Sorry if I was unclear before. What I meant was that a general search should give all library results separated into categories (movies, television, episodes, shows, actors, directors, artists, and songs), and selecting from a "person" category should show you a list of names, selecting one of those should then display that credit type across all categories.
Right now there is no way to search for an actors name, so if you don't know the exact spelling of someone (Steve Busc
? ) then you when you do a search for actor named Steve, it shows you all movies with an actor named Steve in them.
But if it displayed a list of all actors that match that name in a list and you could select the right one, then it could display all search results from the library that contain that actor (movies, episodes, music videos). Thereby not just showing every movie containing Steve Buscemi, but all the guest appearances and acting roles he had in any TV episodes in the library, as well as any music videos he has a credit in.
A directors search should behave the same as actors, displaying a list of directors names that match, and selecting one shows every piece of media they have a director credit in.
Right now searching for an actor named "Steve" will show you every movie with every actor named Steve in it and nothing else.
There is also no way currently to search for television actors at all.