FLACs lacking titles - how to count them?
I have added some folder to Music. The folder contains some subfolders with albums presented as FLAC files without title tag (but having genre, artist, album and track numbers). Such files are not taken into account - I can not see them while browsing genre/artist/album - an album is empty. Is there some configuration option I have overlooked to resolve the issue?

The thing is, the music folder is rather wide and deep Smile to find and fix all such albums.
Use Tagscanner (free). It will show you all your tags and there is an option auto tag the title from file names.

You can then recan in Kodi
Or you could tag with MusicBrainz Picard. Kodi has support for MBID's

See here... http://kodi.wiki/view/Music_tagging
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Thanks, will play with Picard. Unfortunately, TagScanner doesn't work under Linux.
mp3tag is rather simpler and can sort by title so you can see all the missing ones. It can also add the titles with a filename mask using the actions menu.

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