Does HDHR send full mux or does it demux, when used with Kodi and TVHeadend
Headline says it all.
There are three players here: HDHR itself, TVH, and the (stock) Kodi plugin for TVH. Not sure who is responsible for the decision - I believe that HDHR can supply a full mux or a single PID at request, but don't know what TVH or the plugin does, and nobody seems to be able to tell me so far...

Just trying to establish how much network traffic is involved when using TVH with a Raspberry Pi. I suspect rather a lot. I have a dual tuner HDHR Connect which seems to work fine, but I suspect that going to 4 tuners will choke the network.
HDHomerun Quatro, RaspPi/TVHeadend, NUC/Win10/Kodi, Mousetuary skin, Mouse on couch!
Tvheadend can receive the full mux, but streams sent to clients are filtered on PID so only a single service is sent per client. The pvr.hts (Tvheadend HTSP) addon is a client in this sense.

When tuning on a virtual channel (as the HDHomeRun View and the pvr.hdhomerun addons do) the tuner filters on PID at th device and does NOT send the full mux.

In any case, why would you want your viewing client to receive the full mux? You can only view a single service at a time anyway, so sending the full mux to a client would be a waste of bandwidth.
Thanks, that's clarified it for me. However, I'm using TVHeadend rather than the direct HDHR addon.

Naturally, I want to have the minimum network usage everywhere, and not sent a full mux to the decoding/viewing client - just concerned that it might be on the network between the tuner and TVH. But if not, that's great.
HDHomerun Quatro, RaspPi/TVHeadend, NUC/Win10/Kodi, Mousetuary skin, Mouse on couch!
Even when opening a mux on Tvheadend, only the requested services are opened. A full mux is not received by default, but rather it is filtered based upon requested services. So, if only one service from a mux is requested, then TVH will only receive that single service rather than the full mux.

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Does HDHR send full mux or does it demux, when used with Kodi and TVHeadend0