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Release Special Features
Great work! I love that it works with MySQL Smile

My only problem now is that I went through and "sorted" the contents of some Extras folders into separate subfolders (e.g. "Alternative Versions" and "Clips"). I am not seeing any of those that I modified, so I assume that only certain sub folders are scanned? The official wiki led me to believe that recursive scanning was turned on by default (per some of the examples, e.g. "3D Verison\BDMV\index.bdmv" – it wasn't clear what "a properly structured 'Extras' directory" meant).

Would it be possible to enable recursive scanning – either wholesale scanning of any folder, or specific folders (perhaps in a similar manner to the option for excluding specific file extensions)? I want to keep some files separate (for organizational neatness), and I also like having certain files all share the same keywords within their folder hierarchy (for searching purposes).

I may adopt a similar tactic to one described above (@"chrissix") where multiple add-ons are in play, but I would prefer to use the one you have built, @smitchell6879.

Thank you, either way! Keep up the good work Wink

EDIT: From the sound of it (sorry, only skimmed during first read), you seem to be pretty tied up at the moment. I see the code involved in iteration.py, but I don't know python yet, so I would probably just break things. I think if you added an else clause to verifySub and then called verifyDir again (in place), that might do it. Then again, it may be better/easier to add subfolder support, that way you could have "Extras -> Season ##" support for TV Shows. If I crack it on my own, I will send you the code or submit a pull request.

If you go to Link to Supported Skins you can find all the files that need to be modified within these. You want to modify xconfluence so i would assume the already supported confluence skin would be similar. You or @Helly1206 are more then welcome add support and send a pull request to the git.


So i know it may seem simple but adding support of "any" subfolder can get complicated fast, maybe i am just not familiar with Kodi's addon system, not sure the blame. But what is supported if i remember right are only movie subfolders as i wrote this script so i could add my bonus discs to kodi in a cleaner way. So i am looking for .isos, bluray and dvd folder formats, everything else should not be in subfolders. If you have things in subfloors I would put it back in the root of the extras folder and maybe change the naming to organize them..

If you want to sort them maybe try something like "Movie Clips - blah #1, Movie Clips - haha #2, Trailer - Unrated, Trailer - Theatrical, Trailer - Red Band, etc.

Basically sort them into categories with the name?

To be honest. I have learned a lot since writing this script and i do have yet another very complex "code wise" alternative that I have been working on in my spare time. Not that there is much spare time when building a house and working a full time job, but it will be something different, I am making something that will be a all in one solution to a lot of issues i have with kodi, that i prefer from plex, and vise versa. As of now i have just been working and testing different parts of the back-end and trying to figure out a good way to distribute once i get that far but for now, there is nothing really to show, and i don't know exactly how i am going to bring it all together so I don't want to say to much.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod

I haven't any success in duplicating the addon. Was able to duplicate the addon, but its always allocated to the same directories.

Now i use the addon
Special Features for Extras Collection in a movie
EDIT: Name neutralized, banned Extras Addon for Trailer Collection in a movie
Extras for Soundtracks and Scores in a movie
(2018-10-14, 07:38)smitchell6879 Wrote: If you want to sort them maybe try something like "Movie Clips - blah #1, Movie Clips - haha #2, Trailer - Unrated, Trailer - Theatrical, Trailer - Red Band, etc.

Basically sort them into categories with the name?

Yeah, I could do that with a Shell script. Just hate to flatten it like that.
(2018-10-14, 07:38)smitchell6879 Wrote: To be honest. I have learned a lot since writing this script and i do have yet another very complex "code wise" alternative that I have been working on in my spare time. Not that there is much spare time when building a house and working a full time job, but it will be something different, I am making something that will be a all in one solution to a lot of issues i have with kodi, that i prefer from plex, and vise versa. As of now i have just been working and testing different parts of the back-end and trying to figure out a good way to distribute once i get that far but for now, there is nothing really to show, and i don't know exactly how i am going to bring it all together so I don't want to say to much.

I understand and I wish you well with all of that. This could be a very good "template" for me to begin learning python, so who knows, could be a blessing in disguise.

As far as TV Shows go, where are you looking for the "Extras" directory? I have mine in each Season's folder, so I suspect you are looking in a Show's root folder, correct?

>Season 0
>Season 1
>Season 2

Is that right, or are Extras for TV Shows still not supported?

