-20190106-93e9045a-master-x64) Kodi advises that GЯ𝗶D is not compatible with this version and disables it.

This is easily circumvented (for now) by updating the version number reference in the skin's addon.xml file.
  1. The file is located at [profile folder of your Kodi installation]/addons/skin.grid/addon.xml
  2. Near the top of the file in the <requires> section change the version number in the following line to 5.14.0 as shown and restart Kodi...
<import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.14.0"/>
KODI v20 'Nexus' with SKIN Arctic Horizon
NAS Synology DiskStation DS212j with PVR TVheadend
HTPC Intel NUC5i5RYH with OS Windows 10
(2019-01-07, 09:34)b'sketti Wrote: For those who install and run latest nightly builds of Kodi...

Since exactly which nightly I'm not sure but after installing the latest Windows night (as at 07 JAN — KodiSetup-20190106-93e9045a-master-x64) Kodi advises that GЯ𝗶D is not compatible with this version and disables it.

This is easily circumvented (for now) by updating the version number reference in the skin's addon.xml file.
  1. The file is located at [profile folder of your Kodi installation]/addons/skin.grid/addon.xml
  2. Near the top of the file in the <requires> section change the version number in the following line to 5.14.0 as shown and restart Kodi...
<import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.14.0"/>
Thanks for the heads up!
Keep in mind that the skin was flagged as incompatible for a reason. There's been a fair few changes to the skinning in the 10 months since Jeroen last updated the skin (hence the things like broken season posters, etc), which is why the bumped the GUI API almost 2 months ago:

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