(2018-10-14, 10:49)chrissix Wrote: I haven't any success in duplicating the addon. Was able to duplicate the addon, but its always allocated to the same directories.

I'm not sure what you mean by "allocated to the same directories"?

Are you syncing with an SQL db? If so, you probably need to modify the code to have each of your cloned Add-Ons input files into their own table in the DB (e.g. "specialfeatures2", "sf_trailers", etc). Would also probably need to modify the code that inserts the context item to change the text from "Special Features" to "Trailers", or w/e (as well as other similar cosmetic changes to allow for more distinction between your clones).
Thanks smitchell6879 and overtire for your add-on.

I currently have all my movies in 1 folder. Is it still possible to use this add-on with my current setup or do I need to put each movie in its own folder and then create an Extras folder within each movie folder. 

I have tried adding a new folder with the name of the movie and then creating an Extras folder within that but it doesn't work. 

As I have had this setup for some time, I would rather not have to create new folders for each movie and rescan.
The way it works:
Movies Folder-->
Movie 1-->Extras (folder is in the movies folder)
Movie 2-->Extras (folder is in the movies folder)
Movie 3-->Extras (folder is in the movies folder)

So if you have one folder with all of your movies in it then it will not work for you.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Thanks for the reply.

1 more question if I may. I am using Arctic Zephyr which is a supported skin and have moved some movies into its own folder and have your add-on working. Some movies have special features but others dont. I read a comment by Karellen that you can "display a flag when Extras are available for a title". How do I set that up.

Thanks again.
May you can help with this.

I wish I could but I honestly have not looked at the code in months, I am in the middle of building a house and getting married this weekend actually. Evertiro added skin support for a lot of the skins I did the python part and only one skin. The best I can remember is copy over the extras files and over write the skin to get the added support. If that is not doing what you want then either he will have to help or maybe someone else can step in and help.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Thanks again smitchell6879,

I think I found the media flag location. Was looking at the wrong place.

BTW, congrats on your big weekend.
Sorry, been out of town for the holidays. Did you get all sorted out @satelly?
(2018-03-25, 07:02)smitchell6879 Wrote: ...SNIP... Edworld I can fix your problem but it will 100% break the thumbnail generation. What your issues is you have your default action to show info. Since I am providing a video with a direct link to it location Kodi is trying to scan the item into Kodi's database instead of using the info I have set. So another corky response that I can not fix, however I can change the url to the video to plugin.video.specailfeatures/?action=play,video=pathtoyourvideo. By doing so Kodi will use the information I have provided correctly and the video will play no problem, but now the "path" is not a file it is a virtual file so Kodi will not generate thumbnails at all for this item.

@smitchell6879 or evertiro:

I'm running into something like Edworld's problem today. First off, GREAT add-on, it does (almost) everything I want it to do. I just moved from Kodi 15.2 to 17.6 and am using the Aeon Nox Silva skin v6.0.15 on Windows 10. I added the patches and everything seemed to be working great until I tried to play a special feature and got the message to "Enter the Movie Name". After I changed "Show Information" to "Play" as the default action for movies, the SF portion worked as expected. I do like the "Show Information" page as the default, however, and without it, I'm forced to go into the SF add-on and wait for the loading of special features, not knowing if there even are any until it loads.

Since I don't care about thumbnails on the special features, would changing the URL to any special features video fix this and allow viewing from each movie or TV Show's Info page? Is that fix somewhere on Github or can I do it myself? After the above post, the issue seemed to drift away and I can't find anything more on it. Thanks for this add-on and your help!

Unfortunately "atm" i cant really look into the issue or even try to replicate it as I am still trying to finish building my house so that i can move in. It has been so long since i have looked at the code it would take a while to figure out all the ends and out again. If you understand python the source code is on GitHub so your more then welcome to try to figure out what the issue maybe and fix it. If you do please make a pull request will be glad to get it added.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
Thanks, but I only know enough about Python to be dangerous! I'll take a look though, just for snicks. Good luck with the house and Happy New Year!
Thanks! and Happy New Year to you as well.
Shield TV | Windows 10 | Mariadb | Mii Box
Evolve Ecosystem Repo | TV Melodies | Madnox Holiday Mod
(2018-12-30, 14:17)evertiro Wrote: Sorry, been out of town for the holidays. Did you get all sorted out @satelly?
 thanks evertiro. all sorted.
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